private void drawLoadingMessage() { GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); // Loading message texture size is 372 x 64 GLDrawer.useTexture(Textures.LOADING_MESSAGE); GLDrawer.drawQuad( 32, 404, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 96, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 32); }
public void sendPlayerToDestinationBoard() { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().setCurrentBoardName(destinationBoardName); Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getPosition().setAll(destinationCoordinate); setNewDestination("", null); Crissaegrim.currentlyLoading = false; Crissaegrim.clearGhosts(); }
public void drawScene() { GLDrawer.clear(); Board currentBoard = Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard(); if (Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard() != null) { GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); ClientBoard.drawBackground(currentBoard); GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForScene(); ClientBoard.draw(currentBoard, TileLayer.BACKGROUND); ClientBoard.draw(currentBoard, TileLayer.MIDDLEGROUND); for (Doodad doodad : currentBoard.getDoodads().values()) { if (!Crissaegrim.getDebugMode()) { doodad.draw(); } else { doodad.drawDebugMode(); } } drawLocalDroppedItems(); Crissaegrim.getPlayer().draw(); if (Crissaegrim.getDebugMode()) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().drawDebugMode(); } drawGhosts(); ClientBoard.draw(currentBoard, TileLayer.FOREGROUND); drawParticleSystems(); } GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().draw(); while (!waitingChatMessages.isEmpty()) { Crissaegrim.getChatBox().addChatMessage(waitingChatMessages.remove(0)); } Crissaegrim.getChatBox().draw(); }
private void drawGhosts() { synchronized (Crissaegrim.getNpcGhosts()) { for (EntityStatus ghost : Crissaegrim.getNpcGhosts().values()) { drawGhost(ghost); } } synchronized (Crissaegrim.getPlayerGhosts()) { for (EntityStatus ghost : Crissaegrim.getPlayerGhosts().values()) { drawGhost(ghost); } } }
private void setIconForLocalDroppedItems() { Iterator<LocalDroppedItem> localDroppedItemsIter = localDroppedItems.iterator(); while (localDroppedItemsIter.hasNext()) { LocalDroppedItem localDroppedItem =; if (!Crissaegrim.getPlayer().isBusy() && Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getCurrentBoardName().equals(localDroppedItem.getBoardName()) && RectUtils.rectsOverlap( Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getEntityEntireRect(), localDroppedItem.getBounds())) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().setIcon("F"); } } }
/** * @return A {@link Coordinate} in world coordinates for the spot where the mouse pointer is * currently located */ public Coordinate getCoordinatesForMouse() { Player player = Crissaegrim.getPlayer(); double pixelsPerTile = (double) Crissaegrim.getPixelsPerTile(); double ptX = player.getPosition().getX() - (Crissaegrim.getWindowWidth() / 2 / pixelsPerTile) + (Mouse.getX() / pixelsPerTile); double ptY = player.getPosition().getY() - (Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() / 2 / pixelsPerTile) + (Mouse.getY() / pixelsPerTile); return new Coordinate(ptX, ptY); }
private void setIconForDoodads() { if (Crissaegrim.getPlayer().isBusy()) { return; } Iterator<Doodad> doodadIter = Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard().getDoodads().values().iterator(); while (doodadIter.hasNext()) { Doodad doodad =; if (doodad.isActionable() && RectUtils.coordinateIsInRect( Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getPosition(), doodad.getBounds())) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().setIcon(doodad.getActionIcon()); } } }
private void drawLocalDroppedItems() { Iterator<LocalDroppedItem> localDroppedItemsIter = localDroppedItems.iterator(); while (localDroppedItemsIter.hasNext()) { LocalDroppedItem localDroppedItem =; if (localDroppedItem.getBoardName().equals(Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getCurrentBoardName())) { if (!Crissaegrim.getDebugMode()) { localDroppedItem.draw(); } else { localDroppedItem.drawDebugMode(); } } if (localDroppedItem.update()) { localDroppedItemsIter.remove(); } } }
public void requestTravelToDestinationBoard() { if (!destinationBoardName.isEmpty() && destinationCoordinate != null) { Crissaegrim.addOutgoingDataPacket( new PlayerIsChangingBoardsPacket( destinationBoardName, !boardMap.containsKey(destinationBoardName))); Crissaegrim.currentlyLoading = true; Crissaegrim.numPacketsReceived = 0; Crissaegrim.numPacketsToReceive = 0; } }
/** * Displays one of the message textures made in MSPaint until the client is closed. * * @param texture The texture id of the message to display * @param width The width of the texture * @param height The height of the texture * @param optionalTitleChange This message will be shown on the title bar. A {@code null} or empty * string will be ignored. * @throws InterruptedException */ public void displayMessageForever(int texture, int width, int height, String optionalTitleChange) throws InterruptedException { if (optionalTitleChange != null && !optionalTitleChange.trim().isEmpty()) { GameInitializer.setWindowTitle(optionalTitleChange); } while (!Display.isCloseRequested()) { GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); GLDrawer.clear(); GLDrawer.useTexture(texture); GLDrawer.drawQuad( 32, 32 + width, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 32 - height, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 32); Display.update(); Thread.sleep(100); } Display.destroy(); }
private void drawLoadingProgressBar() { if (Crissaegrim.numPacketsToReceive != 0) { // Loading message texture size is 372 x 64, so use that width... double amtLoaded = (double) Crissaegrim.numPacketsReceived / (double) Crissaegrim.numPacketsToReceive; int progressBarRight = (int) (((1.0 - amtLoaded) * 32.0) + (amtLoaded * 404)); GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); GLDrawer.disableTextures(); GLDrawer.setColor(0.15, 0.45, 0.15); GLDrawer.drawQuad( 32, progressBarRight, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 136, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 106); GLDrawer.setColor(0.66, 0.66, 0.66); GLDrawer.setLineWidth(2); GLDrawer.drawOutline( 32, 404, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 136, Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 106); GLDrawer.setLineWidth(1); } }
private void drawMouseHoverStatus() { Coordinate mouseCoords = getCoordinatesForMouse(); String players = ""; synchronized (Crissaegrim.getPlayerGhosts()) { for (EntityStatus ghost : Crissaegrim.getPlayerGhosts().values()) { Coordinate ghostCoordinate = new Coordinate(ghost.getXPos(), ghost.getYPos()); Rect playerBounds = RectUtils.getPlayerBoundingRect(ghostCoordinate); RectUtils.expandRect(playerBounds, 0.6); if (RectUtils.coordinateIsInRect(mouseCoords, playerBounds)) { players += ", " + ghost.getName(); } } } if (!players.isEmpty()) { TextTexture mouseHoverStatus = Crissaegrim.getCommonTextures().getTextTexture(players.substring(2)); int top = Crissaegrim.getWindowHeight() - 5; GLDrawer.useTexture(mouseHoverStatus.getTextureId()); GLDrawer.drawQuad(5, 5 + mouseHoverStatus.getWidth(), top - 20, top); } }
private void drawParticleSystems() { synchronized (particleSystems) { Iterator<ParticleSystem> particleSystemIter = particleSystems.iterator(); while (particleSystemIter.hasNext()) { ParticleSystem particleSystem =; if (particleSystem.getBoardName().equals(Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getCurrentBoardName())) { particleSystem.draw(); } if (particleSystem.update()) { particleSystemIter.remove(); } } } }
private void drawPlayerHealthBar() { int healthBarRight = Crissaegrim.getWindowWidth() - 10; int healthBarLeft = healthBarRight - 120; int healthBarBottom = 10; int healthBarTop = healthBarBottom + 25; double amtHealth = Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getHealthBar().getAmtHealth(); int healthBarMiddle = (int) (((1.0 - amtHealth) * healthBarLeft) + (amtHealth * healthBarRight)); GameInitializer.initializeNewFrameForWindow(); GLDrawer.disableTextures(); GLDrawer.setColor(0.812, 0.188, 0.188); GLDrawer.drawQuad( healthBarLeft, healthBarRight, healthBarBottom, healthBarTop); // Draw red backing GLDrawer.setColor(0.102, 0.533, 0.227); GLDrawer.drawQuad( healthBarLeft, healthBarMiddle, healthBarBottom, healthBarTop); // Draw green remaining GLDrawer.setColor(0.686, 0.741, 0.686); GLDrawer.setLineWidth(2); GLDrawer.drawOutline( healthBarLeft, healthBarRight, healthBarBottom, healthBarTop); // Draw outline GLDrawer.setLineWidth(1); }
public void run() throws InterruptedException, IOException { GameInitializer.initializeDisplay(); Textures.initializeTextures(); Crissaegrim.initializePlayer(boardMap); Player player = Crissaegrim.getPlayer(); EntityMovementHelper playerMovementHelper = player.getMovementHelper(); Crissaegrim.getValmanwayConnection().connectToValmonwayServer(); if (Crissaegrim.connectionStable) { // Wait to get player id... long lastSend = 0; while (player.getId() == -1) { if (Thunderbrand.getTime() - lastSend > Crissaegrim.getValmanwayConnection().getConnectionTimeoutMillis()) { lastSend = Thunderbrand.getTime(); Crissaegrim.addOutgoingDataPacket( new RequestPlayerIdPacket(Crissaegrim.getClientVersion())); } } } else { // Couldn't connect + offline mode disallowed; display error and quit displayMessageForever(Textures.NO_CONNECTION_MESSAGE, 458, 64, null); return; } if (player.getId() == -2) { // playerId of -2 signifies outdated version displayMessageForever( Textures.CLIENT_OUTDATED_MESSAGE, 595, 102, "Your version is outdated!"); return; } Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Welcome to Crissaegrim!"); setNewDestinationToSpawn(); requestTravelToDestinationBoard(); // Set name to last used username if applicable: String lastUsername = Crissaegrim.getPreferenceHandler().getLastUsername(); if (lastUsername != null) { Crissaegrim.addOutgoingDataPacket( new SendChatMessagePacket(new TextBlock("/setname " + lastUsername, Color.WHITE))); } else { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Tip: You can use /setname to permanently set your username."); } // initializeGame(); lastFPSTitleUpdate = Thunderbrand.getTime(); GameInitializer.initializeOpenGLFor2D(); long startTime, endTime, elaspedTime; // Per-loop times to keep FRAMES_PER_SECOND while (!Display.isCloseRequested()) { startTime = Thunderbrand.getTime(); if (!Crissaegrim.connectionStable) { // Lost connection to server Crissaegrim.getValmanwayConnection().closeConnections(); displayMessageForever( Textures.LOST_CONNECTION_MESSAGE, 423, 64, "Connection lost - Please restart"); return; } // Update the board, including all entities and bullets: if (!Crissaegrim.currentlyLoading) { ClientBoard.verifyChunksExist(Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard()); if (Crissaegrim.currentlyLoading) { continue; } player.update(); setIconForDoodads(); setIconForLocalDroppedItems(); // Draw new scene: drawScene(); // Get input and move the player: if (Crissaegrim.getChatBox().isTypingMode()) { Crissaegrim.getChatBox().getKeyboardInput(true); } else { getKeyboardAndMouseInput(); } drawMouseHoverStatus(); playerMovementHelper.moveEntityPre(); Item itemToUse = playerMovementHelper.getItemToUse(); if (itemToUse != null && !player.isBusy()) { // Cycle through relevant click-to-interact Doodads: for (Doodad doodad : Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard().getDoodads().values()) { if (!player.isBusy() && RectUtils.coordinateIsInRect(player.getPosition(), doodad.getBounds())) { switch (doodad.getDoodadAction()) { case DoodadActions.MINE_ROCK: if (!(player.getInventory().getCurrentItem() instanceof ItemPickaxe)) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage( "You need to be holding a pickaxe to mine this rock."); } else if (player.getInventory().isFull()) { new DialogBoxRunner().run(new DialogBox("Your inventory is full.", "Ok")); } else { MineableRock mineableRock = (MineableRock) doodad; ItemPickaxe pickaxe = (ItemPickaxe) (player.getInventory().getCurrentItem()); if (!mineableRock.isDepleted()) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("You start mining the rock..."); player.setBusy( new MiningRockBusy(player.getPosition(), pickaxe.getPickaxeType())); Crissaegrim.addOutgoingDataPacket( new MineRockRequestPacket( mineableRock.getId(), player.getId(), player.getBusy().getId(), player.getCurrentBoardName(), mineableRock.getChanceOfSuccess() * pickaxe.getChanceOfSuccessMultiplier())); } } break; default: break; } break; // Found the relevant Doodad; ignore the rest } } // Use item if necessary: if (itemToUse instanceof ItemSword) { // TODO: This should be split up depending upon the weapon and attack type // TODO: Bounding rect of sword swing should not be entire entity ItemSword sword = (ItemSword) (itemToUse); player.setBusy(new SwordSwingBusy(sword.getSwordType())); Crissaegrim.addOutgoingDataPacket( new AttackPacket( new Attack( player.getId(), player.getCurrentBoardName(), player.getSwordSwingRect(sword), sword.getAttackPower(), 1))); } else if (itemToUse instanceof ItemPartyPopper) { ItemPartyPopper popper = (ItemPartyPopper) (itemToUse); Crissaegrim.addOutgoingDataPacket( new ParticleSystemPacket( 125, playerMovementHelper.getCoordinateClicked(), player.getCurrentBoardName(), popper.getColor())); if (popper.removeOneFromStack()) { player.getInventory().removeCurrentItem(); } } } playerMovementHelper.moveEntityPost(); drawHUD(); // Transmit data to the server Crissaegrim.getValmanwayConnection().sendPlayerStatus(); } else { drawScene(); drawLoadingMessage(); drawLoadingProgressBar(); } Display.update(); endTime = Thunderbrand.getTime(); elaspedTime = endTime - startTime; Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, MILLISECONDS_PER_FRAME - elaspedTime)); updateFPS(Math.max(0, MILLISECONDS_PER_FRAME - elaspedTime)); } Display.destroy(); Crissaegrim.getValmanwayConnection().closeConnections(); }
/** Detects keyboard and mouse input and makes the main player react accordingly. */ private void getKeyboardAndMouseInput() { Player player = Crissaegrim.getPlayer(); EntityMovementHelper pmh = player.getMovementHelper(); if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_A)) { pmh.requestLeftMovement(); } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_D)) { pmh.requestRightMovement(); } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_W) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE)) { pmh.requestJumpMovement(); } while ( { if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { // Key was pressed (not released) int pressedKey = Keyboard.getEventKey(); // if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_B) { // DialogBoxRunner dbr = new DialogBoxRunner(); // DialogBox.Result res = DialogBox( // Arrays.asList("A wild dialog box appeared!", "Do you want to set this location as // your respawn point?"), // Arrays.asList("Yes", "No", "I-I don't know, I thought I heard a thump?"))); // if (res == DialogBox.Result.BUTTON_1) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Cool."); } // else if (res == DialogBox.Result.BUTTON_2) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Fine!"); } // else if (res == DialogBox.Result.BUTTON_3) { // Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("P-President Fabio?"); } // } // if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_B) { // new SmithingRunner().run(); // Incomplete // } if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_B) { player.receiveItem(Items.tameikeSword()); player.receiveItem(Items.tameikePickaxe()); player.receiveItem(Items.bluePartyPopper()); } if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_T || pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN) { // T or Enter: Enter chat mode Crissaegrim.getChatBox().enableTypingMode(); return; // Don't process any more keys! } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_UP) { // Up arrow: Select previous inventory item player.getInventory().selectPreviousItem(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) { // Down arrow: Select next inventory item player.getInventory().selectNextItem(); } else if (pressedKey >= Keyboard.KEY_1 && pressedKey <= Keyboard.KEY_8) { // 1-8: Select inventory item player.getInventory().selectSpecificItem(pressedKey - Keyboard.KEY_1); } else if (pressedKey == 41) { // Backtick (`) key Crissaegrim.toggleDebugMode(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) { // Tab key: Toggle zoom Crissaegrim.toggleZoom(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_M) { // M key: Toggle window size Crissaegrim.toggleWindowSize(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_E) { // E key: Open inventory new InventoryRunner().run(); } else if (pressedKey == Keyboard.KEY_F) { // F key: Activate F-key doodads or pick up items boolean pickedUpAnItem = false; Iterator<LocalDroppedItem> localDroppedItemsIter = localDroppedItems.iterator(); while (localDroppedItemsIter.hasNext()) { LocalDroppedItem localDroppedItem =; if (!player.isBusy() && player.getCurrentBoardName().equals(localDroppedItem.getBoardName()) && RectUtils.rectsOverlap( Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getEntityEntireRect(), localDroppedItem.getBounds())) { if (player.getInventory().isFull()) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage("Your inventory is full."); } else { Item item = localDroppedItem.getItem(); if (item instanceof StackableItem) { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage( "You picked up " + ((StackableItem) (item)).getNumberInStack() + " " + item.getName() + "s."); } else { Crissaegrim.addSystemMessage( "You picked up " + TextUtils.aOrAn(item.getName()) + " " + item.getName() + "."); } player.getInventory().addItem(item); localDroppedItemsIter.remove(); pickedUpAnItem = true; } break; } } if (!pickedUpAnItem) { // If the F key was not used to pick up an item, it will be used to // activate a doodad for (Doodad doodad : Crissaegrim.getCurrentBoard().getDoodads().values()) { if (!player.isBusy() && RectUtils.coordinateIsInRect(player.getPosition(), doodad.getBounds())) { switch (doodad.getDoodadAction()) { case DoodadActions.GO_THROUGH_DOORWAY: Door door = (Door) doodad; pmh.resetMovementRequests(); setNewDestination( door.getDestinationBoardName(), door.getDestinationCoordinate()); requestTravelToDestinationBoard(); break; case DoodadActions.SMELT_ORE: new SmeltingRunner().run(); break; case DoodadActions.READ_SIGNPOST: Signpost signpost = (Signpost) doodad; new DialogBoxRunner().run(new DialogBox(signpost.getMessages(), "Ok")); break; default: break; } break; // Found the relevant Doodad; ignore the rest } } } } } } if (!Crissaegrim.getChatBox().isTypingMode()) { while ( { if (Mouse.getEventButtonState()) { // Button was clicked (not released) if (Mouse.getEventButton() == 0) { pmh.requestUseItem( getCoordinatesForMouse(), Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().getCurrentItem()); } } } int scrollDelta = Mouse.getDWheel(); if (scrollDelta < 0) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().selectNextItem(); } else if (scrollDelta > 0) { Crissaegrim.getPlayer().getInventory().selectPreviousItem(); } } }