  * Apply filter to a FastBitmap.
  * @param fastBitmap Image to be processed.
 public void applyInPlace(FastBitmap fastBitmap) {
   Convolution c = new Convolution(kernel);
Beispiel #2
  public static BufferedImage convolvedown(BufferedImage img, Coord tsz, Convolution filter) {
    Raster in = img.getRaster();
    int w = in.getWidth(), h = in.getHeight(), nb = in.getNumBands();
    double xf = (double) w / (double) tsz.x, ixf = 1.0 / xf;
    double yf = (double) h / (double) tsz.y, iyf = 1.0 / yf;
    double[] ca = new double[nb];
    WritableRaster buf = byteraster(new Coord(tsz.x, h), nb);
    double support = filter.support();

      double[] cf = new double[tsz.x * (int) Math.ceil(2 * support * xf + 2)];
      int[] cl = new int[tsz.x];
      int[] cr = new int[tsz.x];
      for (int x = 0, ci = 0; x < tsz.x; x++) {
        int si = ci;
        double wa = 0.0;
        cl[x] = Math.max((int) Math.floor((x + 0.5 - support) * xf), 0);
        cr[x] = Math.min((int) Math.ceil((x + 0.5 + support) * xf), w - 1);
        for (int sx = cl[x]; sx <= cr[x]; sx++) {
          double tx = ((sx + 0.5) * ixf) - x - 0.5;
          double fw = filter.cval(tx);
          wa += fw;
          cf[ci++] = fw;
        wa = 1.0 / wa;
        for (; si < ci; si++) cf[si] *= wa;
      for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        for (int x = 0, ci = 0; x < tsz.x; x++) {
          for (int b = 0; b < nb; b++) ca[b] = 0.0;
          for (int sx = cl[x]; sx <= cr[x]; sx++) {
            double fw = cf[ci++];
            for (int b = 0; b < nb; b++) ca[b] += in.getSample(sx, y, b) * fw;
          for (int b = 0; b < nb; b++) buf.setSample(x, y, b, Utils.clip((int) ca[b], 0, 255));

    WritableRaster res = byteraster(tsz, nb);
      double[] cf = new double[tsz.y * (int) Math.ceil(2 * support * yf + 2)];
      int[] cu = new int[tsz.y];
      int[] cd = new int[tsz.y];
      for (int y = 0, ci = 0; y < tsz.y; y++) {
        int si = ci;
        double wa = 0.0;
        cu[y] = Math.max((int) Math.floor((y + 0.5 - support) * yf), 0);
        cd[y] = Math.min((int) Math.ceil((y + 0.5 + support) * yf), h - 1);
        for (int sy = cu[y]; sy <= cd[y]; sy++) {
          double ty = ((sy + 0.5) * iyf) - y - 0.5;
          double fw = filter.cval(ty);
          wa += fw;
          cf[ci++] = fw;
        wa = 1.0 / wa;
        for (; si < ci; si++) cf[si] *= wa;
      for (int x = 0; x < tsz.x; x++) {
        for (int y = 0, ci = 0; y < tsz.y; y++) {
          for (int b = 0; b < nb; b++) ca[b] = 0.0;
          for (int sy = cu[y]; sy <= cd[y]; sy++) {
            double fw = cf[ci++];
            for (int b = 0; b < nb; b++) ca[b] += buf.getSample(x, sy, b) * fw;
          for (int b = 0; b < nb; b++) res.setSample(x, y, b, Utils.clip((int) ca[b], 0, 255));
    return (new BufferedImage(img.getColorModel(), res, false, null));
Beispiel #3
 public void applyInPlace(FastBitmap fastBitmap) {
   int[][] k = CreateKernel();
   Convolution c = new Convolution(k);