   * Sets the value of a property during parsing.
   * @param propertyId
   * @param value
  public void setProperty(String propertyId, Object value) throws XMLConfigurationException {

    // Xerces properties
    if (propertyId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) {
      final int suffixLength = propertyId.length() - Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length();

      if (suffixLength == Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY.length()
          && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY)) {
        fSymbolTable = (SymbolTable) value;
      } else if (suffixLength == Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY.length()
          && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY)) {
        fErrorReporter = (XMLErrorReporter) value;
      } else if (suffixLength == Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY.length()
          && propertyId.endsWith(Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY)) {
        fEntityManager = (XMLEntityManager) value;
  } // setProperty(String,Object)
Beispiel #2
   * Sets the value of a property during parsing.
   * @param propertyId
   * @param value
  public void setProperty(String propertyId, Object value) throws XMLConfigurationException {

    // Xerces properties
    if (propertyId.startsWith(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) {
      String property = propertyId.substring(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length());
      if (property.equals(Constants.SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY)) {
        fSymbolTable = (SymbolTable) value;
      } else if (property.equals(Constants.ERROR_REPORTER_PROPERTY)) {
        fErrorReporter = (XMLErrorReporter) value;
      } else if (property.equals(Constants.ENTITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY)) {
        fEntityManager = (XMLEntityManager) value;
    /*else if(propertyId.equals(Constants.STAX_PROPERTIES)){
        fStaxProperties = (HashMap)value;
        //TODO::discuss with neeraj what are his thoughts on passing properties.
        //For now use this

  } // setProperty(String,Object)