protected void drawConnections(Graphics g, Collection<Connection> cons) { if (selectedDotA != null && overDotB != null) { Color c = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.GRAY); Connection tmpCon = new Connection(); tmpCon.src = selectedDotA; tmpCon.dst = overDotB; tmpCon.paint(g); g.setColor(c); } for (Connection con : cons) { if (selectedDotA != null && overDotB != null && con.src.distance(selectedDotA) == 0 && con.dst.distance(overDotB) != 0) { // ignore } else if ((overDotA != null && con.src.distance(overDotA) == 0) || (overDotB != null && con.dst.distance(overDotB) == 0)) { Color c = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.CYAN); con.paint(g); g.setColor(c); } else con.paint(g); } }
public void addSurjectivConnections() { Iterator<Point> j = dotsB.iterator(); for (Point aDotsA : dotsA) { Connection con = new Connection(); con.src = aDotsA; if (!j.hasNext()) j = dotsB.iterator(); con.dst =; connections.add(con); } }
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (!editable) return; mouseMoved(e); // just a HACK to get sure that vars are correct Point p = getPointByPos(dotsA, e.getPoint()); if (p != null) { selectedDotA = p; } else if (selectedDotA != null) { p = getPointByPos(dotsB, e.getPoint()); if (p != null) { Connection con = getConnectionBySrc(selectedDotA, connections); if (con != null) connections.remove(con); con = new Connection(); con.src = selectedDotA; con.dst = p; connections.add(con); onChange(); } } this.applet.repaint(); }