Beispiel #1
  * Find Record by cache.
  * @see #find(String, Object...)
  * @param cacheName the cache name
  * @param key the key used to get date from cache
  * @return the list of Record
 public List<Record> findByCache(String cacheName, Object key, String sql, Object... paras) {
   ICache cache = config.getCache();
   List<Record> result = cache.get(cacheName, key);
   if (result == null) {
     result = find(sql, paras);
     cache.put(cacheName, key, result);
   return result;
Beispiel #2
  * Find first record by cache. I recommend add "limit 1" in your sql.
  * @see #findFirst(String, Object...)
  * @param cacheName the cache name
  * @param key the key used to get date from cache
  * @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
  * @param paras the parameters of sql
  * @return the Record object
 public Record findFirstByCache(String cacheName, Object key, String sql, Object... paras) {
   ICache cache = config.getCache();
   Record result = cache.get(cacheName, key);
   if (result == null) {
     result = findFirst(sql, paras);
     cache.put(cacheName, key, result);
   return result;
Beispiel #3
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Config config = new Config();
    Cache cache = config.getCache();

    // cache data generator sequence
    FixedSizeElementSequence elementSequence =
        new FixedSizeElementSequence(Config.NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES, Config.SIZE_OF_ENTRY);

    cache.removeAll();"cache size should be zero. size=" + cache.getSize() + "\n starting load");

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // single threaded for now
    // start putting data into the cache
    PutWorker putWorker = new PutWorker(cache, elementSequence);
    // TODO:use executor to make this multi-threaded
    // for now, waiting for put to complete
    // now remove bulkmode
    long endOfWorkerThread = System.currentTimeMillis();


    Config.CALL_TIMER.stop(); // stop the timer
    long endOfBulkLoadReset = System.currentTimeMillis();

    int endSize = cache.getSize();
        "complete. total time for "
            + Config.NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES
            + " puts to complete is "
            + (endOfWorkerThread - start)
            + "ms, and time it took to reset bulk mode is "
            + (endOfBulkLoadReset - endOfWorkerThread)
            + "ms \n End size="
            + endSize);

    // just wait for return
    // for now, waiting for user input to close the
    // program. This gives us time to look at the metrics on JMX console or
    // TMC :)

    ConsoleReporter.enable(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Beispiel #4
  * Paginate by cache.
  * @see #paginate(int, int, String, String, Object...)
  * @return Page
 public Page<Record> paginateByCache(
     String cacheName,
     Object key,
     int pageNumber,
     int pageSize,
     String select,
     String sqlExceptSelect,
     Object... paras) {
   ICache cache = config.getCache();
   Page<Record> result = cache.get(cacheName, key);
   if (result == null) {
     result = paginate(pageNumber, pageSize, select, sqlExceptSelect, paras);
     cache.put(cacheName, key, result);
   return result;