   * This method process the cells in a <code>Document</code> and generates a portion of the <code>
   * Document</code>.
   * <p>This method assumes that records are sorted by row and then column.
   * @param root The <code>Node</code> of the <code>Document</code> we are building that we will
   *     append our cell <code>Node</code> objects. This <code>Node</code> should be a TAG_TABLE
   *     tag.
   * @throws IOException If any I/O error occurs.
  protected void processColumns(Node root) throws IOException {

    for (Iterator<ColumnRowInfo> e = decoder.getColumnRowInfos(); e.hasNext(); ) {

      ColumnRowInfo ci = e.next();
      if (ci.isColumn()) {
        ColumnStyle cStyle =
            new ColumnStyle(

        Style result[] = styleCat.getMatching(cStyle);
        String styleName;
        if (result.length == 0) {

          cStyle.setName("co" + colStyles++);
          styleName = cStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
        } else {
          ColumnStyle existingStyle = (ColumnStyle) result[0];
          styleName = existingStyle.getName();
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "Existing style found : " + styleName);

        // Create an element node for the new row
        Element colElement = doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_COLUMN);
        colElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
        if (ci.getRepeated() != 1) {
          String repeatStr = String.valueOf(ci.getRepeated());
          colElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_NUM_COLUMNS_REPEATED, repeatStr);
   * This method process the cells in a <code>Document</code> and generates a portion of the <code>
   * Document</code>.
   * <p>This method assumes that records are sorted by row and then column.
   * @param root The <code>Node</code> of the <code>Document</code> we are building that we will
   *     append our cell <code>Node</code> objects. This <code>Node</code> should be a TAG_TABLE
   *     tag.
   * @throws IOException If any I/O error occurs.
  protected void processCells(Node root) throws IOException {

    // The current row element
    Element rowElement = null;

    // The current cell element
    Element cellElement = null;

    // The row number - we may not have any rows (empty sheet)
    // so set to zero.
    int row = 0;

    // The column number - This is the expected column number of
    // the next cell we are reading.
    int col = 1;

    // The number of columns in the spreadsheet
    int lastColumn = decoder.getNumberOfColumns();

    Node autoStylesNode = null;

    // Loop over all cells in the spreadsheet
    while (decoder.goToNextCell()) {

      // Get the row number
      int newRow = decoder.getRowNumber();

      // Is the cell in a new row, or part of the current row?
      if (newRow != row) {

        // Make sure that all the cells in the previous row
        // have been entered.
        if (col <= lastColumn && rowElement != null) {
          int numSkippedCells = lastColumn - col + 1;
          addEmptyCells(numSkippedCells, rowElement);

        // log an end row - if we already have a row
        if (row != 0) {
          Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "</tr>");

        // How far is the new row from the last row?
        int deltaRows = newRow - row;

        // Check if we have skipped any rows
        if (deltaRows > 1) {
          // Add in empty rows
          addEmptyRows(deltaRows - 1, root, lastColumn);

        // Re-initialize column (since we are in a new row)
        col = 1;

        // Create an element node for the new row
        rowElement = doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_ROW);

        for (Iterator<ColumnRowInfo> e = decoder.getColumnRowInfos(); e.hasNext(); ) {
          ColumnRowInfo cri = e.next();
          if (cri.isRow() && cri.getRepeated() == newRow - 1) {
            // We have the correct Row BIFFRecord for this row
            RowStyle rStyle =
                new RowStyle(

            Style result[] = styleCat.getMatching(rStyle);
            String styleName;
            if (result.length == 0) {

              rStyle.setName("ro" + rowStyles++);
              styleName = rStyle.getName();
              Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
            } else {
              RowStyle existingStyle = (RowStyle) result[0];
              styleName = existingStyle.getName();
              Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "Existing style found : " + styleName);
            rowElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);
            // For now we will not use the repeat column attribute

        // Append the row element to the root node

        // Update row number
        row = newRow;

        Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<tr>");

      // Get the column number of the current cell
      int newCol = decoder.getColNumber();

      // Check to see if some columns were skipped
      if (newCol != col) {

        // How many columns have we skipped?
        int numColsSkipped = newCol - col;

        addEmptyCells(numColsSkipped, rowElement);

        // Update the column number to account for the
        // skipped cells
        col = newCol;

      // Lets start dealing with the cell data
      Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "<td>");

      // Get the cell's contents
      String cellContents = decoder.getCellContents();

      // Get the type of the data in the cell
      String cellType = decoder.getCellDataType();

      // Get the cell format
      Format fmt = decoder.getCellFormat();

      // Create an element node for the cell
      cellElement = doc.createElement(TAG_TABLE_CELL);

      Node bodyNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_BODY).item(0);

      // Not every document has an automatic style tag
      autoStylesNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES).item(0);

      if (autoStylesNode == null) {
        autoStylesNode = doc.createElement(TAG_OFFICE_AUTOMATIC_STYLES);
        doc.insertBefore(autoStylesNode, bodyNode);

      CellStyle tStyle =
          new CellStyle(
      String styleName;
      Style result[] = styleCat.getMatching(tStyle);
      if (result.length == 0) {

        tStyle.setName("ce" + textStyles++);
        styleName = tStyle.getName();
        Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "No existing style found, adding " + styleName);
      } else {
        CellStyle existingStyle = (CellStyle) result[0];
        styleName = existingStyle.getName();
        Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "Existing style found : " + styleName);

      cellElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_STYLE_NAME, styleName);

      // Store the cell data into the appropriate attributes
      processCellData(cellElement, cellType, cellContents);

      // Append the cell element to the row node

      // Append the cellContents as a text node
      Element textElement = doc.createElement(TAG_PARAGRAPH);

      Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, cellContents);
      Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "</td>");

      // Increment to the column number of the next expected cell

    // Make sure that the last row is padded correctly
    if (col <= lastColumn && rowElement != null) {
      int numSkippedCells = lastColumn - col + 1;
      addEmptyCells(numSkippedCells, rowElement);

    // Now write the style catalog to the document
    if (autoStylesNode != null) {
      Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "Well the autostyle node was found!!!");
      NodeList nl = styleCat.writeNode(doc, "dummy").getChildNodes();
      int nlLen = nl.getLength(); // nl.item reduces the length
      for (int i = 0; i < nlLen; i++) {

    if (row != 0) {

      // The sheet does have rows, so write out a /tr
      Debug.log(Debug.TRACE, "</tr>");