Beispiel #1
  public boolean canCherryPick(
      MergeSorter mergeSorter,
      Repository repo,
      CodeReviewCommit mergeTip,
      CodeReviewRevWalk rw,
      CodeReviewCommit toMerge)
      throws IntegrationException {
    if (mergeTip == null) {
      // The branch is unborn. Fast-forward is possible.
      return true;

    if (toMerge.getParentCount() == 0) {
      // Refuse to merge a root commit into an existing branch,
      // we cannot obtain a delta for the cherry-pick to apply.
      return false;

    if (toMerge.getParentCount() == 1) {
      // If there is only one parent, a cherry-pick can be done by
      // taking the delta relative to that one parent and redoing
      // that on the current merge tip.
      try {
        ThreeWayMerger m = newThreeWayMerger(repo, createDryRunInserter(repo));
        return m.merge(mergeTip, toMerge);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IntegrationException("Cannot merge " +, e);

    // There are multiple parents, so this is a merge commit. We
    // don't want to cherry-pick the merge as clients can't easily
    // rebase their history with that merge present and replaced
    // by an equivalent merge with a different first parent. So
    // instead behave as though MERGE_IF_NECESSARY was configured.
    return canFastForward(mergeSorter, mergeTip, rw, toMerge)
        || canMerge(mergeSorter, repo, mergeTip, toMerge);