Beispiel #1
  public void trainC(ClassificationDataSet dataSet, ExecutorService threadPool) {
    final int models = baseClassifiers.size();
    final int C = dataSet.getClassSize();
    weightsPerModel = C == 2 ? 1 : C;
    ClassificationDataSet metaSet =
        new ClassificationDataSet(
            weightsPerModel * models, new CategoricalData[0], dataSet.getPredicting());

    List<ClassificationDataSet> dataFolds = dataSet.cvSet(folds);
    // iterate in the order of the folds so we get the right dataum weights
    for (ClassificationDataSet cds : dataFolds)
      for (int i = 0; i < cds.getSampleSize(); i++)
            new DenseVector(weightsPerModel * models),

    // create the meta training set
    for (int c = 0; c < baseClassifiers.size(); c++) {
      Classifier cl = baseClassifiers.get(c);
      int pos = 0;
      for (int f = 0; f < dataFolds.size(); f++) {
        ClassificationDataSet train = ClassificationDataSet.comineAllBut(dataFolds, f);
        ClassificationDataSet test = dataFolds.get(f);
        if (threadPool == null) cl.trainC(train);
        else cl.trainC(train, threadPool);
        for (int i = 0;
            i < test.getSampleSize();
            i++) // evaluate and mark each point in the held out fold.
          CategoricalResults pred = cl.classify(test.getDataPoint(i));
          if (C == 2)
            metaSet.getDataPoint(pos).getNumericalValues().set(c, pred.getProb(0) * 2 - 1);
          else {
            Vec toSet = metaSet.getDataPoint(pos).getNumericalValues();
            for (int j = weightsPerModel * c; j < weightsPerModel * (c + 1); j++)
              toSet.set(j, pred.getProb(j - weightsPerModel * c));


    // train the meta model
    if (threadPool == null) aggregatingClassifier.trainC(metaSet);
    else aggregatingClassifier.trainC(metaSet, threadPool);

    // train the final classifiers, unless folds=1. In that case they are already trained
    if (folds != 1) {
      for (Classifier cl : baseClassifiers)
        if (threadPool == null) cl.trainC(dataSet);
        else cl.trainC(dataSet, threadPool);
Beispiel #2
  public void testClone() {

    ClassificationDataSet t1 = FixedProblems.getSimpleKClassLinear(1000, 7);
    ClassificationDataSet t2 = FixedProblems.getSimpleKClassLinear(1000, 9);

    OneVSOne instance = new OneVSOne(new DCDs());

    instance = instance.clone();


    OneVSOne result = instance.clone();
    for (int i = 0; i < t1.getSampleSize(); i++)
      assertEquals(t1.getDataPointCategory(i), result.classify(t1.getDataPoint(i)).mostLikely());

    for (int i = 0; i < t1.getSampleSize(); i++)
      assertEquals(t1.getDataPointCategory(i), instance.classify(t1.getDataPoint(i)).mostLikely());

    for (int i = 0; i < t2.getSampleSize(); i++)
      assertEquals(t2.getDataPointCategory(i), result.classify(t2.getDataPoint(i)).mostLikely());