Beispiel #1
 static {
   aBoolean2262 = true;
   aBoolean2279 = false;
   aRSString_2305 = Class112.method1668(43, "<)4col>");
   aRSString_2297 = Class112.method1668(43, "scape main");
   aRSString_2317 = aRSString_2269;
Beispiel #2
 static {
   anIntArrayArray2131 =
       new int[][] {
         new int[16],
         {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
         {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1},
         {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
         {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1},
         {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
         {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
         {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
         {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
         {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
         {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}
   aRSString_2146 = Class112.method1668(43, "glow2:");
   aRSString_2143 = aRSString_2146;
   aRSString_2154 = Class112.method1668(43, "(U0a )2 in: ");
   aBoolean2159 = false;
   aRSString_2148 = Class112.method1668(43, "gelb:");
   aRSString_2136 = aRSString_2149;
   aRSString_2163 = aRSString_2146;
   anInt2164 = 0;
 static {
   aRSString_1288 = Class112.method1668(43, "Fps:");
   aRSString_1289 = aRSString_1290;
   anInt1293 = 0;
   aRSString_1296 = Class112.method1668(43, "_labels");
   anInt1298 = -1;
   anIntArray1294 = new int[100];
   aShortArray1300 = new short[] {960, 957, -21568, -21571, 22464};
 static {
   aRSString_4376 = aRSString_4381;
   aClass98_4372 = new Class98(30);
   aRSString_4383 = Class112.method1668(43, "Please remove ");
   aRSString_4386 = aRSString_4383;
   aRSString_4387 = aRSString_4383;
   anIntArray4385 = new int[128];
 static {
   anIntArray4056 = new int[] {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0};
   anInt4062 = 0;
   aClass98_4064 = new Class98(50);
   aRSString_4072 = Class112.method1668(43, "::rebuild");
   anIntArray4075 = new int[500];
   anInt4073 = -1;
   anInt4077 = 0;
Beispiel #6
 static {
   aBoolean1233 = true;
   anInt1248 = -1;
   anInt1245 = 0;
   aRSString_1251 = null;
   anApplet_Sub1_1241 = null;
   anIntArray1257 = new int[] {19, 55, 38, 155, 255, 110, 137, 205, 76};
   aRSString_1246 = Class112.method1668(43, "white:");
   aRSString_1259 = aRSString_1246;
   aRSString_1236 = aRSString_1246;
public class Class68_Sub20_Sub14 extends Class68_Sub20 {
  public RSString aRSString_4369;
  public int anInt4370;
  public int anInt4371;
  public static Class98 aClass98_4372;
  public int anInt4373;
  public int[] anIntArray4374;
  public RSString[] aRSStringArray4375;
  public static RSString aRSString_4376;
  public int[] anIntArray4377;
  public static int anInt4378;
  public int anInt4379;
  public Class113[] aClass113Array4380;
  public static RSString aRSString_4381 = Class112.method1668(43, "Type");
  public static int anInt4382;
  public static RSString aRSString_4383;
  public static int anInt4384;
  public static int[] anIntArray4385;
  public static RSString aRSString_4386;
  public static RSString aRSString_4387;

  public static void method1167(int i) {
    aRSString_4376 = null;
    aRSString_4387 = null;
    aClass98_4372 = null;
    aRSString_4386 = null;
    aRSString_4383 = null;
    anIntArray4385 = null;
    if (i != 5285) aRSString_4376 = null;
    aRSString_4381 = null;

  static {
    aRSString_4376 = aRSString_4381;
    aClass98_4372 = new Class98(30);
    aRSString_4383 = Class112.method1668(43, "Please remove ");
    aRSString_4386 = aRSString_4383;
    aRSString_4387 = aRSString_4383;
    anIntArray4385 = new int[128];
public class Class68_Sub13_Sub37 extends Class68_Sub13 {
  public static int anInt4050;
  public short[] aShortArray4051;
  public boolean aBoolean4052;
  public static int anInt4053;
  public static int anInt4054;
  public static int anInt4055;
  public static int[] anIntArray4056;
  public int anInt4057;
  public int anInt4058 = 1638;
  public static int anInt4059;
  public byte[] aByteArray4060;
  public static RSString aRSString_4061 = Class112.method1668(43, "leuchten2:");
  public static int anInt4062;
  public static int anInt4063;
  public static Class98 aClass98_4064;
  public short[] aShortArray4065;
  public static int[] anIntArray4066 = new int[4096];
  public static int anInt4067;
  public static int anInt4068;
  public static int anInt4069;
  public int anInt4070;
  public int anInt4071;
  public static RSString aRSString_4072;
  public static int anInt4073;
  public static int anInt4074;
  public static int[] anIntArray4075;
  public int anInt4076;
  public static int anInt4077;

  public Class68_Sub13_Sub37() {
    super(0, true);
    anInt4057 = 4;
    aBoolean4052 = true;
    anInt4070 = 4;
    anInt4071 = 4;
    aByteArray4060 = new byte[512];
    anInt4076 = 0;

  public void method700(Stream class68_sub14, int i, int i_0_) {
    int i_1_ = i;
    do {
      do {
        do {
          do {
            do {
              do {
                if ((i_1_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -1) {
                  if ((i_1_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -2) {
                    if (i_1_ != 2) {
                      if (i_1_ != 3) {
                        if ((i_1_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -5) {
                          if (i_1_ != 5) {
                            if ((i_1_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -7) break while_172_;
                            break while_173_;
                        } else break while_170_;
                        break while_171_;
                    } else break;
                    break while_169_;
                } else {
                  aBoolean4052 = (class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(-6677) ^ 0xffffffff) == -2;
                  break while_173_;
                anInt4057 = class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(i_0_ ^ 0x1a14);
                break while_173_;
              } while (false);
              anInt4058 = class68_sub14.method957(i_0_ ^ 0x57d8);
              if ((anInt4058 ^ 0xffffffff) > -1) {
                aShortArray4051 = new short[anInt4057];
                for (i_1_ = 0; i_1_ < anInt4057; i_1_++)
                  aShortArray4051[i_1_] = (short) (class68_sub14.method957(i_0_ + -22488));
              break while_173_;
            } while (false);
            anInt4071 = anInt4070 = class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
            break while_173_;
          } while (false);
          anInt4076 = class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
          break while_173_;
        } while (false);
        anInt4071 = class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(i_0_ ^ 0x1a14);
        break while_173_;
      } while (false);
      anInt4070 = class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
    } while (false);
    if (i_0_ != -1) method889(-85, -47);

  public void method888(int[] is, int i, int i_2_) {
    int i_3_ = anInt4070 * Class13_Sub3.anIntArray2672[i_2_];
    if (i == 0) {
      if (anInt4057 == 1) {
        int i_4_ = aShortArray4051[0];
        int i_5_ = aShortArray4065[0] << -396608308;
        int i_6_ = i_5_ * anInt4071 >> 617569580;
        int i_7_ = anInt4070 * i_5_ >> -792114740;
        int i_8_ = i_3_ * i_5_ >> 1937691244;
        int i_9_ = i_8_ >> 318363340;
        int i_10_ = i_9_ - -1;
        i_8_ &= 0xfff;
        if (i_10_ >= i_7_) i_10_ = 0;
        int i_11_ = 0xff & aByteArray4060[0xff & i_9_];
        int i_12_ = 0xff & aByteArray4060[0xff & i_10_];
        int i_13_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub36.anIntArray4039[i_8_];
        if (aBoolean4052) {
          for (int i_14_ = 0; Class68_Sub13_Sub19.anInt3746 > i_14_; i_14_++) {
            int i_15_ = (anInt4071 * Class68_Sub13_Sub3.anIntArray3479[i_14_]);
            int i_16_ =
                method892(i_8_, i_11_, (byte) 91, i_13_, i_15_ * i_5_ >> -520975284, i_6_, i_12_);
            i_16_ = i_16_ * i_4_ >> -1547488404;
            is[i_14_] = (i_16_ >> 446084129) + 2048;
        } else {
          for (int i_17_ = 0;
              ((Class68_Sub13_Sub19.anInt3746 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_17_ ^ 0xffffffff));
              i_17_++) {
            int i_18_ = (anInt4071 * Class68_Sub13_Sub3.anIntArray3479[i_17_]);
            int i_19_ =
                method892(i_8_, i_11_, (byte) 44, i_13_, i_18_ * i_5_ >> 1441094124, i_6_, i_12_);
            is[i_17_] = i_4_ * i_19_ >> 1619524844;
      } else {
        int i_20_ = aShortArray4051[0];
        if (i_20_ > 8 || i_20_ < -8) {
          int i_21_ = aShortArray4065[0] << -2113891540;
          int i_22_ = i_21_ * i_3_ >> 1585559308;
          int i_23_ = anInt4071 * i_21_ >> 647946124;
          int i_24_ = i_22_ >> 991848108;
          int i_25_ = 1 + i_24_;
          int i_26_ = aByteArray4060[0xff & i_24_] & 0xff;
          int i_27_ = anInt4070 * i_21_ >> -1069679572;
          i_22_ &= 0xfff;
          int i_28_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub36.anIntArray4039[i_22_];
          if ((i_25_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= (i_27_ ^ 0xffffffff)) i_25_ = 0;
          int i_29_ = 0xff & aByteArray4060[i_25_ & 0xff];
          for (int i_30_ = 0; Class68_Sub13_Sub19.anInt3746 > i_30_; i_30_++) {
            int i_31_ = (Class68_Sub13_Sub3.anIntArray3479[i_30_] * anInt4071);
            int i_32_ =
                    i_22_, i_26_, (byte) -127, i_28_, i_21_ * i_31_ >> -137120404, i_23_, i_29_);
            is[i_30_] = i_20_ * i_32_ >> -622495284;
        for (int i_33_ = 1; anInt4057 > i_33_; i_33_++) {
          i_20_ = aShortArray4051[i_33_];
          if (i_20_ > 8 || i_20_ < -8) {
            int i_34_ = aShortArray4065[i_33_] << 1603830348;
            int i_35_ = anInt4071 * i_34_ >> -4411572;
            int i_36_ = i_34_ * i_3_ >> 1335296716;
            int i_37_ = anInt4070 * i_34_ >> 212904108;
            int i_38_ = i_36_ >> -1045922644;
            int i_39_ = aByteArray4060[0xff & i_38_] & 0xff;
            int i_40_ = i_38_ + 1;
            if ((i_37_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= (i_40_ ^ 0xffffffff)) i_40_ = 0;
            int i_41_ = 0xff & aByteArray4060[0xff & i_40_];
            i_36_ &= 0xfff;
            int i_42_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub36.anIntArray4039[i_36_];
            if (aBoolean4052 && (i_33_ ^ 0xffffffff) == (anInt4057 - 1 ^ 0xffffffff)) {
              for (int i_43_ = 0; Class68_Sub13_Sub19.anInt3746 > i_43_; i_43_++) {
                int i_44_ = anInt4071 * (Class68_Sub13_Sub3.anIntArray3479[i_43_]);
                int i_45_ =
                        i_36_, i_39_, (byte) 36, i_42_, i_34_ * i_44_ >> 253365324, i_35_, i_41_);
                i_45_ = ((i_45_ * i_20_ >> -1744754772) + is[i_43_]);
                is[i_43_] = 2048 + (i_45_ >> 1115323041);
            } else {
              for (int i_46_ = 0; i_46_ < Class68_Sub13_Sub19.anInt3746; i_46_++) {
                int i_47_ = (Class68_Sub13_Sub3.anIntArray3479[i_46_] * anInt4071);
                int i_48_ =
                        i_36_, i_39_, (byte) 86, i_42_, i_34_ * i_47_ >> -1921482356, i_35_, i_41_);
                is[i_46_] += i_48_ * i_20_ >> -2042177012;

  public static RSString method889(int i, int i_49_) {
    RSString class100 = Class68_Sub13_Sub24.method816(i, 0);
    for (int i_50_ = class100.method1590((byte) -103) - 3; i_50_ > 0; i_50_ -= 3)
      class100 =
              new RSString[] {
                class100.method1607(0, (byte) -74, i_50_),
                class100.method1615(i_50_, true)
    if (i_49_ != -5344) anIntArray4056 = null;
    if ((class100.method1590((byte) -126) ^ 0xffffffff) < -10)
      return (Class68_Sub20_Sub13_Sub2.method1166(
          (new RSString[] {
            class100.method1607(0, (byte) -74, (class100.method1590((byte) -100) + -8)),
    if ((class100.method1590((byte) -97) ^ 0xffffffff) < -7)
      return (Class68_Sub20_Sub13_Sub2.method1166(
          (new RSString[] {
            class100.method1607(0, (byte) -74, (class100.method1590((byte) -99) + -4)),
    return (Class68_Sub20_Sub13_Sub2.method1166(
        2, new RSString[] {Class68_Sub3.aRSString_2804, class100, RSString.aRSString_2305}));

  public static void method890(byte i) {
    anIntArray4066 = null;
    if (i > -24) method893(5, -30, -77, -55, -30, 100);
    aRSString_4061 = null;
    anIntArray4075 = null;
    aClass98_4064 = null;
    anIntArray4056 = null;
    aRSString_4072 = null;

  public void method690(byte i) {
    aByteArray4060 = method894((byte) 14, anInt4076);
    if (i >= -22) anInt4062 = 85;
    method891((byte) 125);
    for (int i_51_ = -1 + anInt4057; i_51_ >= 1; i_51_--) {
      short i_52_ = aShortArray4051[i_51_];
      if ((i_52_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -9 || i_52_ < -8) break;

  public int[] method698(byte i, int i_53_) {
    if (i != -61) method888(null, -11, -125);
    int[] is = aClass115_2936.method1697(false, i_53_);
    if (aClass115_2936.aBoolean1957) method888(is, 0, i_53_);
    return is;

  public void method891(byte i) {
    if (anInt4058 <= 0) {
      if (aShortArray4051 != null && aShortArray4051.length == anInt4057) {
        aShortArray4065 = new short[anInt4057];
        for (int i_54_ = 0; i_54_ < anInt4057; i_54_++)
          aShortArray4065[i_54_] = (short) (int) Math.pow(2.0, (double) i_54_);
    } else {
      aShortArray4065 = new short[anInt4057];
      aShortArray4051 = new short[anInt4057];
      for (int i_55_ = 0; anInt4057 > i_55_; i_55_++) {
        aShortArray4051[i_55_] =
                (int) (Math.pow((double) ((float) anInt4058 / 4096.0F), (double) i_55_) * 4096.0);
        aShortArray4065[i_55_] = (short) (int) Math.pow(2.0, (double) i_55_);
    if (i <= 112) method700(null, -67, -50);

  public int method892(int i, int i_56_, byte i_57_, int i_58_, int i_59_, int i_60_, int i_61_) {
    int i_62_ = -4096 + i;
    int i_63_ = i_59_ >> 1110007436;
    int i_64_ = i_63_ - -1;
    if (i_60_ <= i_64_) i_64_ = 0;
    i_59_ &= 0xfff;
    int i_65_ = -4096 + i_59_;
    i_63_ &= 0xff;
    int i_66_ = aByteArray4060[i_63_ + i_56_] & 0x3;
    int i_67_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub36.anIntArray4039[i_59_];
    i_64_ &= 0xff;
    int i_68_;
    if (i_66_ <= 1) i_68_ = i_66_ != 0 ? i - i_59_ : i_59_ + i;
    else i_68_ = (i_66_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -3 ? -i + -i_59_ : -i + i_59_;
    i_66_ = 0x3 & aByteArray4060[i_64_ + i_56_];
    int i_69_;
    if ((i_66_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -2) i_69_ = i_66_ != 2 ? -i + -i_65_ : -i + i_65_;
    else i_69_ = i_66_ == 0 ? i_65_ + i : -i_65_ + i;
    int i_70_ = i_68_ + ((-i_68_ + i_69_) * i_67_ >> 1727990412);
    i_66_ = 0x3 & aByteArray4060[i_61_ + i_63_];
    int i_71_ = 20 / ((-38 - i_57_) / 35);
    if (i_66_ <= 1) i_68_ = i_66_ != 0 ? -i_59_ + i_62_ : i_59_ - -i_62_;
    else i_68_ = i_66_ != 2 ? -i_59_ + -i_62_ : i_59_ - i_62_;
    i_66_ = aByteArray4060[i_64_ - -i_61_] & 0x3;
    if ((i_66_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -2)
      i_69_ = (i_66_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1 ? i_62_ + i_65_ : -i_65_ + i_62_;
    else i_69_ = (i_66_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -3 ? i_65_ - i_62_ : -i_65_ + -i_62_;
    int i_72_ = ((i_69_ + -i_68_) * i_67_ >> -666703540) + i_68_;
    return (i_58_ * (i_72_ - i_70_) >> -1831752948) + i_70_;

  public static void method893(int i, int i_73_, int i_74_, int i_75_, int i_76_, int i_77_) {
    if (i_73_ > -51) anInt4077 = 102;
    for (int i_78_ = i_76_; i + i_76_ >= i_78_; i_78_++) {
      for (int i_79_ = i_77_; i_79_ <= i_74_ + i_77_; i_79_++) {
        if ((i_79_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -1 && i_79_ < 104 && (i_78_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -1 && i_78_ < 104)
          Class38.aByteArrayArrayArray676[i_75_][i_79_][i_78_] = (byte) 127;
    for (int i_80_ = i_76_; (i_80_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (i_76_ - -i ^ 0xffffffff); i_80_++) {
      for (int i_81_ = i_77_; i_74_ + i_77_ > i_81_; i_81_++) {
        if ((i_81_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -1
            && (i_81_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -105
            && i_80_ >= 0
            && (i_80_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -105)
          Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_81_][i_80_] =
              ((i_75_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1
                  ? (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_ + -1][i_81_][i_80_])
                  : 0);
    if (i_77_ > 0 && i_77_ < 104) {
      for (int i_82_ = 1 + i_76_; (i_82_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (i + i_76_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_82_++) {
        if ((i_82_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -1 && i_82_ < 104)
          Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_82_] =
              (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][i_82_]);
    if (i_76_ > 0 && (i_76_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -105) {
      for (int i_83_ = i_77_ + 1; i_74_ + i_77_ > i_83_; i_83_++) {
        if (i_83_ >= 0 && (i_83_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -105)
          Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_83_][i_76_] =
              (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_83_][-1 + i_76_]);
    if (i_77_ >= 0 && i_76_ >= 0 && i_77_ < 104 && (i_76_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -105) {
      if ((i_75_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) {
        if (i_77_ <= 0
            || (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][i_76_]) == 0) {
          if (i_76_ <= 0
              || (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_ - 1]) == 0) {
            if ((i_77_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1
                && (i_76_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1
                && ((Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][-1 + i_76_])
                        ^ 0xffffffff)
                    != -1)
              Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_] =
                  (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][-1 + i_76_]);
          } else
            Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_] =
                (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_ + -1]);
        } else
          Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_] =
              (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][i_76_]);
      } else if ((i_77_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -1
          || ((Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_ - 1][-1 + i_77_][i_76_])
              == (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_ - 1][i_76_]))) {
        if (i_76_ > 0
            && ((Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][-1 + i_76_])
                != (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[-1 + i_75_][i_77_][-1 + i_76_])))
          Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_] =
              (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][-1 + i_76_]);
        else if ((i_77_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1
            && i_76_ > 0
            && ((Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][-1 + i_76_])
                != (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_ + -1][i_77_ - 1][
                    i_76_ + -1])))
          Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_] =
              (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_ - 1][i_76_ + -1]);
      } else
        Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][i_77_][i_76_] =
            (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anIntArrayArrayArray4353[i_75_][-1 + i_77_][i_76_]);

  public static byte[] method894(byte i, int i_84_) {
    if (i != 14) anInt4062 = -127;
    Class68_Sub20_Sub19 class68_sub20_sub19 =
        ((Class68_Sub20_Sub19) Login.aLogin_1498.method1473((long) i_84_, (byte) -76));
    if (class68_sub20_sub19 == null) {
      byte[] is = new byte[512];
      Random random = new Random((long) i_84_);
      for (int i_85_ = 0; (i_85_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -256; i_85_++) is[i_85_] = (byte) i_85_;
      for (int i_86_ = 0; (i_86_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -256; i_86_++) {
        int i_87_ = -i_86_ + 255;
        int i_88_ = Class68_Sub20_Sub10.method1114(i_87_, (byte) 70, random);
        byte i_89_ = is[i_88_];
        is[i_88_] = is[i_87_];
        is[i_87_] = is[511 + -i_86_] = i_89_;
      class68_sub20_sub19 = new Class68_Sub20_Sub19(is);
      Login.aLogin_1498.method1465((long) i_84_, (byte) 112, class68_sub20_sub19);
    return class68_sub20_sub19.aByteArray4454;

  static {
    anIntArray4056 = new int[] {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0};
    anInt4062 = 0;
    aClass98_4064 = new Class98(50);
    aRSString_4072 = Class112.method1668(43, "::rebuild");
    anIntArray4075 = new int[500];
    anInt4073 = -1;
    anInt4077 = 0;
public class Class71 {
  public static RSString aRSString_1288;
  public static RSString aRSString_1289;
  public static RSString aRSString_1290 = Class112.method1668(43, "Free world");
  public static int anInt1291;
  public static int anInt1292;
  public static int anInt1293;
  public static int[] anIntArray1294;
  public static int anInt1295;
  public static RSString aRSString_1296;
  public static int anInt1297;
  public static int anInt1298;
  public static int anInt1299;
  public static short[] aShortArray1300;

  public static void method1338(int i, int i_0_, int i_1_) {
    if ((Class80.anInt1465 ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
      Class68_Sub4.method660(Class80.anInt1465, (byte) 60);
      Class80.anInt1465 = 0;
    int i_2_ = 0;
    int i_3_ = 256;
    int i_4_ = i * Class79.anInt1401;
    int i_5_ = 0;
    if (i_1_ == 95) {
      for (int i_6_ = 1; i_6_ < i_3_ - 1; i_6_++) {
        int i_7_ = ((-i_6_ + i_3_) * Class68_Sub20_Sub16.anIntArray4416[i_6_] / i_3_);
        if ((i_7_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -1) i_7_ = 0;
        i_2_ += i_7_;
        for (int i_8_ = i_7_; i_8_ < 128; i_8_++) {
          int i_9_ = Class68_Sub20.anIntArray3090[i_2_++];
          int i_10_ = Class79.anIntArray1402[i_0_ + i_4_++];
          if ((i_9_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1)
            RuntimeException_Sub1.aClass68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1_2246.anIntArray4615[i_5_++] = i_10_;
          else {
            int i_11_ = 18 + i_9_;
            if ((i_11_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -256) i_11_ = 255;
            int i_12_ = 256 - (18 + i_9_);
            if ((i_12_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -256) i_12_ = 255;
            i_9_ = Class68_Sub25.anIntArray3172[i_9_];
            RuntimeException_Sub1.aClass68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1_2246.anIntArray4615[i_5_++] =
                            (Class120.method1740(65280, i_9_) * i_11_
                                + i_12_ * Class120.method1740(i_10_, 65280)),
                        + (Class120.method1740(
                            (i_11_ * Class120.method1740(i_9_, 16711935)
                                + (i_12_ * Class120.method1740(i_10_, 16711935))))))
                    >> -1223440824);
        for (int i_13_ = 0; i_7_ > i_13_; i_13_++)
          RuntimeException_Sub1.aClass68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1_2246.anIntArray4615[i_5_++] =
              Class79.anIntArray1402[i_4_++ + i_0_];
        i_4_ += Class79.anInt1401 - 128;
      RuntimeException_Sub1.aClass68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1_2246.method1108(i_0_, i);

  public static void method1339(String string, Throwable throwable, int i) {
    // throwable.printStackTrace();
    /*do {
        try {
    	String string_14_ = "";
    	if (throwable != null)
    	    string_14_ = Class126.method1776(throwable, -113);
    	if (string != null) {
    	    if (throwable != null)
    		string_14_ += " | ";
    	    string_14_ += (String) string;
    	System.out.println("Error: " + string_14_);
    	string_14_ = string_14_.replace(':', '.');
    	string_14_ = string_14_.replace('@', '_');
    	string_14_ = string_14_.replace((char) i, '_');
    	string_14_ = string_14_.replace('#', '_');
    	if (Class85.aSignLink_1553.anApplet1042 != null) {
    	    Class31 class31
    		= (Class85.aSignLink_1553.method562
    		   (new URL(Class85.aSignLink_1553.anApplet1042
    			    ("" + Class92.anInt1648
    			     + "&u=" + Class72_Sub1.aLong3285 + "&v1="
    			     + SignLink.aString1036 + "&v2="
    			     + SignLink.aString1058 + "&e="
    			     + string_14_)),
    		    i + -38));
    	    while ((class31.anInt555 ^ 0xffffffff) == -1)
    		Class50.method528(i ^ ~0x22, 1L);
    	    if (class31.anInt555 != 1)
    	    DataInputStream datainputstream
    		= (DataInputStream) class31.anObject558;;
        } catch (Exception exception) {
    } while (false);*/

  public static void method1340(int i, int i_15_) {
    try {
      if ((i_15_ ^ 0xffffffff) != 0 && Class68_Sub13_Sub25.unpackInterface(i_15_)) {
        if (i != -1) method1340(104, 115);
        Class45[] class45s = Class68_Sub13_Sub36.aClass45ArrayArray4040[i_15_];
        for (int i_16_ = 0; i_16_ < class45s.length; i_16_++) {
          Class45 class45 = class45s[i_16_];
          if (class45.anObjectArray759 != null) {
            Class68_Sub29 class68_sub29 = new Class68_Sub29();
            class68_sub29.anObjectArray3237 = class45.anObjectArray759;
            class68_sub29.aClass45_3239 = class45;
            Class68_Sub28_Sub1.method1260(class68_sub29, (byte) 124, 2000000);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    if (i_15_ == 744) {
      Hack.setInterfaceConfig(744, 44, true);
      Hack.setInterfaceConfig(744, 45, true);
      Hack.setInterfaceConfig(744, 46, true);
      Hack.setInterfaceConfig(744, 47, true);

  public static void method1341(byte i) {
    for (int i_17_ = -1; (client.anInt2382 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_17_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_17_++) {
      int i_18_;
      if ((i_17_ ^ 0xffffffff) != 0) i_18_ = Class85.anIntArray1563[i_17_];
      else i_18_ = 2047;
      Class1_Sub6_Sub2 class1_sub6_sub2 = Class68_Sub13_Sub4.aClass1_Sub6_Sub2Array3483[i_18_];
      if (class1_sub6_sub2 != null && class1_sub6_sub2.anInt2569 > 0) {
        if (class1_sub6_sub2.anInt2569 == 0) class1_sub6_sub2.aRSString_2576 = null;
    for (int i_19_ = 0; (Class13_Sub2.anInt2645 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_19_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_19_++) {
      int i_20_ = Class68_Sub10.anIntArray2906[i_19_];
      Class1_Sub6_Sub1 class1_sub6_sub1 = Class102.aClass1_Sub6_Sub1Array1746[i_20_];
      if (class1_sub6_sub1 != null && (class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2569 ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
        if (class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2569 == 0) class1_sub6_sub1.aRSString_2576 = null;
    int i_21_ = 49 % ((i - 54) / 63);

  public static void method1342(boolean bool) {
    anIntArray1294 = null;
    aRSString_1288 = null;
    aShortArray1300 = null;
    if (bool == true) {
      aRSString_1290 = null;
      aRSString_1289 = null;
      aRSString_1296 = null;

  static {
    aRSString_1288 = Class112.method1668(43, "Fps:");
    aRSString_1289 = aRSString_1290;
    anInt1293 = 0;
    aRSString_1296 = Class112.method1668(43, "_labels");
    anInt1298 = -1;
    anIntArray1294 = new int[100];
    aShortArray1300 = new short[] {960, 957, -21568, -21571, 22464};
 static {
   aRSString_4223 = Class112.method1668(43, "_");
   anInt4225 = 0;
   anInt4229 = 0;
   aRSString_4228 = (Class112.method1668(43, "Clientscript error )2 check log for details"));
 public boolean method353(int arg0, int arg1, Class130 arg2) {
   try {
     int i = arg0;
     Class72 class72 = this.method344(arg1 + 5351);
     Class161 class161 =
         (anInt5247 == -1 || (anInt5256 ^ 0xffffffff) != -1
             ? null
             : Class145.method2159(anInt5247, (byte) -116));
     Class161 class161_0_ =
         (((anInt5254 ^ 0xffffffff) == 0 || aBoolean5261 && class161 != null)
             ? null
             : Class145.method2159(anInt5254, (byte) -97));
     int i_1_ = class72.anInt973;
     int i_2_ = class72.anInt975;
     if ((i_1_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -1
         || (i_2_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -1
         || class72.anInt956 != 0
         || class72.anInt965 != 0) arg0 |= 0x7;
     if (arg1 != -5235) aClass214_6477 = null;
     Class154 class154 =
         (aClass154Array5329[0] =
     if (class154 == null) return false;
     anInt5264 = class154.method2256();
     this.method341(14889, class154);
     int i_3_ = aClass171_5297.method2441((byte) 126);
     anInt5252 = 0;
     anInt5236 = 0;
     anInt5275 = 0;
     if (i_1_ == 0 && i_2_ == 0)
           this.method335((byte) -67) << -905035737,
           this.method335((byte) -122) << 1548331143,
     else {
       this.method336(i_2_, 2, i_1_, i_3_);
       if (anInt5252 != 0) aClass154Array5329[0].method2288(anInt5252);
       if ((anInt5275 ^ 0xffffffff) != -1) aClass154Array5329[0].method2251(anInt5275);
       if (anInt5236 != 0) aClass154Array5329[0].method2272(0, anInt5236, 0);
     aClass154Array5329[1] = null;
     if (anInt5253 != -1 && (anInt5262 ^ 0xffffffff) != 0) {
       Class112 class112 = Class151.method2194(anInt5253, -6861);
       Class154 class154_4_ =
               -1, anInt5262, anInt5288, anInt5251, (!class112.aBoolean1442 ? 2 : 7) | i, arg2);
       if (class154_4_ != null) {
         class154_4_.method2272(0, -anInt5286, 0);
         if (class112.aBoolean1442 && (i_1_ != 0 || i_2_ != 0)) {
           if ((anInt5252 ^ 0xffffffff) != -1) class154_4_.method2288(anInt5252);
           if ((anInt5275 ^ 0xffffffff) != -1) class154_4_.method2251(anInt5275);
           if (anInt5236 != 0) class154_4_.method2272(0, anInt5236, 0);
         aClass154Array5329[1] = class154_4_;
     aClass154Array5329[2] = null;
     if (anInterface6_5333 != null) {
       if ((Class125.anInt1632 ^ 0xffffffff) <= (anInt5332 ^ 0xffffffff)) anInterface6_5333 = null;
       if ((Class125.anInt1632 ^ 0xffffffff) <= (anInt5324 ^ 0xffffffff)
           && anInt5332 > Class125.anInt1632) {
         Class154 class154_5_ = anInterface6_5333.method18((byte) 105, i | 0x7, arg2);
         if (class154_5_ != null) {
               -anInt3733 + anInt5327, -anInt3746 + anInt5325, anInt5323 - anInt3747);
           if ((i_3_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -1) class154_5_.method2264(i_3_);
           aClass154Array5329[2] = class154_5_;
     return true;
   } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
     throw Class131_Sub2_Sub6.method1495(
         ("ai.O(" + arg0 + ',' + arg1 + ',' + (arg2 != null ? "{...}" : "null") + ')'));
Beispiel #12
public class Class125 implements Runnable {
  public static RSString aRSString_2165;
  public SignLink aSignLink_2166;
  public static int anInt2167;
  public static int anInt2168;
  public static int[] anIntArray2169 = new int[32];
  public static Class21 aClass21_2170;
  public static Class98 aClass98_2171;
  public static int anInt2172;
  public static int anInt2173 = 0;
  public volatile Class35[] aClass35Array2174 = new Class35[2];
  public static RSString aRSString_2175 =
      (Class112.method1668(43, "You can(Wt add yourself to your own ignore list)3"));
  public volatile boolean aBoolean2176 = false;
  public static int anInt2177;
  public volatile boolean aBoolean2178 = false;
  public static int anInt2179;

  public void run() {
    aBoolean2178 = true;
    try {
      while (!aBoolean2176) {
        for (int i = 0; (i ^ 0xffffffff) > -3; i++) {
          Class35 class35 = aClass35Array2174[i];
          if (class35 != null) class35.method430((byte) 54);
        Class50.method528(-5, 10L);
        Canvas_Sub1.method46(aSignLink_2166, null, (byte) -103);
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      Class71.method1339(null, exception, 38);
    } finally {
      aBoolean2178 = false;

  public static Class68_Sub20_Sub2 method1763(byte i, int i_0_) {
    Class68_Sub20_Sub2 class68_sub20_sub2 =
        ((Class68_Sub20_Sub2) Class75_Sub1_Sub1.aLogin_4588.method1473((long) i_0_, (byte) -76));
    if (class68_sub20_sub2 != null) return class68_sub20_sub2;
    byte[] is = Class109.aClass21_1845.method338(i_0_, 0, 5);
    if (i <= 103) aRSString_2175 = null;
    class68_sub20_sub2 = new Class68_Sub20_Sub2();
    if (is != null) class68_sub20_sub2.method1045((byte) 108, new Stream(is));
    Class75_Sub1_Sub1.aLogin_4588.method1465((long) i_0_, (byte) -105, class68_sub20_sub2);
    return class68_sub20_sub2;

  public static void method1764(int i) {
    aClass21_2170 = null;
    aRSString_2165 = null;
    aClass98_2171 = null;
    anIntArray2169 = null;
    int i_1_ = -37 / ((62 - i) / 41);
    aRSString_2175 = null;

  static {
    aRSString_2165 = aRSString_2175;
    aClass98_2171 = new Class98(200);
public class Class14 {
  public static RSString aRSString_224 = Class112.method1668(43, "Art");
  public static int anInt225;
  public static int anInt226;
  public Class21 aClass21_227;
  public static int anInt228 = 0;
  public static Class21_Sub1 aClass21_Sub1_229;
  public Class113 aClass113_230 = new Class113(256);
  public Class21 aClass21_231;
  public static int anInt232;
  public static int anInt233;
  public static int anInt234;
  public static int anInt235;
  public static int[] anIntArray236;
  public static int anInt237;
  public static int anInt238;
  public static int anInt239;
  public static int anInt240;
  public static Class84 aClass84_241;
  public Class113 aClass113_242 = new Class113(256);
  public static RSString aRSString_243 = Class112.method1668(43, "Benutzen");

  public static boolean method265(int i) {
    try {
      if (i >= -98) anInt225 = 39;
      return PacketParser.method1667(-26354);
    } catch ( ioexception) {
      Class72_Sub1.method1367((byte) -21);
      return true;
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      String string =
          ("T2 - "
              + Class49.anInt962
              + ","
              + Class68_Sub20_Sub6.anInt4240
              + ","
              + Class68_Sub20_Sub7.anInt4252
              + " - "
              + Class106.anInt1804
              + ","
              + (Class68_Sub7.aClass1_Sub6_Sub2_2860.anIntArray2523[0] + Class36.anInt643)
              + ","
              + (Class68_Sub7.aClass1_Sub6_Sub2_2860.anIntArray2570[0]
                  + Class68_Sub13_Sub35.anInt4026)
              + " - ");
      for (int i_0_ = 0;
          ((Class106.anInt1804 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_0_ ^ 0xffffffff) && (i_0_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -51);
          i_0_++) string += (Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.aByteArray2960[i_0_]) + ",";
      Class71.method1339(string, exception, 38);
      Class68_Sub3.method651((byte) -109);
      return true;

  public Class68_Sub11_Sub1 method266(int i, int[] is, int i_1_) {
    if (aClass21_231.getNumberOfFiles() == 1) return method272(0, is, i_1_, (byte) 91);
    if ((aClass21_231.getNumberOfChildren(i_1_, i + i) ^ 0xffffffff) == -2)
      return method272(i_1_, is, 0, (byte) 112);
    throw new RuntimeException();

  public static Class68_Sub20_Sub11 method267(boolean bool, int i) {
    if (bool != true) anIntArray236 = null;
    Class68_Sub20_Sub11 class68_sub20_sub11 =
        ((Class68_Sub20_Sub11) Class1_Sub6_Sub2.aLogin_3418.method1473((long) i, (byte) -76));
    if (class68_sub20_sub11 != null) return class68_sub20_sub11;
    byte[] is;
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) > -32769) is = Class68_Sub20_Sub8.aClass21_4290.method338(i, 0, 0);
    else is = Class25.aClass21_513.method338(0x7fff & i, 0, 0);
    class68_sub20_sub11 = new Class68_Sub20_Sub11();
    if (is != null) class68_sub20_sub11.method1143(new Stream(is), bool);
    if (i >= 32768) class68_sub20_sub11.method1145((byte) -67);
    Class1_Sub6_Sub2.aLogin_3418.method1465((long) i, (byte) -126, class68_sub20_sub11);
    return class68_sub20_sub11;

  public Class68_Sub11_Sub1 method268(byte i, int i_2_, int i_3_, int[] is) {
    if (i != -113) aRSString_224 = null;
    int i_4_ = i_3_ ^ (i_2_ >>> 1030641644 | i_2_ << -1517522620 & 0xfffc);
    i_4_ |= i_2_ << -637707920;
    long l = (long) i_4_ ^ 0x100000000L;
    Class68_Sub11_Sub1 class68_sub11_sub1 = (Class68_Sub11_Sub1) aClass113_242.method1678(l, -80);
    if (class68_sub11_sub1 != null) return class68_sub11_sub1;
    if (is != null && is[0] <= 0) return null;
    Class68_Sub21 class68_sub21 = (Class68_Sub21) aClass113_230.method1678(l, 82);
    if (class68_sub21 == null) {
      class68_sub21 = Class68_Sub21.method1192(aClass21_227, i_2_, i_3_);
      if (class68_sub21 == null) return null;
      aClass113_230.method1677((byte) 123, class68_sub21, l);
    class68_sub11_sub1 = class68_sub21.method1193(is);
    if (class68_sub11_sub1 == null) return null;
    aClass113_242.method1677((byte) 122, class68_sub11_sub1, l);
    return class68_sub11_sub1;

  public static void method269(boolean bool) {
    anIntArray236 = null;
    aRSString_224 = null;
    aClass21_Sub1_229 = null;
    if (bool == false) {
      aRSString_243 = null;
      aClass84_241 = null;

  public Class68_Sub11_Sub1 method270(int i, byte i_5_, int[] is) {
    if (aClass21_227.getNumberOfFiles() == 1) return method268((byte) -113, 0, i, is);
    if ((aClass21_227.getNumberOfChildren(i, 0) ^ 0xffffffff) == -2)
      return method268((byte) -113, i, 0, is);
    if (i_5_ <= 5) anInt233 = -21;
    throw new RuntimeException();

  public static void method271(
      boolean bool,
      Class21 class21,
      Class21 class21_6_,
      byte i,
      Class68_Sub20_Sub1_Sub1 class68_sub20_sub1_sub1) {
    try {
      Class68_Sub26.aClass21_3191 = class21;
      Class86.aClass21_1566 = class21_6_;
      Class16.aBoolean272 = bool;
      if (i <= 26) aClass84_241 = null;
      int i_7_ = -1 + Class86.aClass21_1566.getNumberOfFiles();
      anInt233 = i_7_ * 256 + Class86.aClass21_1566.getNumberOfChildren(i_7_, 0);
      Class18.aClass68_Sub20_Sub1_Sub1_289 = class68_sub20_sub1_sub1;
    } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
      throw Class107.method1652(
              + bool
              + ','
              + (class21 != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + (class21_6_ != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + i
              + ','
              + (class68_sub20_sub1_sub1 != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ')'));

  public Class68_Sub11_Sub1 method272(int i, int[] is, int i_8_, byte i_9_) {
    int i_10_ = (i >>> 1727410956 | i << -759980412 & 0xfffd) ^ i_8_;
    i_10_ |= i << 1741927728;
    long l = (long) i_10_;
    Class68_Sub11_Sub1 class68_sub11_sub1 = (Class68_Sub11_Sub1) aClass113_242.method1678(l, -40);
    if (class68_sub11_sub1 != null) return class68_sub11_sub1;
    if (is != null && is[0] <= 0) return null;
    Class46 class46 = Class46.method509(aClass21_231, i, i_8_);
    if (class46 == null) return null;
    int i_11_ = 46 / (-i_9_ / 36);
    class68_sub11_sub1 = class46.method508();
    aClass113_242.method1677((byte) -126, class68_sub11_sub1, l);
    if (is != null) is[0] -= class68_sub11_sub1.aByteArray3445.length;
    return class68_sub11_sub1;

  public Class14(Class21 class21, Class21 class21_12_) {
    try {
      aClass21_227 = class21_12_;
      aClass21_231 = class21;
    } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
      throw Class107.method1652(
              + (class21 != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + (class21_12_ != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ')'));
Beispiel #14
public class RSString implements Interface3 {
  public static Class97 aClass97_2261;
  public static boolean aBoolean2262;
  public static int anInt2263;
  public static int anInt2264;
  public boolean aBoolean2265 = true;
  public static int anInt2266;
  public static int anInt2267;
  public byte[] aByteArray2268;
  public static RSString aRSString_2269 = Class112.method1668(43, "Loading wordpack )2 ");
  public static int anInt2270;
  public static int anInt2271;
  public static int anInt2272;
  public static int anInt2273;
  public static int anInt2274;
  public static int anInt2275;
  public static int anInt2276;
  public static int anInt2277;
  public static int anInt2278;
  public static boolean aBoolean2279;
  public static int anInt2280;
  public static int anInt2281;
  public static int anInt2282;
  public static int anInt2283;
  public static int anInt2284;
  public static int anInt2285;
  public static int anInt2286;
  public static int anInt2287;
  public static int anInt2288;
  public static int anInt2289;
  public static int anInt2290;
  public static int anInt2291;
  public static int anInt2292;
  public int anInt2293;
  public static int anInt2294;
  public static int anInt2295;
  public static int anInt2296;
  public static RSString aRSString_2297;
  public static int anInt2298;
  public static int anInt2299;
  public static int anInt2300;
  public static int anInt2301;
  public static int anInt2302;
  public static int anInt2303;
  public static int anInt2304;
  public static RSString aRSString_2305;
  public static int anInt2306;
  public static int anInt2307;
  public int anInt2308;
  public static int anInt2309;
  public static int anInt2310;
  public static int anInt2311;
  public static int anInt2312;
  public static int anInt2313;
  public static int anInt2314;
  public static int anInt2315;
  public static int anInt2316;
  public static RSString aRSString_2317;
  public static int anInt2318;
  public static int anInt2319;
  public static int anInt2320;
  public static int anInt2321;
  public static int anInt2322;
  public static int anInt2323;
  public static int anInt2324;
  public static int anInt2325;
  /*synthetic*/ public static Class aClass2326;

  public RSString method1572(int i, int i_0_, int i_1_, RSString class100_2_) {
    if (!aBoolean2265) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) > -1
        || (i ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_0_ ^ 0xffffffff)
        || i_0_ > class100_2_.anInt2293) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    anInt2308 = 0;
    if (anInt2293 - (-i_0_ - -i) > aByteArray2268.length) {
      int i_3_;
      for (i_3_ = 1; anInt2293 + class100_2_.anInt2293 > i_3_; i_3_ += i_3_) {
        /* empty */
      byte[] is = new byte[i_3_];
      Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, is, 0, anInt2293);
      aByteArray2268 = is;
    Class39.method465(class100_2_.aByteArray2268, i, aByteArray2268, anInt2293, i_0_ + -i);
    anInt2293 += -i + i_0_;
    if (i_1_ != -10000) method1580(-123);
    return this;

  public boolean method1573(RSString class100_4_, boolean bool) {
    if (class100_4_.anInt2293 > anInt2293) return false;
    int i = anInt2293 + -class100_4_.anInt2293;
    for (int i_5_ = 0; class100_4_.anInt2293 > i_5_; i_5_++) {
      if (aByteArray2268[i_5_ - -i] != class100_4_.aByteArray2268[i_5_]) return false;
    if (bool != true) method1605(60, -108);
    return true;

  public URL method1574(int i) throws MalformedURLException {
    if (i != -16294) method1603(37);
    return new URL(new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293));

  public byte[] method1575(byte i) {
    if (i >= -75) return null;
    byte[] is = new byte[anInt2293];
    Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, is, 0, anInt2293);
    return is;

  public RSString method1576(byte i, int i_6_) {
    if (i_6_ <= 0 || i_6_ > 255) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid char");
    if (i <= 85) aRSString_2305 = null;
    RSString class100_7_ = new RSString();
    class100_7_.aByteArray2268 = new byte[anInt2293 + 1];
    class100_7_.anInt2293 = anInt2293 + 1;
    Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, class100_7_.aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    class100_7_.aByteArray2268[anInt2293] = (byte) i_6_;
    return class100_7_;

  public void method1577(byte i) {
    String string;
    try {
      string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293, "ISO-8859-1");
    } catch ( unsupportedencodingexception) {
      string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    if (i != 112) method1617(-51, null);

  public int method1578(int i, int i_8_) {
    if (i_8_ != 7178) aRSString_2305 = null;
    return aByteArray2268[i] & 0xff;

  public static void method1579(byte i) {
    aRSString_2305 = null;
    aRSString_2317 = null;
    aClass97_2261 = null;
    aRSString_2269 = null;
    aRSString_2297 = null;
    if (i > -107) aBoolean2262 = true;

  public long method1580(int i) {
    long l = 0L;
    for (int i_9_ = 0; i_9_ < anInt2293; i_9_++)
      l = -l + (l << 718411205) + (long) (0xff & aByteArray2268[i_9_]);
    int i_10_ = -68 % ((37 - i) / 45);
    return l;

  public boolean method1581(int i, boolean bool) {
    boolean bool_11_ = false;
    boolean bool_12_ = bool;
    int i_13_ = 0;
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) > -2 || i > 36) i = 10;
    for (int i_14_ = 0; (i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_14_++) {
      int i_15_ = 0xff & aByteArray2268[i_14_];
      if ((i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) {
        if (i_15_ == 45) {
          bool_11_ = true;
        if ((i_15_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -44) continue;
      if ((i_15_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -49 && (i_15_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -58) i_15_ -= 48;
      else if (i_15_ >= 65 && i_15_ <= 90) i_15_ -= 55;
      else if (i_15_ >= 97 && (i_15_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -123) i_15_ -= 87;
      else return false;
      if (i <= i_15_) return false;
      if (bool_11_) i_15_ = -i_15_;
      int i_16_ = i_13_ * i + i_15_;
      if (i_16_ / i != i_13_) return false;
      i_13_ = i_16_;
      bool_12_ = true;
    return bool_12_;

  public URL method1582(URL url, int i) throws MalformedURLException {
    if (i != 4) method1605(122, 19);
    return new URL(url, new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293));

  public void method1583(int i, int i_17_, Graphics graphics, int i_18_) {
    String string;
    try {
      string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293, "ISO-8859-1");
      int i_19_ = 84 / ((57 - i_18_) / 63);
    } catch ( unsupportedencodingexception) {
      string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    graphics.drawString(string, i, i_17_);

  public int method1584(int i, int i_20_, int i_21_) {
    if (i_20_ != -1) return 21;
    byte i_22_ = (byte) i;
    for (int i_23_ = i_21_; (i_23_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_23_++) {
      if ((aByteArray2268[i_23_] ^ 0xffffffff) == (i_22_ ^ 0xffffffff)) return i_23_;
    return -1;

  public RSString method1585(boolean bool) {
    if (bool != true) aBoolean2265 = true;
    int i = 0;
    int i_24_ = anInt2293;
    for (
    /**/ ; i < anInt2293; i++) {
      if (((aByteArray2268[i] ^ 0xffffffff) > -1 || (aByteArray2268[i] ^ 0xffffffff) < -33)
          && (aByteArray2268[i] & 0xff ^ 0xffffffff) != -161) break;
    for (
    /**/ ;
        i < i_24_
            && ((aByteArray2268[-1 + i_24_] >= 0 && aByteArray2268[i_24_ - 1] <= 32)
                || (0xff & aByteArray2268[-1 + i_24_]) == 160);
        i_24_--) {
      /* empty */
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) == -1 && anInt2293 == i_24_) return this;
    RSString class100_25_ = new RSString();
    class100_25_.anInt2293 = i_24_ - i;
    class100_25_.aByteArray2268 = new byte[class100_25_.anInt2293];
    for (int i_26_ = 0; class100_25_.anInt2293 > i_26_; i_26_++)
      class100_25_.aByteArray2268[i_26_] = aByteArray2268[i + i_26_];
    return class100_25_;

  public int method1586(byte i, RSString class100_27_, int i_28_) {
    int[] is = new int[class100_27_.anInt2293];
    int[] is_29_ = new int[256];
    int[] is_30_ = new int[class100_27_.anInt2293];
    for (int i_31_ = 0; (i_31_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (is_29_.length ^ 0xffffffff); i_31_++)
      is_29_[i_31_] = class100_27_.anInt2293;
    for (int i_32_ = 1; (class100_27_.anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) <= (i_32_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_32_++) {
      is[-1 + i_32_] = (class100_27_.anInt2293 << -516904319) - i_32_;
      is_29_[Class120.method1740(class100_27_.aByteArray2268[-1 + i_32_], 255)] =
          class100_27_.anInt2293 - i_32_;
    int i_33_ = 1 + class100_27_.anInt2293;
    int i_34_ = class100_27_.anInt2293;
    while ((i_34_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
      is_30_[-1 + i_34_] = i_33_;
      for (
      /**/ ;
          ((i_33_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= (class100_27_.anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff)
              && (class100_27_.aByteArray2268[i_34_ - 1]
                  != class100_27_.aByteArray2268[i_33_ - 1]));
          i_33_ = is_30_[-1 + i_33_]) {
        if ((is[-1 + i_33_] ^ 0xffffffff) <= (-i_34_ + class100_27_.anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff))
          is[i_33_ - 1] = class100_27_.anInt2293 + -i_34_;
    int i_35_ = i_33_;
    i_33_ = -i_35_ + (1 + class100_27_.anInt2293);
    int i_36_ = 1;
    int i_37_ = 0;
    for (int i_38_ = 1; i_33_ >= i_38_; i_38_++) {
      is_30_[-1 + i_38_] = i_37_;
      for (
      /**/ ;
          (i_37_ >= 1
              && ((class100_27_.aByteArray2268[i_38_ - 1] ^ 0xffffffff)
                  != (class100_27_.aByteArray2268[i_37_ + -1] ^ 0xffffffff)));
          i_37_ = is_30_[-1 + i_37_]) {
        /* empty */
    while (i_35_ < class100_27_.anInt2293) {
      for (int i_39_ = i_36_; i_35_ >= i_39_; i_39_++) {
        if (is[i_39_ - 1] >= -i_39_ + (i_35_ + class100_27_.anInt2293))
          is[i_39_ - 1] = -i_39_ + i_35_ + class100_27_.anInt2293;
      i_36_ = i_35_ + 1;
      i_35_ = i_33_ + (i_35_ + -is_30_[i_33_ + -1]);
      i_33_ = is_30_[i_33_ + -1];
    if (i != 43) return -2;
    int i_40_;
    for (int i_41_ = -1 + class100_27_.anInt2293 + i_28_;
        (i_41_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff);
        i_41_ += Math.max(is_29_[0xff & aByteArray2268[i_41_]], is[i_40_])) {
      for (i_40_ = -1 + class100_27_.anInt2293;
          (i_40_ >= 0
              && ((aByteArray2268[i_41_] ^ 0xffffffff)
                  == (class100_27_.aByteArray2268[i_40_] ^ 0xffffffff)));
          i_40_--) i_41_--;
      if ((i_40_ ^ 0xffffffff) == 0) return i_41_ + 1;
    return -1;

  public RSString method1587(boolean bool) {
    if (!aBoolean2265) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    anInt2308 = 0;
    if (bool != true) aRSString_2269 = null;
    if (aByteArray2268.length != anInt2293) {
      byte[] is = new byte[anInt2293];
      Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, is, 0, anInt2293);
      aByteArray2268 = is;
    return this;

  public RSString method1588(int i, int i_42_) {
    if (i_42_ != 26011) method1590((byte) 62);
    if (i <= 0 || i > 255) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid char:" + i);
    if (!aBoolean2265) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    anInt2308 = 0;
    if (aByteArray2268.length == anInt2293) {
      int i_43_;
      for (i_43_ = 1; anInt2293 >= i_43_; i_43_ += i_43_) {
        /* empty */
      byte[] is = new byte[i_43_];
      Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, is, 0, anInt2293);
      aByteArray2268 = is;
    aByteArray2268[anInt2293++] = (byte) i;
    return this;

  public boolean method1589(RSString class100_44_, int i) {
    if (i < 25) method1581(37, false);
    if (anInt2293 < class100_44_.anInt2293) return false;
    for (int i_45_ = 0; (i_45_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (class100_44_.anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_45_++) {
      if (class100_44_.aByteArray2268[i_45_] != aByteArray2268[i_45_]) return false;
    return true;

  public int method1590(byte i) {
    if (i >= -95) method1576((byte) 0, -29);
    return anInt2293;

  public int method1591(byte i, FontMetrics fontmetrics) {
    String string;
    try {
      string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293, "ISO-8859-1");
      if (i < 85) method1619((byte) -127);
    } catch ( unsupportedencodingexception) {
      string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    return fontmetrics.stringWidth(string);

  public int method1592(byte i, int i_46_) {
    int i_47_ = 12 % ((-48 - i) / 63);
    return method1584(i_46_, -1, 0);

  public boolean method1593(RSString class100_48_, byte i) {
    if (class100_48_ == null) return false;
    if (i <= 89) method1579((byte) -22);
    if (class100_48_.anInt2293 != anInt2293) return false;
    if (!aBoolean2265 || !class100_48_.aBoolean2265) {
      if (anInt2308 == 0) {
        anInt2308 = method1603(5745);
        if (anInt2308 == 0) anInt2308 = 1;
      if (class100_48_.anInt2308 == 0) {
        class100_48_.anInt2308 = class100_48_.method1603(5745);
        if (class100_48_.anInt2308 == 0) class100_48_.anInt2308 = 1;
      if ((class100_48_.anInt2308 ^ 0xffffffff) != (anInt2308 ^ 0xffffffff)) return false;
    for (int i_49_ = 0; (i_49_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_49_++) {
      if ((aByteArray2268[i_49_] ^ 0xffffffff) != (class100_48_.aByteArray2268[i_49_] ^ 0xffffffff))
        return false;
    return true;

  public void method1594(int i, byte i_50_) {
    anInt2308 = 0;
    if (!aBoolean2265) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) > -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) < (aByteArray2268.length ^ 0xffffffff)) {
      int i_51_;
      for (i_51_ = 1; (i ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_51_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_51_ += i_51_) {
        /* empty */
      byte[] is = new byte[i_51_];
      Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, is, 0, anInt2293);
      aByteArray2268 = is;
    if (i_50_ > -13) method1600(true, null);
    for (int i_52_ = anInt2293; (i_52_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (i ^ 0xffffffff); i_52_++)
      aByteArray2268[i_52_] = (byte) 32;
    anInt2293 = i;

  public int method1595(int i, RSString class100_53_) {
    int i_54_ = 97 / ((-11 - i) / 44);
    return method1586((byte) 43, class100_53_, 0);

  public int method1596(int i, int i_55_) {
    if (i_55_ < 39) method1614(false, null);
    byte i_56_ = (byte) i;
    int i_57_ = 0;
    for (int i_58_ = 0; (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_58_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_58_++) {
      if (i_56_ == aByteArray2268[i_58_]) i_57_++;
    return i_57_;

  public RSString method1597(int i) {
    RSString class100_59_ = new RSString();
    boolean bool = true;
    class100_59_.anInt2293 = anInt2293;
    class100_59_.aByteArray2268 = new byte[anInt2293];
    if (i != 12688) aBoolean2262 = true;
    for (int i_60_ = 0; (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_60_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_60_++) {
      byte i_61_ = aByteArray2268[i_60_];
      if ((i_61_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -96) {
        class100_59_.aByteArray2268[i_60_] = (byte) 32;
        bool = true;
      } else if ((i_61_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -98 && (i_61_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -123 && bool) {
        class100_59_.aByteArray2268[i_60_] = (byte) (i_61_ + -32);
        bool = false;
      } else {
        bool = false;
        class100_59_.aByteArray2268[i_60_] = i_61_;
    return class100_59_;

  public int hashCode() {
    return method1603(5745);

  public static Class13_Sub1 method1598(int i, Stream class68_sub14) {
    if (i != -20084) aRSString_2317 = null;
    return new Class13_Sub1(
        class68_sub14.method957(i + -2405),
        class68_sub14.method957(i + -2405),
        class68_sub14.method921((byte) -58),
        class68_sub14.method921((byte) -124),

  public void method1599(byte i, Applet applet) throws Throwable {
    String string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    Class27.method391(string, 4149, applet);
    int i_62_ = 25 % ((i - 47) / 45);

  public boolean method1600(boolean bool, RSString class100_63_) {
    if (bool != false) return true;
    if (class100_63_ == null) return false;
    if ((class100_63_.anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) != (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff)) return false;
    for (int i = 0; (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i ^ 0xffffffff); i++) {
      byte i_64_ = aByteArray2268[i];
      if ((i_64_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -66 && i_64_ <= 90
          || ((i_64_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= 63 && i_64_ <= -34 && (i_64_ ^ 0xffffffff) != 40))
        i_64_ += 32;
      byte i_65_ = class100_63_.aByteArray2268[i];
      if ((i_65_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -66 && i_65_ <= 90
          || ((i_65_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= 63 && (i_65_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= 33 && i_65_ != -41))
        i_65_ += 32;
      if ((i_65_ ^ 0xffffffff) != (i_64_ ^ 0xffffffff)) return false;
    return true;

  public int method1601(byte i, RSString class100_66_) {
    int i_67_ = 0;
    int i_68_ = 0;
    int i_69_ = class100_66_.anInt2293;
    if (i != -39) return 4;
    int i_70_ = anInt2293;
    int i_71_ = anInt2293;
    int i_72_ = class100_66_.anInt2293;
    int i_73_ = 0;
    int i_74_ = 0;
    while (i_70_ != 0 && i_69_ != 0) {
      if (i_67_ == 156 || i_67_ == 230) i_67_ = 101;
      else if ((i_67_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -141 || (i_67_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -199) i_67_ = 69;
      else if (i_67_ == 223) i_67_ = 115;
      else {
        i_67_ = aByteArray2268[i_73_] & 0xff;
      if (Class57.method573(140, i_67_)) i_71_++;
      else i_70_--;
      if ((i_68_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -157 && i_68_ != 230) {
        if (i_68_ == 140 || i_68_ == 198) i_68_ = 69;
        else if (i_68_ != 223) {
          i_68_ = class100_66_.aByteArray2268[i_74_] & 0xff;
        } else i_68_ = 115;
      } else i_68_ = 101;
      if (!Class57.method573(140, i_68_)) i_69_--;
      else i_72_++;
      if ((Class68_Sub13_Sub35.anIntArray4022[i_68_] ^ 0xffffffff)
          < (Class68_Sub13_Sub35.anIntArray4022[i_67_] ^ 0xffffffff)) return -1;
      if (Class68_Sub13_Sub35.anIntArray4022[i_67_] > Class68_Sub13_Sub35.anIntArray4022[i_68_])
        return 1;
    if (i_71_ < i_72_) return -1;
    if ((i_72_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (i_71_ ^ 0xffffffff)) return 1;
    return 0;

  public RSString method1602(int i) {
    int i_75_ = 103 % ((-6 - i) / 62);
    RSString class100_76_ = Class56.method570(method1609(10908), -1);
    if (class100_76_ == null) return Class61.aRSString_1148;
    return class100_76_;

  public int method1603(int i) {
    if (i != 5745) method1607(9, (byte) -46, 113);
    int i_77_ = 0;
    for (int i_78_ = 0; i_78_ < anInt2293; i_78_++)
      i_77_ = (aByteArray2268[i_78_] & 0xff) + ((i_77_ << -1325077051) + -i_77_);
    return i_77_;

  public Object method1604(Applet applet, byte i) throws Throwable {
    if (i != -123) aBoolean2262 = true;
    String string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    Object object = Class27.method390(string, applet, null, i + -584);
    if (object instanceof String) {
      byte[] is = ((String) object).getBytes();
      object = Class68_Sub13_Sub27.method842(is.length, is, i ^ ~0x4a, 0);
    return object;

  public int method1605(int i, int i_79_) {
    boolean bool = false;
    boolean bool_80_ = false;
    int i_81_ = 0;
    if (i < 1 || (i ^ 0xffffffff) < -37) i = 10;
    for (int i_82_ = 0; (i_82_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_82_++) {
      int i_83_ = 0xff & aByteArray2268[i_82_];
      if (i_82_ == 0) {
        if ((i_83_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -46) {
          bool = true;
        if ((i_83_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -44) continue;
      if (i_83_ < 48 || i_83_ > 57) {
        if ((i_83_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -66 && i_83_ <= 90) i_83_ -= 55;
        else if ((i_83_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -98 && i_83_ <= 122) i_83_ -= 87;
        else throw new NumberFormatException();
      } else i_83_ -= 48;
      if (i_83_ >= i) throw new NumberFormatException();
      if (bool) i_83_ = -i_83_;
      int i_84_ = i_81_ * i - -i_83_;
      if (i_81_ != i_84_ / i) throw new NumberFormatException();
      i_81_ = i_84_;
      bool_80_ = true;
    if (!bool_80_) throw new NumberFormatException();
    if (i_79_ <= 41) aClass97_2261 = null;
    return i_81_;

  public byte[] method1606(byte i) {
    if ((anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) return new byte[0];
    int i_85_ = anInt2293 + 3 & ~0x3;
    int i_86_ = -56 / ((i - -53) / 54);
    int i_87_ = 3 * (i_85_ / 4);
    if ((i_85_ + -2 ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff)
        && (Class68_Sub20_Sub4.method1060(aByteArray2268[-2 + i_85_], -109) != -1)) {
      if ((anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) >= (i_85_ - 1 ^ 0xffffffff)
          || Class68_Sub20_Sub4.method1060(aByteArray2268[-1 + i_85_], 37) == -1) i_87_--;
    } else i_87_ -= 2;
    byte[] is = new byte[i_87_];
    method1613(is, -64, 0);
    return is;

  public RSString method1607(int i, byte i_88_, int i_89_) {
    RSString class100_90_ = new RSString();
    class100_90_.anInt2293 = -i + i_89_;
    if (i_88_ != -74) aByteArray2268 = null;
    class100_90_.aByteArray2268 = new byte[-i + i_89_];
    Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, i, class100_90_.aByteArray2268, 0, class100_90_.anInt2293);
    return class100_90_;

  public boolean equals(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof RSString) return method1593((RSString) object, (byte) 122);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();

  public RSString method1608(byte i) {
    RSString class100_91_ = new RSString();
    class100_91_.anInt2293 = anInt2293;
    class100_91_.aByteArray2268 = new byte[anInt2293];
    int i_92_ = 93 % ((-26 - i) / 54);
    for (int i_93_ = 0; (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_93_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_93_++) {
      byte i_94_ = aByteArray2268[i_93_];
      if ((i_94_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -66 && (i_94_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -91
          || (i_94_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= 63 && i_94_ <= -34 && i_94_ != -41) i_94_ += 32;
      class100_91_.aByteArray2268[i_93_] = i_94_;
    return class100_91_;

  public String toString() {
    throw new RuntimeException();

  public long method1609(int i) {
    if (i != 10908) method1575((byte) -51);
    long l = 0L;
    for (int i_95_ = 0; (i_95_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_95_++) {
      if ((i_95_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= -13) break;
      int i_96_ = aByteArray2268[i_95_];
      l *= 37L;
      if ((i_96_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -66 || (i_96_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -91) {
        if ((i_96_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -98 || (i_96_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -123) {
          if (i_96_ >= 48 && i_96_ <= 57) l += (long) (i_96_ + 27 + -48);
        } else l += (long) (1 - -i_96_ + -97);
      } else l += (long) (-65 + (1 + i_96_));
    for (
    /**/ ; l % 37L == 0L && l != 0L; l /= 37L) {
      /* empty */
    return l;

  public RSString method1610(Applet applet, byte i) {
    String string = new String(aByteArray2268, 0, anInt2293);
    if (i != -31) method1606((byte) -109);
    String string_97_ = applet.getParameter(string);
    if (string_97_ == null) return null;
    return Class23.method379(25732, string_97_);

  public int method1611(int i, int i_98_, int i_99_, int i_100_, byte[] is) {
    Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, i_100_, is, i, i_99_ + -i_100_);
    if (i_98_ != 255) method1603(-96);
    return -i_100_ + i_99_;

  public static byte[] method1612(byte[] is, boolean bool) {
    if (bool != true) return null;
    Stream class68_sub14 = new Stream(is);
    int i = class68_sub14.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
    int i_101_ = class68_sub14.readDWord();
    if (i_101_ < 0
        || ((Class68_Sub13_Sub11.anInt3621 ^ 0xffffffff) != -1
            && i_101_ > Class68_Sub13_Sub11.anInt3621)) throw new RuntimeException();
    if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) != -1) {
      int i_102_ = class68_sub14.readDWord();
      if (i_102_ < 0
          || ((Class68_Sub13_Sub11.anInt3621 ^ 0xffffffff) != -1
              && Class68_Sub13_Sub11.anInt3621 < i_102_)) throw new RuntimeException();
      byte[] is_103_ = new byte[i_102_];
      if (i == 1) Class73.method1376(is_103_, i_102_, is, i_101_, 9);
      else Class68_Sub13_Sub33.aClass114_3999.method1688(class68_sub14, 115, is_103_);
      return is_103_;
    byte[] is_104_ = new byte[i_101_];
    class68_sub14.method938(0, 0, i_101_, is_104_);
    return is_104_;

  public int method1613(byte[] is, int i, int i_105_) {
    int i_106_ = i_105_;
    int i_107_ = 0;
    if (i >= -2) aClass97_2261 = null;
    for (
    /**/ ; i_107_ < anInt2293; i_107_ += 4) {
      int i_108_ = Class68_Sub20_Sub4.method1060(aByteArray2268[i_107_], 101);
      int i_109_ =
          ((anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) >= (1 + i_107_ ^ 0xffffffff)
              ? -1
              : Class68_Sub20_Sub4.method1060(aByteArray2268[1 + i_107_], 27));
      int i_110_ =
          ((i_107_ + 2 ^ 0xffffffff) <= (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff)
              ? -1
              : Class68_Sub20_Sub4.method1060(aByteArray2268[2 + i_107_], 90));
      int i_111_ =
          ((anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) < (3 + i_107_ ^ 0xffffffff)
              ? Class68_Sub20_Sub4.method1060(aByteArray2268[3 + i_107_], 37)
              : -1);
      is[i_105_++] = (byte) Class70.method1335(i_108_ << 1324180066, i_109_ >>> 1558649252);
      if ((i_110_ ^ 0xffffffff) == 0) break;
      is[i_105_++] =
                  (Class120.method1740(i_109_, 15) << -1724734620), i_110_ >>> 1372711714);
      if ((i_111_ ^ 0xffffffff) == 0) break;
      is[i_105_++] =
          (byte) (Class70.method1335(Class120.method1740(192, i_110_ << -64861882), i_111_));
    return -i_106_ + i_105_;

  public int method1614(boolean bool, RSString class100_112_) {
    int i;
    if (anInt2293 <= class100_112_.anInt2293) i = anInt2293;
    else i = class100_112_.anInt2293;
    int i_113_ = 0;
    if (bool != false) return 115;
    for (
    /**/ ; i > i_113_; i_113_++) {
      if ((class100_112_.aByteArray2268[i_113_] & 0xff ^ 0xffffffff)
          < (0xff & aByteArray2268[i_113_] ^ 0xffffffff)) return -1;
      if ((class100_112_.aByteArray2268[i_113_] & 0xff) < (0xff & aByteArray2268[i_113_])) return 1;
    if (class100_112_.anInt2293 > anInt2293) return -1;
    if (anInt2293 > class100_112_.anInt2293) return 1;
    return 0;

  public RSString method1615(int i, boolean bool) {
    if (bool != true) return null;
    return method1607(i, (byte) -74, anInt2293);

  public RSString method1616(int i) {
    int i_114_ = i;
    RSString class100_115_ = new RSString();
    class100_115_.anInt2293 = anInt2293;
    class100_115_.aByteArray2268 = new byte[anInt2293];
    for (int i_116_ = 0; (i_116_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff); i_116_++) {
      byte i_117_ = aByteArray2268[i_116_];
      if (i_117_ >= 97 && i_117_ <= 122
          || ((i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= 31
              && (i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= 1
              && (i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) != 8)) {
        if (i_114_ == 2) i_117_ -= 32;
        i_114_ = 0;
      } else if ((i_117_ < 65 || i_117_ > 90)
          && ((i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) > 63 || i_117_ > -34 || i_117_ == -41)) {
        if ((i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -47 || (i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -34 || i_117_ == 63)
          i_114_ = 2;
        else if ((i_117_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -33) {
          if ((i_114_ ^ 0xffffffff) != -3) i_114_ = 1;
        } else i_114_ = 1;
      } else {
        if ((i_114_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) i_117_ += 32;
        i_114_ = 0;
      class100_115_.aByteArray2268[i_116_] = i_117_;
    return class100_115_;

  public boolean method1617(int i, RSString class100_118_) {
    if ((class100_118_.anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff) < (anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff)) return false;
    int i_119_ = 0;
    if (i != -577) aByteArray2268 = null;
    for (
    /**/ ; class100_118_.anInt2293 > i_119_; i_119_++) {
      byte i_120_ = aByteArray2268[i_119_];
      if (i_120_ >= 65 && (i_120_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -91
          || ((i_120_ ^ 0xffffffff) <= 63 && i_120_ <= -34 && (i_120_ ^ 0xffffffff) != 40))
        i_120_ += 32;
      byte i_121_ = class100_118_.aByteArray2268[i_119_];
      if (i_121_ >= 65 && i_121_ <= 90
          || (i_121_ >= -64 && (i_121_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= 33 && (i_121_ ^ 0xffffffff) != 40))
        i_121_ += 32;
      if ((i_120_ ^ 0xffffffff) != (i_121_ ^ 0xffffffff)) return false;
    return true;

  public RSString method1618(RSString class100_122_, int i) {
    if (i != 12147) aBoolean2279 = false;
    if (!aBoolean2265) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    anInt2308 = 0;
    if ((aByteArray2268.length ^ 0xffffffff) > (class100_122_.anInt2293 + anInt2293 ^ 0xffffffff)) {
      int i_123_;
      for (i_123_ = 1; class100_122_.anInt2293 + anInt2293 > i_123_; i_123_ += i_123_) {
        /* empty */
      byte[] is = new byte[i_123_];
      Class39.method465(aByteArray2268, 0, is, 0, anInt2293);
      aByteArray2268 = is;
        class100_122_.aByteArray2268, 0, aByteArray2268, anInt2293, class100_122_.anInt2293);
    anInt2293 += class100_122_.anInt2293;
    return this;

  public int method1619(byte i) {
    int i_124_ = -58 % ((i - 75) / 46);
    return method1605(10, 71);

  public RSString[] method1620(int i, int i_125_) {
    int i_126_ = i;
    for (int i_127_ = 0; anInt2293 > i_127_; i_127_++) {
      if (i_125_ == aByteArray2268[i_127_]) i_126_++;
    RSString[] class100s = new RSString[i_126_ + 1];
    if ((i_126_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) {
      class100s[0] = this;
      return class100s;
    int i_128_ = 0;
    int i_129_ = 0;
    for (int i_130_ = 0; i_126_ > i_130_; i_130_++) {
      int i_131_;
      for (i_131_ = 0;
          ((i_125_ ^ 0xffffffff) != (aByteArray2268[i_131_ + i_129_] ^ 0xffffffff));
          i_131_++) {
        /* empty */
      class100s[i_128_++] = method1607(i_129_, (byte) -74, i_129_ + i_131_);
      i_129_ += 1 + i_131_;
    class100s[i_126_] = method1607(i_129_, (byte) -74, anInt2293);
    return class100s;

  public boolean method1621(byte i) {
    if (i >= -17) method1572(12, -60, -82, null);
    return method1581(10, false);

  public RSString method1622(int i) {
    long l = method1580(-50);
    synchronized (aClass2326 != null ? aClass2326 : (aClass2326 = method1623("RSString"))) {
      if (Stream.aClass113_3009 != null) {
        for (Class68_Sub5 class68_sub5 = ((Class68_Sub5) Stream.aClass113_3009.method1678(l, 110));
            class68_sub5 != null;
            class68_sub5 = (Class68_Sub5) Stream.aClass113_3009.method1686(109)) {
          if (method1593(class68_sub5.aRSString_2830, (byte) 117))
            return class68_sub5.aRSString_2830;
      } else Stream.aClass113_3009 = new Class113(4096);
      Class68_Sub5 class68_sub5 = new Class68_Sub5();
      class68_sub5.aRSString_2830 = this;
      if (i != 4096) return null;
      aBoolean2265 = false;
      Stream.aClass113_3009.method1677((byte) -66, class68_sub5, l);
    return this;

  /*synthetic*/ public static Class method1623(String string) {
    try {
      return Class.forName(string);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException classnotfoundexception) {
      throw new NoClassDefFoundError(classnotfoundexception.getMessage());

  static {
    aBoolean2262 = true;
    aBoolean2279 = false;
    aRSString_2305 = Class112.method1668(43, "<)4col>");
    aRSString_2297 = Class112.method1668(43, "scape main");
    aRSString_2317 = aRSString_2269;
public class Class89 {
  public static RSString aRSString_1611;
  public int anInt1612;
  public static int anInt1613;
  public Class124 aClass124_1614;
  public static byte aByte1615;
  public Class124 aClass124_1616 = null;
  public int anInt1617 = 65000;
  public static RSString aRSString_1618 = Class112.method1668(43, "(U1");
  public static RSString aRSString_1619;
  public static int anInt1620;
  public static RSString aRSString_1621;
  public static Image anImage1622;
  public static int anInt1623;
  public static int anInt1624;
  public static int anInt1625;
  public static int anInt1626;
  public static int anInt1627;
  public static int anInt1628;
  public static int anInt1629;

  public static void method1498(int i, int i_0_, int i_1_) {
    for (int i_2_ = 0; i_2_ < Class86.anInt1582; i_2_++) {
      for (int i_3_ = 0; i_3_ < Applet_Sub1.anInt7; i_3_++) {
        for (int i_4_ = 0; i_4_ < Class97.anInt1714; i_4_++) {
          Class68_Sub1 class68_sub1 = (Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_2_][i_3_][i_4_]);
          if (class68_sub1 != null) {
            Class64 class64 = class68_sub1.aClass64_2757;
            if (class64 != null && class64.aClass1_1181.method58()) {
              Class68_Sub27.method1218(class64.aClass1_1181, i_2_, i_3_, i_4_, 1, 1);
              if (class64.aClass1_1184 != null && class64.aClass1_1184.method58()) {
                Class68_Sub27.method1218(class64.aClass1_1184, i_2_, i_3_, i_4_, 1, 1);
                class64.aClass1_1181.method52((class64.aClass1_1184), 0, 0, 0, false);
                class64.aClass1_1184 = class64.aClass1_1184.method57(i, i_0_, i_1_);
              class64.aClass1_1181 = class64.aClass1_1181.method57(i, i_0_, i_1_);
            for (int i_5_ = 0; i_5_ < class68_sub1.anInt2771; i_5_++) {
              Class69 class69 = class68_sub1.aClass69Array2772[i_5_];
              if (class69 != null && class69.aClass1_1242.method58()) {
                    (class69.anInt1238 - class69.anInt1254 + 1),
                    (class69.anInt1234 - class69.anInt1253 + 1));
                class69.aClass1_1242 = class69.aClass1_1242.method57(i, i_0_, i_1_);
            Class47 class47 = class68_sub1.aClass47_2777;
            if (class47 != null && class47.aClass1_931.method58()) {
              Class68_Sub20_Sub5.method1062(class47.aClass1_931, i_2_, i_3_, i_4_);
              class47.aClass1_931 = class47.aClass1_931.method57(i, i_0_, i_1_);

  public static void method1499(int i, int i_6_, int i_7_, boolean bool, int i_8_, int i_9_) {
        -i_8_ + i_6_, (byte) -17, i_9_, Class68_Sub22.anIntArrayArray3132[i_7_], i_6_ + i_8_);
    int i_10_ = i;
    int i_11_ = i_8_ * i_8_;
    int i_12_ = 0;
    int i_13_ = i * i;
    int i_14_ = i_13_ << -836368127;
    int i_15_ = i_11_ << -1735381023;
    int i_16_ = i << 669055585;
    if (bool != true) anImage1622 = null;
    int i_17_ = (1 - i_16_) * i_11_ - -i_14_;
    int i_18_ = -((-1 + i_16_) * i_15_) + i_13_;
    int i_19_ = i_11_ << 1641909666;
    int i_20_ = i_13_ << -1520285566;
    int i_21_ = (3 + (i_12_ << 2113626465)) * i_14_;
    int i_22_ = i_19_ * (i_10_ + -1);
    int i_23_ = (i_12_ - -1) * i_20_;
    int i_24_ = (-3 + (i_10_ << 159282273)) * i_15_;
    while ((i_10_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
      if (i_17_ < 0) {
        while (i_17_ < 0) {
          i_18_ += i_23_;
          i_23_ += i_20_;
          i_17_ += i_21_;
          i_21_ += i_20_;
      int i_25_ = -i_10_ + i_7_;
      if ((i_18_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -1) {
        i_18_ += i_23_;
        i_17_ += i_21_;
        i_21_ += i_20_;
        i_23_ += i_20_;
      int i_26_ = i_6_ + i_12_;
      int i_27_ = i_6_ - i_12_;
      Class34.method416(i_27_, (byte) -17, i_9_, Class68_Sub22.anIntArrayArray3132[i_25_], i_26_);
      i_17_ += -i_22_;
      i_22_ -= i_19_;
      i_18_ += -i_24_;
      i_24_ -= i_19_;
      int i_28_ = i_7_ + i_10_;
      Class34.method416(i_27_, (byte) -17, i_9_, Class68_Sub22.anIntArrayArray3132[i_28_], i_26_);

  public static void method1500(
      int i,
      int i_29_,
      int i_30_,
      int i_31_,
      int i_32_,
      int i_33_,
      int i_34_,
      int i_35_,
      int i_36_,
      int i_37_) {
    Class68_Sub2 class68_sub2 = null;
    if (i_29_ != 0)
      method1504(-51, 16, 10, 40, -61, null, null, null, null, null, null, -61, (byte) 4, 55, -127);
    for (Class68_Sub2 class68_sub2_38_ =
            ((Class68_Sub2) Class68_Sub13_Sub31.aClass16_3963.method293((byte) 76));
        class68_sub2_38_ != null;
        class68_sub2_38_ =
            ((Class68_Sub2) Class68_Sub13_Sub31.aClass16_3963.method290((byte) 14))) {
      if (i_35_ == class68_sub2_38_.anInt2789
          && (i ^ 0xffffffff) == (class68_sub2_38_.anInt2791 ^ 0xffffffff)
          && (i_32_ ^ 0xffffffff) == (class68_sub2_38_.anInt2784 ^ 0xffffffff)
          && (i_31_ ^ 0xffffffff) == (class68_sub2_38_.anInt2786 ^ 0xffffffff)) {
        class68_sub2 = class68_sub2_38_;
    if (class68_sub2 == null) {
      class68_sub2 = new Class68_Sub2();
      class68_sub2.anInt2786 = i_31_;
      class68_sub2.anInt2791 = i;
      class68_sub2.anInt2789 = i_35_;
      class68_sub2.anInt2784 = i_32_;
      Class68_Sub13_Sub36.method882(class68_sub2, true);
      Class68_Sub13_Sub31.aClass16_3963.method286(class68_sub2, true);
    class68_sub2.anInt2795 = i_30_;
    class68_sub2.anInt2790 = i_33_;
    class68_sub2.anInt2797 = i_37_;
    class68_sub2.anInt2794 = i_36_;
    class68_sub2.anInt2787 = i_34_;

  public static void method1501(byte i) {
    aRSString_1619 = null;
    anImage1622 = null;
    aRSString_1621 = null;
    if (i < 99) method1506(124, 7, 65);
    aRSString_1618 = null;
    aRSString_1611 = null;

  public boolean method1502(int i, byte i_39_, int i_40_, byte[] is, boolean bool) {
    synchronized (aClass124_1616) {
      try {
        int i_41_;
        if (bool) {
          if (aClass124_1614.method1754((byte) 90) < (long) (i_40_ * 6 + 6)) return false;
          aClass124_1614.method1760((long) (6 * i_40_), 1);
          aClass124_1614.method1761(0, 6, 0, Class123.aByteArray2125);
          i_41_ =
              ((Class123.aByteArray2125[5] & 0xff)
                  + (((Class123.aByteArray2125[4] & 0xff) << 33133832)
                      + (0xff0000 & Class123.aByteArray2125[3] << 1465956592)));
          if ((i_41_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -1
              || ((long) i_41_ > aClass124_1616.method1754((byte) 75) / 520L)) return false;
        } else {
          i_41_ = (int) ((519L + aClass124_1616.method1754((byte) 51)) / 520L);
          if ((i_41_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) i_41_ = 1;
        Class123.aByteArray2125[1] = (byte) (i >> 1817621192);
        Class123.aByteArray2125[2] = (byte) i;
        Class123.aByteArray2125[5] = (byte) i_41_;
        Class123.aByteArray2125[0] = (byte) (i >> 1069068976);
        Class123.aByteArray2125[3] = (byte) (i_41_ >> -1629510896);
        Class123.aByteArray2125[4] = (byte) (i_41_ >> -551024760);
        aClass124_1614.method1760((long) (6 * i_40_), 1);
        aClass124_1614.method1755(6, 0, 0, Class123.aByteArray2125);
        int i_42_ = -90 % ((40 - i_39_) / 54);
        int i_43_ = 0;
        int i_44_ = 0;
        int i_45_;
        for (
        /**/ ; (i ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_43_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_43_ += i_45_) {
          int i_46_ = 0;
          if (bool) {
            aClass124_1616.method1760((long) (i_41_ * 520), 1);
            try {
              aClass124_1616.method1761(0, 8, 0, Class123.aByteArray2125);
            } catch ( eofexception) {
            i_45_ =
                (((Class123.aByteArray2125[0] & 0xff) << -765727032)
                    - -(Class123.aByteArray2125[1] & 0xff));
            i_46_ =
                ((Class123.aByteArray2125[6] & 0xff)
                    + (Class123.aByteArray2125[4] << -2029121968 & 0xff0000)
                    - -(0xff00 & (Class123.aByteArray2125[5] << -2088592632)));
            int i_47_ = Class123.aByteArray2125[7] & 0xff;
            int i_48_ =
                (((0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[2]) << 202860296)
                    - -(Class123.aByteArray2125[3] & 0xff));
            if (i_45_ != i_40_ || i_48_ != i_44_ || anInt1612 != i_47_) return false;
            if (i_46_ < 0
                || (((long) i_46_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                    < (aClass124_1616.method1754((byte) 116) / 520L ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)))
              return false;
          if (i_46_ == 0) {
            bool = false;
            i_46_ = (int) ((519L + aClass124_1616.method1754((byte) 82)) / 520L);
            if ((i_46_ ^ 0xffffffff) == -1) i_46_++;
            if ((i_46_ ^ 0xffffffff) == (i_41_ ^ 0xffffffff)) i_46_++;
          Class123.aByteArray2125[0] = (byte) (i_40_ >> 527566472);
          Class123.aByteArray2125[2] = (byte) (i_44_ >> 1676955592);
          Class123.aByteArray2125[7] = (byte) anInt1612;
          Class123.aByteArray2125[1] = (byte) i_40_;
          if ((i - i_43_ ^ 0xffffffff) >= -513) i_46_ = 0;
          Class123.aByteArray2125[6] = (byte) i_46_;
          Class123.aByteArray2125[5] = (byte) (i_46_ >> -11962840);
          Class123.aByteArray2125[3] = (byte) i_44_;
          i_45_ = i + -i_43_;
          Class123.aByteArray2125[4] = (byte) (i_46_ >> -1151944720);
          if (i_45_ > 512) i_45_ = 512;
          aClass124_1616.method1760((long) (i_41_ * 520), 1);
          aClass124_1616.method1755(8, 0, 0, Class123.aByteArray2125);
          i_41_ = i_46_;
          aClass124_1616.method1755(i_45_, 0, i_43_, is);
        return true;
      } catch ( ioexception) {
        return false;

  public boolean method1503(byte[] is, int i, int i_49_, byte i_50_) {
    synchronized (aClass124_1616) {
      if ((i_49_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -1 || anInt1617 < i_49_) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      boolean bool = method1502(i_49_, (byte) 123, i, is, true);
      if (!bool) bool = method1502(i_49_, (byte) -109, i, is, false);
      int i_51_ = -116 % ((i_50_ - -61) / 47);
      return bool;

  public static void method1504(
      int i,
      int i_52_,
      int i_53_,
      int i_54_,
      int i_55_,
      byte[][][] is,
      int[] is_56_,
      int[] is_57_,
      int[] is_58_,
      int[] is_59_,
      int[] is_60_,
      int i_61_,
      byte i_62_,
      int i_63_,
      int i_64_) {
    if (i < 0) i = 0;
    else if (i >= Applet_Sub1.anInt7 * 128) i = Applet_Sub1.anInt7 * 128 - 1;
    if (i_53_ < 0) i_53_ = 0;
    else if (i_53_ >= Class97.anInt1714 * 128) i_53_ = Class97.anInt1714 * 128 - 1;
    Class13_Sub2.anInt2651 = Class62.anIntArray1155[i_54_];
    Class66.anInt1205 = Class62.anIntArray1167[i_54_];
    Class128.anInt2220 = Class62.anIntArray1155[i_55_];
    Class16.anInt278 = Class62.anIntArray1167[i_55_];
    Class25.anInt518 = i;
    Class68_Sub17.anInt3033 = i_52_;
    Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anInt4355 = i_53_;
    Class68_Sub20_Sub10.anInt4319 = i / 128;
    Class68_Sub26.anInt3186 = i_53_ / 128;
    Class69.anInt1239 = Class68_Sub20_Sub10.anInt4319 - Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384;
    if (Class69.anInt1239 < 0) Class69.anInt1239 = 0;
    Class85.anInt1557 = Class68_Sub26.anInt3186 - Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384;
    if (Class85.anInt1557 < 0) Class85.anInt1557 = 0;
    Class30.anInt549 = Class68_Sub20_Sub10.anInt4319 + Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384;
    if (Class30.anInt549 > Applet_Sub1.anInt7) Class30.anInt549 = Applet_Sub1.anInt7;
    Class81.anInt1493 = Class68_Sub26.anInt3186 + Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384;
    if (Class81.anInt1493 > Class97.anInt1714) Class81.anInt1493 = Class97.anInt1714;
    int i_65_ = 3500;
    for (int i_66_ = 0;
        i_66_ < (Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + 2);
        i_66_++) {
      for (int i_67_ = 0;
          i_67_ < (Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + 2);
          i_67_++) {
        int i_68_ = ((i_66_ - Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 << 7) - (Class25.anInt518 & 0x7f));
        int i_69_ =
            ((i_67_ - Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 << 7) - (Class68_Sub20_Sub12.anInt4355 & 0x7f));
        int i_70_ = (Class68_Sub20_Sub10.anInt4319 - Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + i_66_);
        int i_71_ = (Class68_Sub26.anInt3186 - Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + i_67_);
        if (i_70_ >= 0 && i_71_ >= 0 && i_70_ < Applet_Sub1.anInt7 && i_71_ < Class97.anInt1714) {
          int i_72_;
          if (Class68_Sub13_Sub14.anIntArrayArrayArray3671 != null)
            i_72_ =
                    - Class68_Sub17.anInt3033
                    + 128;
            i_72_ =
                (Class74.anIntArrayArrayArray1335[0][i_70_][i_71_]) - Class68_Sub17.anInt3033 + 128;
          int i_73_ =
              (Class74.anIntArrayArrayArray1335[3][i_70_][i_71_] - Class68_Sub17.anInt3033 - 1000);
          Class68_Sub13_Sub18.aBooleanArrayArray3738[i_66_][i_67_] =
              Class68_Sub20_Sub12.method1151(i_68_, i_73_, i_72_, i_69_, i_65_);
        } else Class68_Sub13_Sub18.aBooleanArrayArray3738[i_66_][i_67_] = false;
    for (int i_74_ = 0;
        i_74_ < (Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + 1);
        i_74_++) {
      for (int i_75_ = 0;
          i_75_ < (Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + Class68_Sub20_Sub14.anInt4384 + 1);
        Class68_Sub9.aBooleanArrayArray2887[i_74_][i_75_] =
                || (Class68_Sub13_Sub18.aBooleanArrayArray3738[i_74_ + 1][i_75_])
                || (Class68_Sub13_Sub18.aBooleanArrayArray3738[i_74_][i_75_ + 1])
                || (Class68_Sub13_Sub18.aBooleanArrayArray3738[i_74_ + 1][i_75_ + 1]));
    Class68_Sub13_Sub10.anIntArray3591 = is_56_;
    Class68_Sub22.anIntArray3137 = is_57_;
    Class55.anIntArray2042 = is_58_;
    Class68_Sub16.anIntArray3029 = is_59_;
    Class53.anIntArray1020 = is_60_;
    Class20.method324(i, i_52_, i_53_, is, i_61_, i_62_, i_63_, i_64_);

  public static void method1505(byte i) {
    if (i >= -1) method1499(125, 31, 8, true, -92, -128);
    for (int i_76_ = 0; i_76_ < Class68_Sub20_Sub16.anInt4418; i_76_++) {
      int i_77_ = PacketStream.anIntArray4110[i_76_];
      Class1_Sub6_Sub1 class1_sub6_sub1 = Class102.aClass1_Sub6_Sub1Array1746[i_77_];
      int i_78_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
      if ((i_78_ & 0x10) != 0) {
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2525 =
        if (class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2525 == 65535) class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2525 = -1;
      if ((i_78_ & 0x8) != 0) {
        if (class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.method1444(0))
          Class68_Sub13_Sub4.method717(class1_sub6_sub1, 2);
        class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395 =
                Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedWordBigEndian(119), 18));
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2530 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1409;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2565 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1467;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2574 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1447;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2543 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1440;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2532 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1410;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2564 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1421;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2581 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1456;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2544 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1451;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2563 = class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.anInt1415;
        if (class1_sub6_sub1.aClass80_3395.method1444(0))
      if ((0x40 & i_78_) != 0) {
        class1_sub6_sub1.aRSString_2576 = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readString(127);
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2569 = 100;
      if ((i_78_ & 0x1) != 0) {
        int i_79_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedWordA();
        if (i_79_ == 65535) i_79_ = -1;
        int i_80_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
        Class101.method1625(0, i_79_, class1_sub6_sub1, i_80_);
      if ((i_78_ & 0x2) != 0) {
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2552 = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedWordA();
        int i_81_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readDWord_v2(false);
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2541 = (i_81_ & 0xffff) + Class68_Sub3.anInt2812;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2586 = 0;
        if (class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2552 == 65535) class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2552 = -1;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2560 = i_81_ >> 1453284944;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2578 = 0;
        if (Class68_Sub3.anInt2812 < class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2541) class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2578 = -1;
      if ((0x20 & i_78_) != 0) {
        int i_82_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
        int i_83_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByteS();
        class1_sub6_sub1.method149(i_82_, false, Class68_Sub3.anInt2812, i_83_);
      if ((i_78_ & 0x80) != 0) {
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2526 = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedWordA();
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2572 =
      if ((0x4 & i_78_) != 0) {
        int i_84_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
        int i_85_ = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByte(-6677);
        class1_sub6_sub1.method149(i_84_, false, Class68_Sub3.anInt2812, i_85_);
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2534 = Class68_Sub3.anInt2812 + 300;
        class1_sub6_sub1.anInt2547 = Class68_Sub13_Sub8.aPacketStream_3560.readUnsignedByteS();

  public String toString() {
    return "Cache:" + anInt1612;

  public static long method1506(int i, int i_86_, int i_87_) {
    Class68_Sub1 class68_sub1 = Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i][i_86_][i_87_];
    if (class68_sub1 == null || class68_sub1.aClass47_2777 == null) return 0L;
    return class68_sub1.aClass47_2777.aLong943;

  public byte[] method1507(int i, boolean bool) {
    synchronized (aClass124_1616) {
      try {
        if (aClass124_1614.method1754((byte) 101) < (long) (6 + i * 6)) return null;
        aClass124_1614.method1760((long) (i * 6), 1);
        aClass124_1614.method1761(0, 6, 0, Class123.aByteArray2125);
        int i_88_ =
            ((Class123.aByteArray2125[1] << -503326744 & 0xff00)
                + (((Class123.aByteArray2125[0] & 0xff) << -1643323344)
                    - -(0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[2])));
        int i_89_ =
            ((Class123.aByteArray2125[5] & 0xff)
                + (Class123.aByteArray2125[3] << -1717736080 & 0xff0000)
                + ((Class123.aByteArray2125[4] & 0xff) << 1834419496));
        if (bool != true) return null;
        if ((i_88_ ^ 0xffffffff) > -1 || anInt1617 < i_88_) return null;
        if (i_89_ <= 0
            || ((aClass124_1616.method1754((byte) 104) / 520L ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                > ((long) i_89_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) return null;
        byte[] is = new byte[i_88_];
        int i_90_ = 0;
        int i_91_ = 0;
        while (i_88_ > i_90_) {
          if (i_89_ == 0) return null;
          aClass124_1616.method1760((long) (520 * i_89_), 1);
          int i_92_ = i_88_ + -i_90_;
          if (i_92_ > 512) i_92_ = 512;
          aClass124_1616.method1761(0, i_92_ + 8, 0, Class123.aByteArray2125);
          int i_93_ =
              ((0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[6])
                  + ((0xff0000 & Class123.aByteArray2125[4] << -600163600)
                      - -(0xff00 & (Class123.aByteArray2125[5] << -554764568))));
          int i_94_ =
              (((Class123.aByteArray2125[0] & 0xff) << -974042584)
                  - -(0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[1]));
          int i_95_ =
              ((0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[3])
                  + ((0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[2]) << -1322389528));
          int i_96_ = 0xff & Class123.aByteArray2125[7];
          if (i_94_ != i || i_95_ != i_91_ || (anInt1612 ^ 0xffffffff) != (i_96_ ^ 0xffffffff))
            return null;
          if (i_93_ < 0 || ((long) i_93_ > aClass124_1616.method1754((byte) 67) / 520L))
            return null;
          i_89_ = i_93_;
          for (int i_97_ = 0; (i_92_ ^ 0xffffffff) < (i_97_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_97_++)
            is[i_90_++] = Class123.aByteArray2125[i_97_ - -8];
        return is;
      } catch ( ioexception) {
        return null;

  public static byte[] method1508(byte[] is, boolean bool) {
    int i = is.length;
    byte[] is_98_ = new byte[i];
    if (bool != false) method1508(null, true);
    Class39.method465(is, 0, is_98_, 0, i);
    return is_98_;

  public Class89(int i, Class124 class124, Class124 class124_99_, int i_100_) {
    aClass124_1614 = null;
    try {
      anInt1612 = i;
      anInt1617 = i_100_;
      aClass124_1614 = class124_99_;
      aClass124_1616 = class124;
    } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
      throw Class107.method1652(
              + i
              + ','
              + (class124 != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + (class124_99_ != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + i_100_
              + ')'));

  static {
    aByte1615 = (byte) 0;
    aRSString_1619 = Class112.method1668(43, "(U3");
    aRSString_1611 = Class112.method1668(43, "m-Ochte mit Ihnen handeln)3");
    aRSString_1621 = Class112.method1668(43, "<br>(X");
Beispiel #16
public class Class69 {
  public static volatile boolean aBoolean1233;
  public int anInt1234;
  public static int anInt1235;
  public static RSString aRSString_1236;
  public static boolean[] aBooleanArray1237 = new boolean[5];
  public int anInt1238;
  public static int anInt1239;
  public static byte[][] aByteArrayArray1240;
  public static Applet_Sub1 anApplet_Sub1_1241;
  public Class1 aClass1_1242;
  public long aLong1243 = 0L;
  public static RSString aRSString_1244 = Class112.method1668(43, "(Y<)4col>");
  public static int anInt1245;
  public static RSString aRSString_1246;
  public static int anInt1247;
  public static int anInt1248;
  public int anInt1249;
  public int anInt1250;
  public static RSString aRSString_1251;
  public int anInt1252;
  public int anInt1253;
  public int anInt1254;
  public int anInt1255;
  public int anInt1256;
  public static int[] anIntArray1257;
  public static int anInt1258;
  public static RSString aRSString_1259;
  public int anInt1260;
  public static int anInt1261;
  public int anInt1262;

  public static int method1326(int i, int i_0_, int i_1_) {
    if (i != 503159455) method1329((byte) 112);
    int i_2_ = i_1_ >>> 503159455;
    return -i_2_ + (i_2_ + i_1_) / i_0_;

  public static void method1327(int i) {
    Class68_Sub13_Sub34.method875((byte) 108);
    Class17.method296(i, (byte) -68);

  public static void method1328(Stream class68_sub14, int i) {
    if (Class68_Sub13_Sub4.aClass124_3486 != null) {
      try {
        Class68_Sub13_Sub4.aClass124_3486.method1760(0L, i + -23);
            24, 0, class68_sub14.anInt2945, class68_sub14.aByteArray2960);
      } catch (Exception exception) {
        /* empty */
    class68_sub14.anInt2945 += i;

  public static void method1329(byte i) {
    Class68_Sub13_Sub28.aClass98_3923.method1566((byte) 94);
    int i_3_ = 60 / ((-53 - i) / 38);

  public static void method1330(int i) {
    aRSString_1251 = null;
    aRSString_1259 = null;
    if (i != 24) anIntArray1257 = null;
    aRSString_1246 = null;
    anIntArray1257 = null;
    aByteArrayArray1240 = null;
    aRSString_1244 = null;
    aRSString_1236 = null;
    aBooleanArray1237 = null;

  static {
    aBoolean1233 = true;
    anInt1248 = -1;
    anInt1245 = 0;
    aRSString_1251 = null;
    anApplet_Sub1_1241 = null;
    anIntArray1257 = new int[] {19, 55, 38, 155, 255, 110, 137, 205, 76};
    aRSString_1246 = Class112.method1668(43, "white:");
    aRSString_1259 = aRSString_1246;
    aRSString_1236 = aRSString_1246;
Beispiel #17
public class Class124 {
  public static int[][] anIntArrayArray2131;
  public static int anInt2132;
  public static int anInt2133;
  public static int anInt2134;
  public static int anInt2135;
  public static RSString aRSString_2136;
  public static int anInt2137;
  public static int anInt2138;
  public static int anInt2139;
  public long aLong2140;
  public static RSString aRSString_2141 = Class112.method1668(43, "sl_flags");
  public int anInt2142 = 0;
  public static RSString aRSString_2143;
  public static int anInt2144;
  public long aLong2145;
  public static RSString aRSString_2146;
  public long aLong2147 = -1L;
  public static RSString aRSString_2148;
  public static RSString aRSString_2149 = Class112.method1668(43, "Please wait)3)3)3");
  public byte[] aByteArray2150;
  public static int anInt2151;
  public long aLong2152;
  public long aLong2153 = -1L;
  public static RSString aRSString_2154;
  public static int anInt2155;
  public byte[] aByteArray2156;
  public static int anInt2157;
  public static int anInt2158;
  public static boolean aBoolean2159;
  public Class2 aClass2_2160;
  public long aLong2161;
  public int anInt2162;
  public static RSString aRSString_2163;
  public static int anInt2164;

  public static Class68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1 method1751(byte i) {
    int i_0_ = (Class68_Sub13_Sub19.anIntArray3757[0] * Class68_Sub13_Sub12.anIntArray3639[0]);
    int[] is = new int[i_0_];
    byte[] is_1_ = Class69.aByteArrayArray1240[0];
    int i_2_ = 0;
    if (i != -83) return null;
    for (
    /**/ ; (i_2_ ^ 0xffffffff) > (i_0_ ^ 0xffffffff); i_2_++)
      is[i_2_] = (Class68_Sub13_Sub17.anIntArray3719[Class120.method1740(255, is_1_[i_2_])]);
    Class68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1 class68_sub20_sub10_sub1 =
        (new Class68_Sub20_Sub10_Sub1(
    Class87.method1487((byte) -93);
    return class68_sub20_sub10_sub1;

  public static void method1752(
      Class21 class21, Class21 class21_3_, Class21 class21_4_, boolean bool, Class21 class21_5_) {
    try {
      Class1_Sub7.aClass21_2618 = class21;
      Class8.aClass21_164 = class21_5_;
      client.aClass21_2380 = class21_4_;
      if (bool == true) {
        Class68_Sub10.aClass21_2907 = class21_3_;
        Class68_Sub13_Sub36.aClass45ArrayArray4040 =
            new Class45[client.aClass21_2380.method337(0)][];
        Class61.aBooleanArray1142 = new boolean[client.aClass21_2380.method337(0)];
    } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
      throw Class107.method1652(
              + (class21 != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + (class21_3_ != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + (class21_4_ != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ','
              + bool
              + ','
              + (class21_5_ != null ? "{...}" : "null")
              + ')'));

  public void method1753(int i, byte[] is) throws IOException {
    method1761(0, is.length, 0, is);
    if (i > -33) method1752(null, null, null, true, null);

  public long method1754(byte i) {
    if (i <= 48) aLong2140 = 100L;
    return aLong2140;

  public void method1755(int i, int i_6_, int i_7_, byte[] is) throws IOException {
    try {
      if (i_6_ == 0) {
        if (aLong2140 < aLong2145 - -(long) i) aLong2140 = aLong2145 - -(long) i;
        if ((aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != 0L
            && (((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) > (aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
                || aLong2153 - -(long) anInt2142 < aLong2145)) method1758(i_6_ + 86);
        if (aLong2153 != -1L
            && (((long) aByteArray2150.length + aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                > (aLong2145 + (long) i ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) {
          int i_8_ = (int) ((long) aByteArray2150.length - aLong2145 + aLong2153);
          i -= i_8_;
          Class39.method465(is, i_7_, aByteArray2150, (int) (aLong2145 - aLong2153), i_8_);
          aLong2145 += (long) i_8_;
          anInt2142 = aByteArray2150.length;
          i_7_ += i_8_;
        if (i > aByteArray2150.length) {
          long l = -1L;
          long l_9_ = -1L;
          if ((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != (aLong2152 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)) {
            aClass2_2160.method174(false, aLong2145);
            aLong2152 = aLong2145;
          aClass2_2160.method176(i_7_, is, 18405, i);
          if (((aLong2145 - -(long) i ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < (aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
              && (aLong2145 - -(long) i <= aLong2147 + (long) anInt2162)) l = (long) i + aLong2145;
          else if (((aLong2147 + (long) anInt2162 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                  < (aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
              && (((long) i + aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                  <= ((long) anInt2162 + aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)))
            l = (long) anInt2162 + aLong2147;
          aLong2152 += (long) i;
          if (((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) > (aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
              || ((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                  <= (aLong2147 - -(long) anInt2162 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) {
            if (((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) >= (aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
                && aLong2147 < aLong2145 - -(long) i) l_9_ = aLong2147;
          } else l_9_ = aLong2145;
          if (aLong2152 > aLong2161) aLong2161 = aLong2152;
          if (l_9_ > -1L && ((l ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < (l_9_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) {
            int i_10_ = (int) (l - l_9_);
                (int) (l_9_ + (long) i_7_ + -aLong2145),
                (int) (-aLong2147 + l_9_),
          aLong2145 += (long) i;
        } else if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
          if (aLong2153 == -1L) aLong2153 = aLong2145;
          Class39.method465(is, i_7_, aByteArray2150, (int) (aLong2145 - aLong2153), i);
          aLong2145 += (long) i;
          if ((-aLong2153 + aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
              < ((long) anInt2142 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
            anInt2142 = (int) (-aLong2153 + aLong2145);
    } catch (IOException ioexception) {
      aLong2152 = -1L;
      throw ioexception;

  public static void method1756(boolean bool) {
    aRSString_2143 = null;
    aRSString_2148 = null;
    if (bool != true) aRSString_2143 = null;
    aRSString_2154 = null;
    aRSString_2146 = null;
    anIntArrayArray2131 = null;
    aRSString_2149 = null;
    aRSString_2136 = null;
    aRSString_2163 = null;
    aRSString_2141 = null;

  public File method1757(boolean bool) {
    if (bool != true) aLong2153 = 14L;
    return aClass2_2160.method173(0);

  public void method1758(int i) throws IOException {
    int i_11_ = -72 % ((i - -42) / 59);
    if ((aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != 0L) {
      if ((aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != (aLong2152 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)) {
        aClass2_2160.method174(false, aLong2153);
        aLong2152 = aLong2153;
      long l = -1L;
      aClass2_2160.method176(0, aByteArray2150, 18405, anInt2142);
      aLong2152 += (long) anInt2142;
      if ((aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) >= (aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
          && aLong2153 < (long) anInt2162 + aLong2147) l = aLong2153;
      else if (aLong2153 <= aLong2147
          && ((aLong2153 - -(long) anInt2142 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
              < (aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) l = aLong2147;
      long l_12_ = -1L;
      if ((long) anInt2142 + aLong2153 > aLong2147
          && (aLong2153 + (long) anInt2142 <= (long) anInt2162 + aLong2147))
        l_12_ = aLong2153 + (long) anInt2142;
      else if ((((long) anInt2162 + aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
              < (aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
          && ((aLong2147 - -(long) anInt2162 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
              >= ((long) anInt2142 + aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)))
        l_12_ = (long) anInt2162 + aLong2147;
      if ((aLong2152 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < (aLong2161 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
        aLong2161 = aLong2152;
      if (l > -1L && (l ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) > (l_12_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)) {
        int i_13_ = (int) (-l + l_12_);
            aByteArray2150, (int) (l + -aLong2153), aByteArray2156, (int) (l - aLong2147), i_13_);
      aLong2153 = -1L;
      anInt2142 = 0;

  public void method1759(int i) throws IOException {
    if (i == -9715) {
      aClass2_2160.method175(i + 1572);

  public void method1760(long l, int i) throws IOException {
    do {
      try {
        if (l < 0L) throw new IOException("Invalid seek to " + l + " in file " + method1757(true));
        aLong2145 = l;
        if (i == 1) break;
        aLong2140 = -83L;
      } catch (RuntimeException runtimeexception) {
        throw Class107.method1652(runtimeexception, "wa.K(" + l + ',' + i + ')');
    } while (false);

  public void method1761(int i, int i_14_, int i_15_, byte[] is) throws IOException {
    try {
      if (i_14_ + i > is.length) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(i_14_ + i + -is.length);
      if ((aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != 0L
          && (aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) <= (aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
          && ((aLong2145 + (long) i_14_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
              >= (aLong2153 - -(long) anInt2142 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) {
        Class39.method465(aByteArray2150, (int) (-aLong2153 + aLong2145), is, i, i_14_);
        aLong2145 += (long) i_14_;
      long l = aLong2145;
      int i_16_ = i_14_;
      int i_17_ = i;
      if ((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) <= (aLong2147 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
          && aLong2145 < (long) anInt2162 + aLong2147) {
        int i_18_ = (int) ((long) anInt2162 - (aLong2145 + -aLong2147));
        if (i_14_ < i_18_) i_18_ = i_14_;
        i_14_ -= i_18_;
        Class39.method465(aByteArray2156, (int) (-aLong2147 + aLong2145), is, i, i_18_);
        aLong2145 += (long) i_18_;
        i += i_18_;
      if ((aByteArray2156.length ^ 0xffffffff) > (i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff)) {
        aClass2_2160.method174(false, aLong2145);
        aLong2152 = aLong2145;
        while ((i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
          int i_19_ = aClass2_2160.method177(i_14_, 0, i, is);
          if ((i_19_ ^ 0xffffffff) == 0) break;
          i += i_19_;
          i_14_ -= i_19_;
          aLong2145 += (long) i_19_;
          aLong2152 += (long) i_19_;
      } else if ((i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
        int i_20_ = i_14_;
        if ((i_20_ ^ 0xffffffff) < (anInt2162 ^ 0xffffffff)) i_20_ = anInt2162;
        Class39.method465(aByteArray2156, 0, is, i, i_20_);
        aLong2145 += (long) i_20_;
        i_14_ -= i_20_;
        i += i_20_;
      if ((aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != 0L) {
        if (aLong2153 > aLong2145 && (i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff) < -1) {
          int i_21_ = i + (int) (-aLong2145 + aLong2153);
          if ((i_21_ ^ 0xffffffff) < (i - -i_14_ ^ 0xffffffff)) i_21_ = i - -i_14_;
          while (i < i_21_) {
            is[i++] = (byte) 0;
        long l_22_ = -1L;
        if (aLong2153 >= l
            && ((l - -(long) i_16_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < (aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)))
          l_22_ = aLong2153;
        else if (((aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) >= (l ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
            && l < (long) anInt2142 + aLong2153) l_22_ = l;
        long l_23_ = -1L;
        if ((l ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) > ((long) anInt2142 + aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
            && ((aLong2153 - -(long) anInt2142 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)
                >= ((long) i_16_ + l ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) l_23_ = (long) anInt2142 + aLong2153;
        else if ((((long) i_16_ + l ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < (aLong2153 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))
            && aLong2153 - -(long) anInt2142 >= (long) i_16_ + l) l_23_ = (long) i_16_ + l;
        if ((l_22_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < 0L
            && ((l_22_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) > (l_23_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL))) {
          int i_24_ = (int) (-l_22_ + l_23_);
              aByteArray2150, (int) (l_22_ - aLong2153), is, i_17_ - -(int) (-l + l_22_), i_24_);
          if ((l_23_ ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) < (aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)) {
            i_14_ -= l_23_ + -aLong2145;
            aLong2145 = l_23_;
    } catch (IOException ioexception) {
      aLong2152 = -1L;
      throw ioexception;
    if (i_15_ < i_14_) throw new EOFException();

  public void method1762(boolean bool) throws IOException {
    if (bool == false) {
      anInt2162 = 0;
      if ((aLong2145 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL) != (aLong2152 ^ 0xffffffffffffffffL)) {
        aClass2_2160.method174(false, aLong2145);
        aLong2152 = aLong2145;
      aLong2147 = aLong2145;
      int i;
      for (
      /**/ ; ((anInt2162 ^ 0xffffffff) > (aByteArray2156.length ^ 0xffffffff)); anInt2162 += i) {
        int i_25_ = -anInt2162 + aByteArray2156.length;
        if (i_25_ > 200000000) i_25_ = 200000000;
        i = aClass2_2160.method177(i_25_, 0, anInt2162, aByteArray2156);
        if ((i ^ 0xffffffff) == 0) break;
        aLong2152 += (long) i;

  public Class124(Class2 class2, int i, int i_26_) throws IOException {
    aClass2_2160 = class2;
    aLong2140 = aLong2161 = class2.method172(-1);
    aByteArray2156 = new byte[i];
    aByteArray2150 = new byte[i_26_];
    aLong2145 = 0L;

  static {
    anIntArrayArray2131 =
        new int[][] {
          new int[16],
          {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
          {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1},
          {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
          {0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1},
          {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
          {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
          {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
          {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0},
          {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
          {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
          {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1},
          {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1}
    aRSString_2146 = Class112.method1668(43, "glow2:");
    aRSString_2143 = aRSString_2146;
    aRSString_2154 = Class112.method1668(43, "(U0a )2 in: ");
    aBoolean2159 = false;
    aRSString_2148 = Class112.method1668(43, "gelb:");
    aRSString_2136 = aRSString_2149;
    aRSString_2163 = aRSString_2146;
    anInt2164 = 0;
 static {
   aByte1615 = (byte) 0;
   aRSString_1619 = Class112.method1668(43, "(U3");
   aRSString_1611 = Class112.method1668(43, "m-Ochte mit Ihnen handeln)3");
   aRSString_1621 = Class112.method1668(43, "<br>(X");
Beispiel #19
public class Class68_Sub1 extends Class68 {
  public static RSString[] aRSStringArray2754 = new RSString[200];
  public static Stream[] aStreamArray2755 = new Stream[2048];
  public static int anInt2756;
  public Class64 aClass64_2757;
  public Class7 aClass7_2758;
  public Class57 aClass57_2759;
  public static int anInt2760;
  public static RSString aRSString_2761 = Class112.method1668(43, "Cabbage");
  public static int anInt2762;
  public int anInt2763;
  public Class76 aClass76_2764;
  public int anInt2765;
  public int[] anIntArray2766;
  public int anInt2767;
  public int anInt2768;
  public boolean aBoolean2769;
  public boolean aBoolean2770;
  public int anInt2771;
  public Class69[] aClass69Array2772 = new Class69[5];
  public int anInt2773;
  public int anInt2774;
  public static int anInt2775;
  public int anInt2776;
  public Class47 aClass47_2777;
  public int anInt2778;
  public Class77 aClass77_2779;
  public Class68_Sub1 aClass68_Sub1_2780;
  public boolean aBoolean2781;
  public int anInt2782;

  public static void method648(
      int i,
      int i_0_,
      int i_1_,
      int i_2_,
      int i_3_,
      int i_4_,
      int i_5_,
      int i_6_,
      int i_7_,
      int i_8_,
      int i_9_,
      int i_10_,
      int i_11_,
      int i_12_,
      int i_13_,
      int i_14_,
      int i_15_,
      int i_16_,
      int i_17_,
      int i_18_) {
    if (i_2_ == 0) {
      Class7 class7 = new Class7(i_9_, i_10_, i_11_, i_12_, -1, i_17_, false);
      for (int i_19_ = i; i_19_ >= 0; i_19_--) {
        if (Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_19_][i_0_][i_1_] == null)
          Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_19_][i_0_][i_1_] =
              new Class68_Sub1(i_19_, i_0_, i_1_);
      Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i][i_0_][i_1_].aClass7_2758 = class7;
    } else if (i_2_ == 1) {
      Class7 class7 =
          new Class7(
              i_5_ == i_6_ && i_5_ == i_7_ && i_5_ == i_8_);
      for (int i_20_ = i; i_20_ >= 0; i_20_--) {
        if (Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_20_][i_0_][i_1_] == null)
          Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_20_][i_0_][i_1_] =
              new Class68_Sub1(i_20_, i_0_, i_1_);
      Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i][i_0_][i_1_].aClass7_2758 = class7;
    } else {
      Class77 class77 =
          new Class77(
              i_2_, i_3_, i_4_, i_0_, i_1_, i_5_, i_6_, i_7_, i_8_, i_9_, i_10_, i_11_, i_12_,
              i_13_, i_14_, i_15_, i_16_, i_17_, i_18_);
      for (int i_21_ = i; i_21_ >= 0; i_21_--) {
        if (Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_21_][i_0_][i_1_] == null)
          Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i_21_][i_0_][i_1_] =
              new Class68_Sub1(i_21_, i_0_, i_1_);
      Class22.aClass68_Sub1ArrayArrayArray484[i][i_0_][i_1_].aClass77_2779 = class77;

  public Class68_Sub1(int i, int i_22_, int i_23_) {
    anIntArray2766 = new int[5];
    anInt2768 = 0;
    anInt2782 = i_23_;
    anInt2763 = i_22_;
    anInt2765 = anInt2767 = i;

  public static void method649(int i) {
    aRSStringArray2754 = null;
    aRSString_2761 = null;
    if (i == 0) aStreamArray2755 = null;