Beispiel #1
   * Configures this Selector. Does this work only once per Selector object.
   * <p>Because some problems while configuring from <custom>Selector the configuration is done in
   * the following order:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>collect the configuration data
   *   <li>wait for the first isSelected() call
   *   <li>set the default values
   *   <li>set values for name pattern '*': update, cache, algorithm, comparator
   *   <li>set values for name pattern '*.*: cache.cachefile, ...
   * </ol>
   * <p>This configuration algorithm is needed because you don't know the order of arriving
   * config-data. E.g. if you first set the <i>cache.cachefilename</i> and after that the
   * <i>cache</i> itself, the default value for cachefilename is used, because setting the cache
   * implies creating a new Cache instance - with its defaults.
  public void configure() {
    // -----  The "Singleton"  -----
    if (isConfigured) {
    isConfigured = true;

    // -----  Set default values  -----
    Project p = getProject();
    String filename = "";
    File cachefile = null;
    if (p != null) {
      // normal use inside Ant
      cachefile = new File(p.getBaseDir(), filename);

      // set self as a BuildListener to delay cachefile saves
    } else {
      // no reference to project - e.g. during normal JUnit tests
      cachefile = new File(filename);
    Cache defaultCache = new PropertiesfileCache(cachefile);
    Algorithm defaultAlgorithm = new DigestAlgorithm();
    Comparator<? super String> defaultComparator = new EqualComparator();

    // -----  Set the main attributes, pattern '*'  -----
    for (Parameter parameter : configParameter) {
      if (parameter.getName().indexOf(".") > 0) {
        // this is a *.* parameter for later use
      } else {
    configParameter = new Vector<Parameter>();

    // specify the algorithm classname
    if (algoName != null) {
      // use Algorithm defined via name
      if ("hashvalue".equals(algoName.getValue())) {
        algorithm = new HashvalueAlgorithm();
      } else if ("digest".equals(algoName.getValue())) {
        algorithm = new DigestAlgorithm();
      } else if ("checksum".equals(algoName.getValue())) {
        algorithm = new ChecksumAlgorithm();
    } else {
      if (algorithmClass != null) {
        // use Algorithm specified by classname
        algorithm = (Algorithm) loadClass(algorithmClass, "is not an Algorithm.", Algorithm.class);
      } else {
        // nothing specified - use default
        algorithm = defaultAlgorithm;

    // specify the cache classname
    if (cacheName != null) {
      // use Cache defined via name
      if ("propertyfile".equals(cacheName.getValue())) {
        cache = new PropertiesfileCache();
    } else {
      if (cacheClass != null) {
        // use Cache specified by classname
        cache = (Cache) loadClass(cacheClass, "is not a Cache.", Cache.class);
      } else {
        // nothing specified - use default
        cache = defaultCache;

    // specify the comparator classname
    if (compName != null) {
      // use Algorithm defined via name
      if ("equal".equals(compName.getValue())) {
        comparator = new EqualComparator();
      } else if ("rule".equals(compName.getValue())) {
        // TODO there is a problem with the constructor for the RBC.
        // you have to provide the rules in the constructors - no setters
        // available.
        throw new BuildException("RuleBasedCollator not yet supported.");
        // Have to think about lazy initialization here...  JHM
        // comparator = new java.text.RuleBasedCollator();
    } else {
      if (comparatorClass != null) {
        // use Algorithm specified by classname
        Comparator<? super String> localComparator =
            loadClass(comparatorClass, "is not a Comparator.", Comparator.class);
        comparator = localComparator;
      } else {
        // nothing specified - use default
        comparator = defaultComparator;

    // -----  Set the special attributes, pattern '*.*'  -----
    for (Iterator<Parameter> itSpecial = specialParameter.iterator(); itSpecial.hasNext(); ) {
      Parameter par =;
    specialParameter = new Vector<Parameter>();