/** Update all dirty cache objects to the underlying RecordManager. */
 protected void updateCacheEntries() throws IOException {
   Iterator<CacheEntry> iter = _hash.valuesIterator();
   while (iter.hasNext()) {
     CacheEntry entry = iter.next();
     if (entry._isDirty) {
       _recman.update(entry._recid, entry._obj, entry._serializer);
       entry._isDirty = false;
   * Purge least recently used object from the cache
   * @return recyclable CacheEntry
  protected CacheEntry purgeEntry() throws IOException {
    CacheEntry entry = _first;
    if (entry == null) return new CacheEntry(-1, null, null, false);

    if (entry._isDirty) _recman.update(entry._recid, entry._obj, entry._serializer);

    entry._obj = null;
    entry._serializer = null;
    entry._isDirty = false;
    return entry;
 public synchronized <A> void update(long recid, A obj, Serializer<A> serializer)
     throws IOException {
   if (_softCache)
     synchronized (_softHash) {
       // soft cache can not contain dirty objects
       SoftCacheEntry e = _softHash.remove(recid);
       if (e != null) {
   CacheEntry entry = cacheGet(recid);
   if (entry != null) {
     // reuse existing cache entry
     entry._obj = obj;
     entry._serializer = serializer;
     entry._isDirty = true;
   } else {
     cachePut(recid, obj, serializer, true);
   * Place an object in the cache.
   * @throws IOException
  protected void cachePut(long recid, Object value, Serializer serializer, boolean dirty)
      throws IOException {
    CacheEntry entry = _hash.get(recid);
    if (entry != null) {
      entry._obj = value;
      entry._serializer = serializer;
    } else {

      if (_hash.size() == _max) {
        // purge and recycle entry
        entry = purgeEntry();
        entry._recid = recid;
        entry._obj = value;
        entry._isDirty = dirty;
        entry._serializer = serializer;
      } else {
        entry = new CacheEntry(recid, value, serializer, dirty);
      _hash.put(entry._recid, entry);