Beispiel #1
  /** Returns the implied object type, or <code>null</code>. */
  public IType getImpliedObjectType() {
    if (astName == null) return null;

    IASTName name = astName;
    IASTNode nameParent = name.getParent();
    while (nameParent instanceof IASTName) {
      name = (IASTName) nameParent;
      nameParent = name.getParent();

    final ASTNodeProperty prop = name.getPropertyInParent();
    if (prop == CPPSemantics.STRING_LOOKUP_PROPERTY) {
      return null;
    if (prop == IASTFieldReference.FIELD_NAME) {
      ICPPASTFieldReference fieldRef = (ICPPASTFieldReference) nameParent;
      return fieldRef.getFieldOwnerType();
    if (prop == IASTIdExpression.ID_NAME) {
      IScope scope = CPPVisitor.getContainingScope(name);
      if (scope instanceof ICPPClassScope) {
        return ((ICPPClassScope) scope).getClassType();
      return CPPVisitor.getImpliedObjectType(scope);
    return null;
Beispiel #2
  private IType computeType(IASTNode point) {
    if (isTypeDependent()) return new TypeOfDependentExpression(this);

    ICPPFunction overload = getOverload(point);
    if (overload != null) return ExpressionTypes.typeFromFunctionCall(overload);

    switch (fOperator) {
      case op_sizeof:
      case op_sizeofParameterPack:
        return CPPVisitor.get_SIZE_T(point);
      case op_typeid:
        return CPPVisitor.get_type_info(point);
      case op_throw:
        return CPPSemantics.VOID_TYPE;
      case op_amper:
        if (fAddressOfQualifiedNameBinding instanceof ICPPMember) {
          ICPPMember member = (ICPPMember) fAddressOfQualifiedNameBinding;
          if (!member.isStatic()) {
            try {
              return new CPPPointerToMemberType(
                  member.getType(), member.getClassOwner(), false, false, false);
            } catch (DOMException e) {
              return e.getProblem();
        return new CPPPointerType(fArgument.getTypeOrFunctionSet(point));
      case op_star:
        IType type = fArgument.getTypeOrFunctionSet(point);
        type = prvalueTypeWithResolvedTypedefs(type);
        if (type instanceof IPointerType) {
          return glvalueType(((IPointerType) type).getType());
        if (type instanceof ISemanticProblem) {
          return type;
        return new ProblemType(ISemanticProblem.TYPE_UNKNOWN_FOR_EXPRESSION);
      case op_noexcept:
      case op_not:
        return CPPBasicType.BOOLEAN;
      case op_postFixDecr:
      case op_postFixIncr:
        return prvalueType(fArgument.getTypeOrFunctionSet(point));
      case op_minus:
      case op_plus:
      case op_tilde:
        final IType t1 = prvalueType(fArgument.getTypeOrFunctionSet(point));
        final IType t2 = SemanticUtil.getNestedType(t1, TDEF);
        final IType t3 = CPPArithmeticConversion.promoteCppType(t2);
        return (t3 == null || t3 == t2) ? t1 : t3;
    return fArgument.getTypeOrFunctionSet(point);
 protected int rwInDeclarator(IASTDeclarator parent, int indirection) {
   IType type = CPPVisitor.createType(parent);
   if (type instanceof ICPPUnknownType
       || type instanceof ICPPClassType
           && !TypeTraits.hasTrivialDefaultConstructor((ICPPClassType) type, parent)) {
     return WRITE;
   return super.rwInDeclarator(parent, indirection);
Beispiel #4
 private static IBinding[] getContext(IASTName name) {
   IBinding[] accessibilityContext = IBinding.EMPTY_BINDING_ARRAY;
   for (IBinding binding = CPPVisitor.findEnclosingFunctionOrClass(name);
       binding != null;
       binding = binding.getOwner()) {
     if (binding instanceof ICPPMethod
         // Definition of an undeclared method.
         binding instanceof IProblemBinding
             && ((IProblemBinding) binding).getID()
                 == IProblemBinding.SEMANTIC_MEMBER_DECLARATION_NOT_FOUND) {
     if (binding instanceof ICPPFunction || binding instanceof ICPPClassType) {
       accessibilityContext = ArrayUtil.append(accessibilityContext, binding);
   return ArrayUtil.trim(accessibilityContext);
Beispiel #5
  public boolean checkClassContainingFriend() {
    if (astName == null || astName instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName) return false;

    IASTNode p = astName.getParent();
    ASTNodeProperty prop = null;
    while (p != null) {
      prop = p.getPropertyInParent();
      if (prop == ICPPASTTemplateId.TEMPLATE_ID_ARGUMENT || prop == IASTDeclarator.DECLARATOR_NAME)
        return false;
      if (p instanceof IASTDeclarator
          && !(((IASTDeclarator) p).getName() instanceof ICPPASTQualifiedName)) return false;
      if (p instanceof IASTDeclaration) {
        if (prop == IASTCompositeTypeSpecifier.MEMBER_DECLARATION) {
          return CPPVisitor.isFriendDeclaration(p);
        } else {
          return false;
      p = p.getParent();
    return false;