// lame way to communicate with the coprocessor, // since it is loaded by a different class loader @Override public void prePut( final ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> c, final Put put, final WALEdit edit, final Durability durability) throws IOException { if (put.getAttribute("ttl") != null) { Cell cell = put.getFamilyCellMap().values().iterator().next().get(0); KeyValue kv = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(cell); ttls.put(TableName.valueOf(kv.getQualifier()), Bytes.toLong(kv.getValue())); c.bypass(); } else if (put.getAttribute("versions") != null) { Cell cell = put.getFamilyCellMap().values().iterator().next().get(0); KeyValue kv = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(cell); versions.put(TableName.valueOf(kv.getQualifier()), Bytes.toInt(kv.getValue())); c.bypass(); } }
/** * Verifies the result from get or scan using the dataGenerator (that was presumably also used to * generate said result). * * @param verifyValues verify that values in the result make sense for row/cf/column combination * @param verifyCfAndColumnIntegrity verify that cf/column set in the result is complete. Note * that to use this multiPut should be used, or verification has to happen after writes, * otherwise there can be races. * @return */ public boolean verifyResultAgainstDataGenerator( Result result, boolean verifyValues, boolean verifyCfAndColumnIntegrity) { String rowKeyStr = Bytes.toString(result.getRow()); // See if we have any data at all. if (result.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], no data returned"); printLocations(result); return false; } if (!verifyValues && !verifyCfAndColumnIntegrity) { return true; // as long as we have something, we are good. } // See if we have all the CFs. byte[][] expectedCfs = dataGenerator.getColumnFamilies(); if (verifyCfAndColumnIntegrity && (expectedCfs.length != result.getMap().size())) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], bad family count: " + result.getMap().size()); printLocations(result); return false; } // Verify each column family from get in the result. for (byte[] cf : result.getMap().keySet()) { String cfStr = Bytes.toString(cf); Map<byte[], byte[]> columnValues = result.getFamilyMap(cf); if (columnValues == null) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], no data for family [" + cfStr + "]]"); printLocations(result); return false; } Map<String, MutationType> mutateInfo = null; if (verifyCfAndColumnIntegrity || verifyValues) { if (!columnValues.containsKey(MUTATE_INFO)) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [" + Bytes.toString(MUTATE_INFO) + "]; value is not found"); printLocations(result); return false; } long cfHash = Arrays.hashCode(cf); // Verify deleted columns, and make up column counts if deleted byte[] mutateInfoValue = columnValues.remove(MUTATE_INFO); mutateInfo = parseMutateInfo(mutateInfoValue); for (Map.Entry<String, MutationType> mutate : mutateInfo.entrySet()) { if (mutate.getValue() == MutationType.DELETE) { byte[] column = Bytes.toBytes(mutate.getKey()); long columnHash = Arrays.hashCode(column); long hashCode = cfHash + columnHash; if (hashCode % 2 == 0) { if (columnValues.containsKey(column)) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [" + mutate.getKey() + "]; should be deleted"); printLocations(result); return false; } byte[] hashCodeBytes = Bytes.toBytes(hashCode); columnValues.put(column, hashCodeBytes); } } } // Verify increment if (!columnValues.containsKey(INCREMENT)) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [" + Bytes.toString(INCREMENT) + "]; value is not found"); printLocations(result); return false; } long currentValue = Bytes.toLong(columnValues.remove(INCREMENT)); if (verifyValues) { long amount = mutateInfo.isEmpty() ? 0 : cfHash; long originalValue = Arrays.hashCode(result.getRow()); long extra = currentValue - originalValue; if (extra != 0 && (amount == 0 || extra % amount != 0)) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [increment], extra [" + extra + "], amount [" + amount + "]"); printLocations(result); return false; } if (amount != 0 && extra != amount) { LOG.warn( "Warning checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [increment], incremented [" + (extra / amount) + "] times"); } } // See if we have correct columns. if (verifyCfAndColumnIntegrity && !dataGenerator.verify(result.getRow(), cf, columnValues.keySet())) { String colsStr = ""; for (byte[] col : columnValues.keySet()) { if (colsStr.length() > 0) { colsStr += ", "; } colsStr += "[" + Bytes.toString(col) + "]"; } LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], bad columns for family [" + cfStr + "]: " + colsStr); printLocations(result); return false; } // See if values check out. if (verifyValues) { for (Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> kv : columnValues.entrySet()) { String column = Bytes.toString(kv.getKey()); MutationType mutation = mutateInfo.get(column); boolean verificationNeeded = true; byte[] bytes = kv.getValue(); if (mutation != null) { boolean mutationVerified = true; long columnHash = Arrays.hashCode(kv.getKey()); long hashCode = cfHash + columnHash; byte[] hashCodeBytes = Bytes.toBytes(hashCode); if (mutation == MutationType.APPEND) { int offset = bytes.length - hashCodeBytes.length; mutationVerified = offset > 0 && Bytes.equals( hashCodeBytes, 0, hashCodeBytes.length, bytes, offset, hashCodeBytes.length); if (mutationVerified) { int n = 1; while (true) { int newOffset = offset - hashCodeBytes.length; if (newOffset < 0 || !Bytes.equals( hashCodeBytes, 0, hashCodeBytes.length, bytes, newOffset, hashCodeBytes.length)) { break; } offset = newOffset; n++; } if (n > 1) { LOG.warn( "Warning checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [" + column + "], appended [" + n + "] times"); } byte[] dest = new byte[offset]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, dest, 0, offset); bytes = dest; } } else if (hashCode % 2 == 0) { // checkAndPut mutationVerified = Bytes.equals(bytes, hashCodeBytes); verificationNeeded = false; } if (!mutationVerified) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], mutation checking failed for column family [" + cfStr + "], column [" + column + "]; mutation [" + mutation + "], hashCode [" + hashCode + "], verificationNeeded [" + verificationNeeded + "]"); printLocations(result); return false; } } // end of mutation checking if (verificationNeeded && !dataGenerator.verify(result.getRow(), cf, kv.getKey(), bytes)) { LOG.error( "Error checking data for key [" + rowKeyStr + "], column family [" + cfStr + "], column [" + column + "], mutation [" + mutation + "]; value of length " + bytes.length); printLocations(result); return false; } } } } } return true; }