public void atBinExpr(BinExpr expr) throws CompileError { int token = expr.getOperator(); /* arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, |, ^, &, <<, >>, >>> */ int k = lookupBinOp(token); if (k >= 0) { expr.oprand1().accept(this); ASTree right = expr.oprand2(); if (right == null) return; // see TypeChecker.atBinExpr(). int type1 = exprType; int dim1 = arrayDim; String cname1 = className; right.accept(this); if (dim1 != arrayDim) throw new CompileError("incompatible array types"); if (token == '+' && dim1 == 0 && (type1 == CLASS || exprType == CLASS)) atStringConcatExpr(expr, type1, dim1, cname1); else atArithBinExpr(expr, token, k, type1); } else { /* equation: &&, ||, ==, !=, <=, >=, <, > */ if (!booleanExpr(true, expr)) { bytecode.addIndex(7); bytecode.addIconst(0); // false bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); bytecode.addIndex(4); } bytecode.addIconst(1); // true } }
private void atWhileStmnt(Stmnt st, boolean notDo) throws CompileError { ArrayList prevBreakList = breakList; ArrayList prevContList = continueList; breakList = new ArrayList(); continueList = new ArrayList(); ASTree expr = st.head(); Stmnt body = (Stmnt) st.tail(); int pc = 0; if (notDo) { bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); pc = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); } int pc2 = bytecode.currentPc(); if (body != null) body.accept(this); int pc3 = bytecode.currentPc(); if (notDo) bytecode.write16bit(pc, pc3 - pc + 1); boolean alwaysBranch = compileBooleanExpr(true, expr); if (alwaysBranch) { bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); alwaysBranch = breakList.size() == 0; } bytecode.addIndex(pc2 - bytecode.currentPc() + 1); patchGoto(breakList, bytecode.currentPc()); patchGoto(continueList, pc3); continueList = prevContList; breakList = prevBreakList; hasReturned = alwaysBranch; }
private void atIfStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError { ASTree expr = st.head(); Stmnt thenp = (Stmnt) st.tail().head(); Stmnt elsep = (Stmnt) st.tail().tail().head(); if (compileBooleanExpr(false, expr)) { hasReturned = false; if (elsep != null) elsep.accept(this); return; } int pc = bytecode.currentPc(); int pc2 = 0; bytecode.addIndex(0); // correct later hasReturned = false; if (thenp != null) thenp.accept(this); boolean thenHasReturned = hasReturned; hasReturned = false; if (elsep != null && !thenHasReturned) { bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); pc2 = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); } bytecode.write16bit(pc, bytecode.currentPc() - pc + 1); if (elsep != null) { elsep.accept(this); if (!thenHasReturned) bytecode.write16bit(pc2, bytecode.currentPc() - pc2 + 1); hasReturned = thenHasReturned && hasReturned; } }
public void atExpr(Expr expr) throws CompileError { // array access, member access, // (unary) +, (unary) -, ++, --, !, ~ int token = expr.getOperator(); ASTree oprand = expr.oprand1(); if (token == '.') { String member = ((Symbol) expr.oprand2()).get(); if (member.equals("class")) atClassObject(expr); // .class else atFieldRead(expr); } else if (token == MEMBER) { // field read /* MEMBER ('#') is an extension by Javassist. * The compiler internally uses # for compiling .class * expressions such as "int.class". */ atFieldRead(expr); } else if (token == ARRAY) atArrayRead(oprand, expr.oprand2()); else if (token == PLUSPLUS || token == MINUSMINUS) atPlusPlus(token, oprand, expr, true); else if (token == '!') { if (!booleanExpr(false, expr)) { bytecode.addIndex(7); bytecode.addIconst(1); bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); bytecode.addIndex(4); } bytecode.addIconst(0); } else if (token == CALL) // method call fatal(); else { expr.oprand1().accept(this); int type = typePrecedence(exprType); if (arrayDim > 0) badType(expr); if (token == '-') { if (type == P_DOUBLE) bytecode.addOpcode(DNEG); else if (type == P_FLOAT) bytecode.addOpcode(FNEG); else if (type == P_LONG) bytecode.addOpcode(LNEG); else if (type == P_INT) { bytecode.addOpcode(INEG); exprType = INT; // type may be BYTE, ... } else badType(expr); } else if (token == '~') { if (type == P_INT) { bytecode.addIconst(-1); bytecode.addOpcode(IXOR); exprType = INT; // type may be BYTE. ... } else if (type == P_LONG) { bytecode.addLconst(-1); bytecode.addOpcode(LXOR); } else badType(expr); } else if (token == '+') { if (type == P_OTHER) badType(expr); // do nothing. ignore. } else fatal(); } }
public void atCondExpr(CondExpr expr) throws CompileError { booleanExpr(false, expr.condExpr()); int pc = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); // correct later expr.thenExpr().accept(this); int dim1 = arrayDim; bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); int pc2 = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); bytecode.write16bit(pc, bytecode.currentPc() - pc + 1); expr.elseExpr().accept(this); if (dim1 != arrayDim) throw new CompileError("type mismatch in ?:"); bytecode.write16bit(pc2, bytecode.currentPc() - pc2 + 1); }
private void atForStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError { ArrayList prevBreakList = breakList; ArrayList prevContList = continueList; breakList = new ArrayList(); continueList = new ArrayList(); Stmnt init = (Stmnt) st.head(); ASTList p = st.tail(); ASTree expr = p.head(); p = p.tail(); Stmnt update = (Stmnt) p.head(); Stmnt body = (Stmnt) p.tail(); if (init != null) init.accept(this); int pc = bytecode.currentPc(); int pc2 = 0; if (expr != null) { if (compileBooleanExpr(false, expr)) { // in case of "for (...; false; ...)" continueList = prevContList; breakList = prevBreakList; hasReturned = false; return; } pc2 = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); } if (body != null) body.accept(this); int pc3 = bytecode.currentPc(); if (update != null) update.accept(this); bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); bytecode.addIndex(pc - bytecode.currentPc() + 1); int pc4 = bytecode.currentPc(); if (expr != null) bytecode.write16bit(pc2, pc4 - pc2 + 1); patchGoto(breakList, pc4); patchGoto(continueList, pc3); continueList = prevContList; breakList = prevBreakList; hasReturned = false; }
private void atBreakStmnt(Stmnt st, boolean notCont) throws CompileError { if (st.head() != null) throw new CompileError("sorry, not support labeled break or continue"); bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); Integer pc = new Integer(bytecode.currentPc()); bytecode.addIndex(0); if (notCont) breakList.add(pc); else continueList.add(pc); }
/* Produces the opcode to branch if the condition is true. * The oprand (branch offset) is not produced. * * @return true if the compiled code is GOTO (always branch). * GOTO is not produced. */ private boolean booleanExpr(boolean branchIf, ASTree expr) throws CompileError { boolean isAndAnd; int op = getCompOperator(expr); if (op == EQ) { // ==, !=, ... BinExpr bexpr = (BinExpr) expr; int type1 = compileOprands(bexpr); // here, arrayDim might represent the array dim. of the left oprand // if the right oprand is NULL. compareExpr(branchIf, bexpr.getOperator(), type1, bexpr); } else if (op == '!') return booleanExpr(!branchIf, ((Expr) expr).oprand1()); else if ((isAndAnd = (op == ANDAND)) || op == OROR) { BinExpr bexpr = (BinExpr) expr; if (booleanExpr(!isAndAnd, bexpr.oprand1())) { exprType = BOOLEAN; arrayDim = 0; return true; } else { int pc = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); // correct later if (booleanExpr(isAndAnd, bexpr.oprand2())) bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); bytecode.write16bit(pc, bytecode.currentPc() - pc + 3); if (branchIf != isAndAnd) { bytecode.addIndex(6); // skip GOTO instruction bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); } } } else if (isAlwaysBranch(expr, branchIf)) { // Opcode.GOTO is not added here. The caller must add it. exprType = BOOLEAN; arrayDim = 0; return true; // always branch } else { // others expr.accept(this); if (exprType != BOOLEAN || arrayDim != 0) throw new CompileError("boolean expr is required"); bytecode.addOpcode(branchIf ? IFNE : IFEQ); } exprType = BOOLEAN; arrayDim = 0; return false; }
private void atSyncStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError { int nbreaks = getListSize(breakList); int ncontinues = getListSize(continueList); compileExpr(st.head()); if (exprType != CLASS && arrayDim == 0) throw new CompileError("bad type expr for synchronized block"); Bytecode bc = bytecode; final int var = bc.getMaxLocals(); bc.incMaxLocals(1); bc.addOpcode(DUP); bc.addAstore(var); bc.addOpcode(MONITORENTER); ReturnHook rh = new ReturnHook(this) { protected boolean doit(Bytecode b, int opcode) { b.addAload(var); b.addOpcode(MONITOREXIT); return false; } }; int pc = bc.currentPc(); Stmnt body = (Stmnt) st.tail(); if (body != null) body.accept(this); int pc2 = bc.currentPc(); int pc3 = 0; if (!hasReturned) { rh.doit(bc, 0); // the 2nd arg is ignored. bc.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); pc3 = bc.currentPc(); bc.addIndex(0); } if (pc < pc2) { // if the body is not empty int pc4 = bc.currentPc(); rh.doit(bc, 0); // the 2nd arg is ignored. bc.addOpcode(ATHROW); bc.addExceptionHandler(pc, pc2, pc4, 0); } if (!hasReturned) bc.write16bit(pc3, bc.currentPc() - pc3 + 1); rh.remove(this); if (getListSize(breakList) != nbreaks || getListSize(continueList) != ncontinues) throw new CompileError("sorry, cannot break/continue in synchronized block"); }
/* MemberCodeGen overrides this method. */ protected void atClassObject2(String cname) throws CompileError { int start = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addLdc(cname); bytecode.addInvokestatic("java.lang.Class", "forName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;"); int end = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addOpcode(Opcode.GOTO); int pc = bytecode.currentPc(); bytecode.addIndex(0); // correct later bytecode.addExceptionHandler( start, end, bytecode.currentPc(), "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"); /* -- the following code is for inlining a call to int var = getMaxLocals(); incMaxLocals(1); bytecode.growStack(1); bytecode.addAstore(var); bytecode.addNew("java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"); bytecode.addOpcode(DUP); bytecode.addAload(var); bytecode.addInvokevirtual("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException", "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); bytecode.addInvokespecial("java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); */ bytecode.growStack(1); bytecode.addInvokestatic( "javassist.runtime.DotClass", "fail", "(Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;)" + "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;"); bytecode.addOpcode(ATHROW); bytecode.write16bit(pc, bytecode.currentPc() - pc + 1); }
private void atPlusPlus(int token, ASTree oprand, Expr expr, boolean doDup) throws CompileError { boolean isPost = oprand == null; // ++i or i++? if (isPost) oprand = expr.oprand2(); if (oprand instanceof Variable) { Declarator d = ((Variable) oprand).getDeclarator(); int t = exprType = d.getType(); arrayDim = d.getArrayDim(); int var = getLocalVar(d); if (arrayDim > 0) badType(expr); if (t == DOUBLE) { bytecode.addDload(var); if (doDup && isPost) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP2); bytecode.addDconst(1.0); bytecode.addOpcode(token == PLUSPLUS ? DADD : DSUB); if (doDup && !isPost) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP2); bytecode.addDstore(var); } else if (t == LONG) { bytecode.addLload(var); if (doDup && isPost) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP2); bytecode.addLconst((long) 1); bytecode.addOpcode(token == PLUSPLUS ? LADD : LSUB); if (doDup && !isPost) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP2); bytecode.addLstore(var); } else if (t == FLOAT) { bytecode.addFload(var); if (doDup && isPost) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP); bytecode.addFconst(1.0f); bytecode.addOpcode(token == PLUSPLUS ? FADD : FSUB); if (doDup && !isPost) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP); bytecode.addFstore(var); } else if (t == BYTE || t == CHAR || t == SHORT || t == INT) { if (doDup && isPost) bytecode.addIload(var); int delta = token == PLUSPLUS ? 1 : -1; if (var > 0xff) { bytecode.addOpcode(WIDE); bytecode.addOpcode(IINC); bytecode.addIndex(var); bytecode.addIndex(delta); } else { bytecode.addOpcode(IINC); bytecode.add(var); bytecode.add(delta); } if (doDup && !isPost) bytecode.addIload(var); } else badType(expr); } else { if (oprand instanceof Expr) { Expr e = (Expr) oprand; if (e.getOperator() == ARRAY) { atArrayPlusPlus(token, isPost, e, doDup); return; } } atFieldPlusPlus(token, isPost, oprand, expr, doDup); } }