public void render2d(GL2 g) { for (Entry<EntityData, TileEntity> e : entities.entrySet()) { EntityData key = e.getKey(); TileEntity entity = e.getValue(); g.glPushMatrix(); switch (key.getType()) { case VBORDER: g.glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1); BorderData vBorder = (BorderData) entity; if (Globals.upCamera) { vBorder.render(g, this); } g.glColor3f(1, 1, 1); break; case HBORDER: BorderData hBorder = (BorderData) entity; if (Globals.upCamera) { hBorder.render(g, this); } g.glColor3f(1, 1, 1); break; } g.glPopMatrix(); g.glColor3f(1, 1, 1); } }
// set targetLoc only if not current player location; set returnLocationOnly to true to have new // Location returned if they need to be moved to one, instead of directly handling it public static Location checkPlayer( Player player, Location targetLoc, boolean returnLocationOnly) { if (player == null || !player.isOnline()) return null; Location loc = (targetLoc == null) ? player.getLocation() : targetLoc; if (loc == null) return null; World world = loc.getWorld(); if (world == null) return null; BorderData border = Config.Border(world.getName()); if (border == null) return null; if (border.insideBorder(loc.getX(), loc.getZ(), Config.ShapeRound())) return null; if (player.hasPermission("worldborder.ignoreborder")) return null; Location newLoc = newLocation(player, loc, border); if (Config .whooshEffect()) { // give some particle and sound effects where the player was beyond the // border world.playEffect(loc, Effect.ENDER_SIGNAL, 0); world.playEffect(loc, Effect.ENDER_SIGNAL, 0); world.playEffect(loc, Effect.SMOKE, 4); world.playEffect(loc, Effect.SMOKE, 4); world.playEffect(loc, Effect.SMOKE, 4); world.playEffect(loc, Effect.GHAST_SHOOT, 0); } if (returnLocationOnly) return newLoc; if (!player.isInsideVehicle()) player.teleport(newLoc); else { Vehicle ride = (Vehicle) player.getVehicle(); if (ride != null) { // vehicles need to be offset vertically and have velocity stopped double vertOffset = ride.getLocation().getY() - loc.getY(); newLoc.setY(newLoc.getY() + vertOffset); ride.setVelocity(new Vector(0, 0, 0)); ride.teleport(newLoc); } else { // if player.getVehicle() returns null (when riding a pig on older Bukkit releases, // for instance), player has to be ejected player.leaveVehicle(); player.teleport(newLoc); } } return null; }
private static Location newLocation(Player player, Location loc, BorderData border) { if (Config.Debug()) { Config.LogWarn( "Border crossing in \"" + loc.getWorld().getName() + "\". Border " + border.toString()); Config.LogWarn( "Player position X: " + Config.coord.format(loc.getX()) + " Y: " + Config.coord.format(loc.getY()) + " Z: " + Config.coord.format(loc.getZ())); } Location newLoc = border.correctedPosition(loc, Config.ShapeRound()); // it's remotely possible (such as in the Nether) a suitable location isn't available, in which // case... if (newLoc == null) { if (Config.Debug()) Config.LogWarn("Target new location unviable, using spawn."); newLoc = player.getWorld().getSpawnLocation(); } if (Config.Debug()) Config.LogWarn( "New position in world \"" + newLoc.getWorld().getName() + "\" at X: " + Config.coord.format(newLoc.getX()) + " Y: " + Config.coord.format(newLoc.getY()) + " Z: " + Config.coord.format(newLoc.getZ())); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.Message()); return newLoc; }
public Tile(Map map, int x, int y, Element tile) { = map; this.x = x; this.y = y; height = (int) Float.parseFloat(tile.getAttribute("height")); if (!tile.getAttribute("caveHeight").equals("")) { caveHeight = (int) Float.parseFloat(tile.getAttribute("caveHeight")); } if (!tile.getAttribute("caveSize").equals("")) { caveSize = (int) Float.parseFloat(tile.getAttribute("caveSize")); } ground = new Ground((Element) tile.getElementsByTagName("ground").item(0)); if (tile.getElementsByTagName("cave").getLength() != 0) { cave = CaveData.get((Element) tile.getElementsByTagName("cave").item(0)); } NodeList labels = tile.getElementsByTagName("label"); if (labels.getLength() != 0) { label = new Label((Element) labels.item(0)); } NodeList caveLabels = tile.getElementsByTagName("caveLabel"); if (caveLabels.getLength() != 0) { caveLabel = new Label((Element) caveLabels.item(0)); } entities = new HashMap<>(); NodeList list = tile.getElementsByTagName("level"); for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Element level = (Element) list.item(i); int floor = Integer.parseInt(level.getAttribute("value")); NodeList childNodes = level.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < childNodes.getLength(); i2++) { Element entity = (Element) childNodes.item(i2); switch (entity.getNodeName().toLowerCase()) { case "floor": entities.put(new EntityData(floor, EntityType.FLOORROOF), new Floor(entity)); break; case "hwall": Wall hwall = new Wall(entity); if ( { entities.put(new EntityData(floor, EntityType.HWALL), hwall); } else { entities.put(new EntityData(floor, EntityType.HFENCE), hwall); } break; case "vwall": Wall vwall = new Wall(entity); if ( { entities.put(new EntityData(floor, EntityType.VWALL), vwall); } else { entities.put(new EntityData(floor, EntityType.VFENCE), vwall); } break; case "hborder": entities.put(new EntityData(0, EntityType.HBORDER), BorderData.get(entity)); break; case "vborder": entities.put(new EntityData(0, EntityType.VBORDER), BorderData.get(entity)); break; case "roof": entities.put(new EntityData(floor, EntityType.FLOORROOF), new Roof(entity)); break; case "object": ObjectLocation loc = ObjectLocation.parse(entity.getAttribute("position")); entities.put(new ObjectEntityData(floor, loc), new GameObject(entity)); break; case "cave": cave = CaveData.get(entity); break; } } } }