Beispiel #1
  * Adds the atom oAtom without specifying a {@link IMonomer} or a Strand. Therefore the atom to
  * this AtomContainer, but not to a certain Strand or {@link IMonomer} (intended e.g. for
  * HETATMs).
  * @param oAtom The {@link IPDBAtom} to add
 public void addAtom(IPDBAtom oAtom) {
Beispiel #2
  * Adds the atom oAtom to a specified Monomer. Additionally, it keeps record of the iCode.
  * @param oAtom The IPDBAtom to add
  * @param oMonomer The monomer the atom belongs to
 public void addAtom(IPDBAtom oAtom, IMonomer oMonomer) {
   super.addAtom(oAtom, oMonomer);
   if (!sequentialListOfMonomers.contains(oMonomer.getMonomerName()))
Beispiel #3
  * Adds the IPDBAtom oAtom to a specified Monomer of a specified Strand. Additionally, it keeps
  * record of the iCode.
  * @param oAtom The IPDBAtom to add
  * @param oMonomer The monomer the atom belongs to
 public void addAtom(IPDBAtom oAtom, IMonomer oMonomer, IStrand oStrand) {
   super.addAtom(oAtom, oMonomer, oStrand);
   if (!sequentialListOfMonomers.contains(oMonomer.getMonomerName()))