// used by player_guess() to determine if player's guess is valid
  public static boolean test_player_guess(String guess) {
    String alpha1 = guess.substring(0, 1);
    int numb1 = 0;

    try {
      numb1 = Integer.parseInt(guess.substring(1));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      out.println("Invalid coordinate!");
      return false;

    int alpha2 = 300;
    int numb2 = 300;

    for (int i = 1; i < grid_size; i++) {
      if (alpha1.toLowerCase().equals(AI_grid.get_grid()[i][0].toLowerCase())) {
        alpha2 = i;
      if (numb1 == Integer.parseInt(AI_grid.get_grid()[0][i])) {
        numb2 = i;

    if (alpha2 == 300 || numb2 == 300) {
      out.println("Invalid input. Please try again");
      return false;

    return true;
    asks the player for the position of all ships, it
    adds each ship to the playerShips arraylist and adds the ships
    to the player grid.
  public static void player_setup() {

    String input, ship_name;
    String type = "player";

    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_ships; i++) {
      ship_name = fleet_list.get(i);

      out.println("Please give a coordinate to hide your " + ship_name + " : (ex. 'A1')");
      out.println(ship_name + " size: " + ship_size);

      input = sc.next();


      out.println("Which direction would you like your " + ship_name + " to face?:");
          "Orientation Key:"
              + "\n"
              + "0 - up"
              + "\n"
              + "1 - right"
              + "\n"
              + "2 - down"
              + "\n"
              + "3 - left"
              + "\n");

      try {
        orientation = sc.nextInt();
      } catch (InputMismatchException ex) {
        out.println("Invalid position or invalid input for orientation");

      set_ship_orientation(y, x, orientation, ship_size);

      try {
        if (is_location_free(x, y, ship_size, Player_grid)) {
              new Battleship(
                  ship_size, ship_name, x, y, width, height)); // add ship to player ships
              x, y, width, height, ship_size, type, ship_name); // prints ship to grid
        } else {
          out.println("Invalid Location. Try again");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        out.println("Invalid Location. Try again");
  // used by run_game() to check if there are any ships alive on the grid
  public static boolean are_ships_alive(BattleshipGrid grid) {
    for (int j = 0; j < grid_size; j++) {
      for (int k = 0; k < grid_size; k++) {
        if (grid.get_symbol(k, j).equals(grid.ship_body_symbol)) {
          return true;

    return false;
  // selects a guess from player
  public static void player_guess() {
    String guess;
    out.println("Enter a guess: (ex. G1)");

    // check if player gives a valid guess (e.g. "E5")
    do {
      guess = sc.next();
    } while (!test_player_guess(guess));

    // if player guess is repeated, ask for another guess
    while (is_player_guess_repeated(guess)) {
      out.println("You have already guess that. Try again.");
      do {
        guess = sc.next();
      } while (!test_player_guess(guess));
    out.println("player guess: " + guess);

    // convert player guess to array value

    // if string value at position guessed equals ship_body_symbol, set it to hit_symbol
    if (AI_grid.get_symbol(x, y).equals(AI_grid.ship_body_symbol)) {
      AI_grid.set_symbol(x, y, AI_grid.hit_symbol);
      AI_grid_for_player.set_symbol(x, y, AI_grid_for_player.hit_symbol);
    } else {
      AI_grid.set_symbol(x, y, AI_grid.miss_symbol);
      AI_grid_for_player.set_symbol(x, y, AI_grid_for_player.miss_symbol);

    set_ship_destroyed(AI_ships, AI_grid);
  // checks if chosen position is available on the grid by comparing the symbols of the positions
  // with the water symbol
  public static boolean is_location_free(int x, int y, int ship_size, BattleshipGrid grid) {
    for (int i = 0; i < ship_size; i++) {
      if (!grid.get_symbol(x, y).equals(grid.water_symbol)) {
        return false;
      if (width == 1) {
      } else {

    return true;
 // method checks if a ship has been destroyed by by comparing the number of hit symbols of a ship
 // to its size
 public static void set_ship_destroyed(ArrayList<Battleship> ship, BattleshipGrid grid) {
   int count = 0;
   for (Battleship s : ship) {
     for (String a : s.get_coords()) {
       if (grid.get_symbol(x, y).equals(grid.hit_symbol)) {
     if (count == s.get_size()) {
       out.println(s.get_name() + " destroyed!");
     count = 0;
  // used by player_guess() to determine if guess is repeated
  public static boolean is_player_guess_repeated(String guess) {

    return (!AI_grid.get_symbol(x, y).equals(AI_grid.water_symbol)
        && !AI_grid.get_symbol(x, y).equals(AI_grid.ship_body_symbol));