Beispiel #1
 public List<Term> computeRenamingVars(Variable x) {
   List<Term> vars = new ArrayList<Term>();
   for (Atom atom : body) {
     // Need to deal with inverse role
     if (atom.getTerms().contains(x) && atom.getPredicate().getArity() == 2) {
       for (Term term : atom.getTerms()) if (!term.equals(x)) vars.add(term);
   return vars;
Beispiel #2
 // compute new Head for the qPrime if there is an individual in the
 // renamingVars
 private Atom computeNewHead(Variable x, Constant d, Atom oldHead) {
   Atom newHead = oldHead;
   for (Term termOfHead : oldHead.getTerms()) {
     List<Term> newTermsForHead = new ArrayList<Term>();
     if (this.computeRenamingVars(x).contains(termOfHead)) newTermsForHead.add(d);
     else newTermsForHead.add(termOfHead);
     newHead = new Atom(oldHead.getPredicate(), newTermsForHead);
   return newHead;
Beispiel #3
  public TIntHashSet computeTypeOfX(Variable x) {
    TIntHashSet bs = new TIntHashSet();
    for (Atom atom : body) {
      int typeOfX = 0;
      if (atom.getPredicate().getArity() == 1 && atom.getTerms().contains(x)) {
        typeOfX = atom.getPredicate().getEncoding();

    return bs;
Beispiel #4
  // TODO: update it for rules with non-DL prediciates in the body
  public Set<Variable> getNonDistinguishedVars() {
    Set<Variable> nonDistinguishedVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
    Set<Term> distinguishedVars = this.getDistinguishedVariables();
    for (Atom atom : body) {
      for (Term term : atom.getTerms())
        if (distinguishedVars == null) { // Xiao: can not happen!
          if (term.isVariable()) nonDistinguishedVars.add((Variable) term);
        } else if ((term.isVariable()) && !distinguishedVars.contains(term))
          nonDistinguishedVars.add((Variable) term);

    return nonDistinguishedVars;
Beispiel #5
   * Check if there is r(x,x) for non-distinguished variable x in the query
  public boolean hasNoLoop(Variable x) {

    for (Atom atom : body) {
      if (atom.getPredicate().getArity() == 2) {
        List<Term> terms = atom.getTerms();
        if (terms.get(0).isVariable()
            && terms.get(0).getIndex() == x.getIndex()
            && terms.get(1).isVariable()
            && terms.get(1).getIndex() == x.getIndex()) return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #6
  public TIntHashSet computeRho(Variable x, List<InversePropertyOfAxiom> inverseAxioms) {

    TIntHashSet rho = new TIntHashSet();
    // BitSet emptyRho = new BitSet();
    for (Atom atom : body) {
      List<Term> terms = atom.getTerms();
      if (atom.getPredicate().getArity() == 2) {
        if (terms.get(1).equals(x)) rho.add(atom.getPredicate().getEncoding());
        // else add Inverse of atom.predicate to Rho
        else if (terms.get(0).equals(x)) {
          int rBar = getInverseOf(atom.getPredicate().getEncoding(), inverseAxioms);
        } // end of elsse if
    } // end of for
    return rho;
Beispiel #7
 public CQ computeQprime(TIntHashSet type, Variable x) {
   CQ qPrime = new CQ();
   int numberOfIndividual = 0;
   Constant individual = new Constant();
   for (Term term : this.computeRenamingVars(x)) {
     if (!term.isVariable()) {
       individual = (Constant) term;
   if (numberOfIndividual > 1) // cannot merge two individuals
   return null;
   // if there is no individual in the variables which should be renamed
   if (numberOfIndividual == 0) {
     for (Atom atom : body) { // compute body
       if (!(atom.getTerms().contains(x))) {
         // atom that contains x will disappear in the rewrite query
         List<Term> newTerms = new ArrayList<Term>();
         for (Term term : atom.getTerms()) {
           if (this.computeRenamingVars(x).contains(term)) newTerms.add(x);
           else newTerms.add(term);
         Atom renamedVarAtom = new Atom(atom.getPredicate(), newTerms);
         if (!qPrime.body.contains(renamedVarAtom)) {
     // add type(x) to the body
     Set<Atom> currentBody = qPrime.getBody();
     qPrime.body.addAll(addTypeOfXToBody(x, type, currentBody));
     // compute head
     Atom newHead = computeNewHead(x, this.head);
   // if there is an individual in the variables which should be renamed
   // then all these variables should be renamed as the individual
   if (numberOfIndividual == 1) {
     // compute body
     for (Atom atom : body) {
       if (!(atom.getTerms().contains(x))) {
         // atom that contains x will disappear in the rewrite query
         List<Term> newTerms = new ArrayList<Term>();
         for (Term term : atom.getTerms()) {
           if (this.computeRenamingVars(x).contains(term))
             // this term should be renamed
           else newTerms.add(term);
         Atom renamedVarAtom = new Atom(atom.getPredicate(), newTerms);
         if (!qPrime.body.contains(renamedVarAtom)) {
     // at type(x) to the body
     Set<Atom> currentBody = qPrime.getBody();
     qPrime.body.addAll(addTypeOfXToBody(individual, type, currentBody));
     // compute head
     Atom newHead = computeNewHead(x, individual, this.head);
   return qPrime;