Beispiel #1
    public void addAssignmentToIndex(Assignment assignment) {
      for (int i = 0; i < assignment.size(); i++) {
        GdlConstant c = assignment.get(i);
        if (indices.size() <= i) indices.add(new Index());
        Index index = indices.get(i);

        if (!index.containsKey(c)) index.put(c, new Assignments());
        Assignments val = index.get(c);
Beispiel #2
 // Warning: destructively modifies ret's assignment to fullAssn (I could save and restore, but I
 // don't care
 private DiscreteFactor constructConditionalCpt(
     FactorGraph mdl, Variable var, Assignment fullAssn) {
   List ptlList = mdl.allFactorsContaining(var);
   LogTableFactor ptl = new LogTableFactor(var);
   for (AssignmentIterator it = ptl.assignmentIterator(); it.hasNext(); it.advance()) {
     Assignment varAssn = it.assignment();
     fullAssn.setValue(var, varAssn.get(var));
     ptl.setRawValue(varAssn, sumValues(ptlList, fullAssn));
   return ptl;
Beispiel #3
  // Coolest method in this whole thing, does the real work of the JOIN stuff
  private Set<Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant>> findSatisfyingInstantiations(
      List<Condition> conditions, int idx, Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant> instantiation) {
    Set<Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant>> rval = new HashSet<>();
    if (idx == conditions.size()) {
      return rval;

    Condition cond = conditions.get(idx);
    Domain dom = cond.dom;
    Assignments assignments = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < cond.template.size(); i++) {
      GdlTerm t = cond.template.get(i);
      GdlConstant c = null;
      if (t instanceof GdlVariable) {
        GdlVariable v = (GdlVariable) t;
        if (instantiation.containsKey(v)) c = instantiation.get(v);
      } else if (t instanceof GdlConstant) c = (GdlConstant) t;

      if (c != null) {
        if (assignments == null) {
          assignments = new Assignments();
          if (dom.indices.size()
              > i) // if this doesn't hold it is because there are no assignments and the indices
                   // haven't been set up yet
            Index index = dom.indices.get(i);
            if (index.containsKey(c)) // Might be no assignment which satisfies this condition
        } else {
          if (dom.indices.size() > i) {
            Index index = dom.indices.get(i);
            if (index.containsKey(c)) // Might be no assignment which satisfies this condition
          } else
            // This is when we've tried to find an assignment for a form that doesn't have any
            // assignments yet.  Pretend it returned an empty set
    if (assignments == null) // case where there are no constants to be consistent with
      assignments = dom.assignments;

    for (Assignment a : assignments) {
      Map<GdlVariable, GdlConstant> newInstantiation = new HashMap<>(instantiation);
      for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
        GdlTerm t = cond.template.get(i);
        if (t instanceof GdlVariable) {
          GdlVariable var = (GdlVariable) t;
          if (!instantiation.containsKey(var)) newInstantiation.put(var, a.get(i));
      rval.addAll(findSatisfyingInstantiations(conditions, idx + 1, newInstantiation));

    return rval;