   * Tests the creation of new feature types, with CRS and all.
   * <p>This test also ensures that the arcsde datastore is able of creating schemas where the
   * geometry attribute is not the last one. This is important since to do so, the ArcSDE datastore
   * must break the usual way of creating schemas with the ArcSDE Java API, in which one first
   * creates the (non spatially enabled) "table" with all the non spatial attributes and finally
   * creates the "layer", adding the spatial attribute to the previously created table. So, this
   * test ensures the datastore correctly works arround this limitation.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SchemaException
   * @throws SeException
   * @throws UnavailableConnectionException
  public void testCreateSchema()
      throws IOException, SchemaException, SeException, UnavailableConnectionException {
    final String typeName;
      ISessionPool connectionPool = testData.getConnectionPool();
      ISession session = connectionPool.getSession();
      final String user;
      user = session.getUser();
      typeName = user + ".GT_TEST_CREATE";

    SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

    b.add("FST_COL", String.class);
    b.add("SECOND_COL", String.class);
    b.add("GEOM", Point.class);
    b.add("FOURTH_COL", Integer.class);

    final SimpleFeatureType type = b.buildFeatureType();

    DataStore ds = testData.getDataStore();

    Map hints = new HashMap();
    hints.put("configuration.keyword", testData.getConfigKeyword());
    ((ArcSDEDataStore) ds).createSchema(type, hints);

   * This test is currently broken. It's a placeholder for some logic that sfarber wrote which tries
   * to guess the SRS of a featureclass, based on connecting to it via an SeLayer.
   * @throws Throwable
  public void testAutoFillSRS() throws Throwable {

    ArcSDEDataStore ds = testData.getDataStore();
    CoordinateReferenceSystem sdeCRS =

    LOGGER.info(sdeCRS.toWKT().replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\"", "\\\""));

    // CoordinateReferenceSystem epsgCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:26986");

    // LOGGER.info("are these two CRS's equal? " +
    // CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(sdeCRS, epsgCRS));

    if (1 == 1) return;

    int epsgCode = -1;
    int[] projcs = PeFactory.projcsCodelist();
    LOGGER.info(projcs.length + " projections available.");
    for (int i = 0; i < projcs.length; i++) {
      try {
        PeProjectedCS candidate = PeFactory.projcs(projcs[i]);
        // in ArcSDE 9.2, if the PeFactory doesn't support a projection
        // it claimed
        // to support, it returns 'null'. So check for it.
        if (candidate != null && candidate.getName().indexOf("Massachusetts") != -1) {
          // LOGGER.info("\n\n" + projcs[i] + " has name " +
          // candidate.getName() + "\ntried to match " + wktName +
          // "\n\n");
          epsgCode = projcs[i];
        } else if (candidate == null) {
          // LOGGER.info(projcs[i] + " was null");
        } else if (candidate != null) {
          // LOGGER.info(projcs[i] + " wasn't null");
      } catch (PeProjectionException pe) {
        // Strangely SDE includes codes in the projcsCodeList() that
        // it doesn't actually support.
        // Catch the exception and skip them here.
  public void testCreateNillableShapeSchema()
      throws IOException, SchemaException, SeException, UnavailableConnectionException {
    SimpleFeatureType type;
    final String typeName = "GT_TEST_CREATE";
    SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();

    b.add("OBJECTID", Integer.class);

    b.add("SHAPE", MultiLineString.class);

    type = b.buildFeatureType();

    ArcSDEDataStore ds = testData.getDataStore();

    Map hints = new HashMap();
    hints.put("configuration.keyword", testData.getConfigKeyword());
    ds.createSchema(type, hints);
 public void testDispose() throws IOException {
   try {
     ((ArcSDEDataStore) store).getSession(Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);
     fail("Expected IllegalStateException when the datastore has been disposed");
   } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
   } finally {
     // dispose test data so next test does not fail due to pool being
     // closed
     testData.tearDown(false, true);
     testData = null;