Beispiel #1
   * Returns a tuple descriptor for the aggregation/analytic's intermediate or final result,
   * depending on whether isOutputTuple is true or false. Also updates the appropriate substitution
   * map, and creates and registers auxiliary equality predicates between the grouping slots and the
   * grouping exprs.
  private TupleDescriptor createTupleDesc(Analyzer analyzer, boolean isOutputTuple) {
    TupleDescriptor result =
            .createTupleDescriptor(tupleDebugName() + (isOutputTuple ? "-out" : "-intermed"));
    List<Expr> exprs =
        Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(groupingExprs_.size() + aggregateExprs_.size());

    int aggregateExprStartIndex = groupingExprs_.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
      Expr expr = exprs.get(i);
      SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.addSlotDescriptor(result);
      if (i < aggregateExprStartIndex) {
        // register equivalence between grouping slot and grouping expr;
        // do this only when the grouping expr isn't a constant, otherwise
        // it'll simply show up as a gratuitous HAVING predicate
        // (which would actually be incorrect if the constant happens to be NULL)
        if (!expr.isConstant()) {
          analyzer.createAuxEquivPredicate(new SlotRef(slotDesc), expr.clone());
      } else {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
        FunctionCallExpr aggExpr = (FunctionCallExpr) expr;
        if (aggExpr.isMergeAggFn()) {
        } else {

        // count(*) is non-nullable.
        if (aggExpr.getFnName().getFunction().equals("count")) {
          // TODO: Consider making nullability a property of types or of builtin agg fns.
          // row_number, rank, and dense_rank are non-nullable as well.
        if (!isOutputTuple) {
          Type intermediateType = ((AggregateFunction) aggExpr.fn_).getIntermediateType();
          if (intermediateType != null) {
            // Use the output type as intermediate if the function has a wildcard decimal.
            if (!intermediateType.isWildcardDecimal()) {
            } else {
    String prefix = (isOutputTuple ? "result " : "intermediate ");
    LOG.trace(prefix + " tuple=" + result.debugString());
    return result;
Beispiel #2
   * Sets table_ based on targetTableName_ and performs table-type specific analysis: - Partition
   * clause is invalid for unpartitioned Hdfs tables and HBase tables - Overwrite is invalid for
   * HBase tables - Check INSERT privileges as well as write access to Hdfs paths - Cannot insert
   * into a view Adds table_ to the analyzer's descriptor table if analysis succeeds.
  private void setTargetTable(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
    // If the table has not yet been set, load it from the Catalog. This allows for
    // callers to set a table to analyze that may not actually be created in the Catalog.
    // One example use case is CREATE TABLE AS SELECT which must run analysis on the
    // INSERT before the table has actually been created.
    if (table_ == null) {
      if (!targetTableName_.isFullyQualified()) {
        targetTableName_ = new TableName(analyzer.getDefaultDb(), targetTableName_.getTbl());
      table_ = analyzer.getTable(targetTableName_, Privilege.INSERT);
    } else {
      targetTableName_ = new TableName(table_.getDb().getName(), table_.getName());
      PrivilegeRequestBuilder pb = new PrivilegeRequestBuilder();
          pb.onTable(table_.getDb().getName(), table_.getName())

    // We do not support inserting into views.
    if (table_ instanceof View) {
      throw new AnalysisException(
          String.format("Impala does not support inserting into views: %s", table_.getFullName()));

    boolean isHBaseTable = (table_ instanceof HBaseTable);
    int numClusteringCols = isHBaseTable ? 0 : table_.getNumClusteringCols();

    if (partitionKeyValues_ != null && numClusteringCols == 0) {
      if (isHBaseTable) {
        throw new AnalysisException(
            "PARTITION clause is not valid for INSERT into "
                + "HBase tables. '"
                + targetTableName_
                + "' is an HBase table");

      } else {
        // Unpartitioned table, but INSERT has PARTITION clause
        throw new AnalysisException(
            "PARTITION clause is only valid for INSERT into "
                + "partitioned table. '"
                + targetTableName_
                + "' is not partitioned");

    if (table_ instanceof HdfsTable) {
      HdfsTable hdfsTable = (HdfsTable) table_;
      if (!hdfsTable.hasWriteAccess()) {
        throw new AnalysisException(
                "Unable to INSERT into target table "
                    + "(%s) because Impala does not have WRITE access to at least one HDFS path"
                    + ": %s",
                targetTableName_, hdfsTable.getFirstLocationWithoutWriteAccess()));

      for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < numClusteringCols; ++colIdx) {
        Column col = hdfsTable.getColumns().get(colIdx);
        // Hive has a number of issues handling BOOLEAN partition columns (see HIVE-6590).
        // Instead of working around the Hive bugs, INSERT is disabled for BOOLEAN
        // partitions in Impala. Once the Hive JIRA is resolved, we can remove this
        // analysis check.
        if (col.getType() == Type.BOOLEAN) {
          throw new AnalysisException(
                  "INSERT into table with BOOLEAN " + "partition column (%s) is not supported: %s",
                  col.getName(), targetTableName_));

    if (isHBaseTable && overwrite_) {
      throw new AnalysisException("HBase doesn't have a way to perform INSERT OVERWRITE");

    // Add target table to descriptor table.