   * Registers a new administration command. New commands may not be registered after the service
   * has been started.
   * @param command command to register
  public void registerAdminCommand(AbstractAdminCommand command) {
    if (command == null) {

    if (adminService.isRunning()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Admin service is already running");

    for (AbstractAdminCommand adminCommand : adminCommands) {
      if (adminCommand.getCommandPath().equals(command.getCommandPath())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Another admin command is already registered under the path "
                + command.getCommandPath());

  /** Creates and starts the shutdown service. */
  public synchronized void start() {
    if (adminService.isRunning()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Admin service is already running");

    Context commandContext = new Context(adminService, "/", false, false);


    ServletHolder servletHolder;
    for (AbstractAdminCommand command : adminCommands) {
      servletHolder = new ServletHolder(command);
      commandContext.addServlet(servletHolder, command.getCommandPath());

    if (adminPassword != null) {
      FilterHolder passwordFiler = new FilterHolder(new PasswordProtectFilter(adminPassword));
      commandContext.addFilter(passwordFiler, "/*", Handler.REQUEST);

    JettyRunThread shutdownServiceRunThread = new JettyRunThread(adminService);