public ImportDataAction(ImportDataDialogConstructor constructor) {
    super("Import Data...");
    this.constructor = constructor;

    String iconFilename = "icons/Import24.gif";
    int shortKey = KeyEvent.VK_I;
    String longDescription = "Import simulation data to a file.";
    String shortDescription = "Import Data";

        this, iconFilename, shortKey, longDescription, shortDescription);
  public ExportSnapshotAction(ExportSnapshotDialogConstructor constructor) {
    super("Export Snapshot...");
    this.constructor = constructor;

    String iconFilename = "icons/YoExportSnapshot.gif";
    int shortKey = KeyEvent.VK_S;
    String longDescription = "Export snapshot to a file.";
    String shortDescription = "Export Snapshot";

        this, iconFilename, shortKey, longDescription, shortDescription);