Beispiel #1
  public BroadPhase(AABB worldAABB, PairCallback callback) {
    if (debugPrint) {

    // array initialization
    m_proxyPool = new Proxy[Settings.maxProxies];
    pairBuffer = new BufferedPair[Settings.maxPairs];
    m_bounds = new Bound[2][2 * Settings.maxProxies];
    m_queryResults = new int[Settings.maxProxies];

    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Settings.maxProxies; i++) {
      m_bounds[0][i] = new Bound();
      m_bounds[1][i] = new Bound();

    for (int i = 0; i < Settings.maxProxies; i++) {
      pairBuffer[i] = new BufferedPair();

    m_pairManager = new PairManager();
    m_pairManager.initialize(this, callback);

    assert worldAABB.isValid();

    m_worldAABB = new AABB(worldAABB);
    m_proxyCount = 0;

    Vec2 d = worldAABB.upperBound.sub(worldAABB.lowerBound);
    m_quantizationFactor = new Vec2(Integer.MAX_VALUE / d.x, Integer.MAX_VALUE / d.y);

    for (int i = 0; i < Settings.maxProxies - 1; ++i) {
      m_proxyPool[i] = new Proxy();
      m_proxyPool[i].setNext(i + 1);
      m_proxyPool[i].timeStamp = 0;
      m_proxyPool[i].overlapCount = INVALID;
      m_proxyPool[i].userData = null;

    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1] = new Proxy();
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].setNext(PairManager.NULL_PROXY);
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].timeStamp = 0;
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].overlapCount = INVALID;
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].userData = null;
    m_freeProxy = 0;

    m_timeStamp = 1;
    m_queryResultCount = 0;
Beispiel #2
  // Call MoveProxy as many times as you like, then when you are done
  // call Flush to finalized the proxy pairs (for your time step).
  void moveProxy(int proxyId, AABB aabb) {
    if (debugPrint) {

    if (proxyId == PairManager.NULL_PROXY || Settings.maxProxies <= proxyId) {

    assert (aabb.isValid()) : "invalid AABB";

    int boundCount = 2 * m_proxyCount;

    Proxy proxy = m_proxyPool[proxyId];

    // Get new bound values
    BoundValues newValues = new BoundValues();
    computeBounds(newValues.lowerValues, newValues.upperValues, aabb);

    // Get old bound values
    BoundValues oldValues = new BoundValues();
    for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis) {
      oldValues.lowerValues[axis] = m_bounds[axis][proxy.lowerBounds[axis]].value;
      oldValues.upperValues[axis] = m_bounds[axis][proxy.upperBounds[axis]].value;

    for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis) {
      Bound[] bounds = m_bounds[axis];

      int lowerIndex = proxy.lowerBounds[axis];
      int upperIndex = proxy.upperBounds[axis];

      int lowerValue = newValues.lowerValues[axis];
      int upperValue = newValues.upperValues[axis];

      int deltaLower = lowerValue - bounds[lowerIndex].value;
      int deltaUpper = upperValue - bounds[upperIndex].value;

      bounds[lowerIndex].value = lowerValue;
      bounds[upperIndex].value = upperValue;

      // Expanding adds overlaps

      // Should we move the lower bound down?
      if (deltaLower < 0) {
        int index = lowerIndex;
        while (index > 0 && lowerValue < bounds[index - 1].value) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound prevBound = bounds[index - 1];

          int prevProxyId = prevBound.proxyId;
          Proxy prevProxy = m_proxyPool[prevBound.proxyId];


          if (prevBound.isUpper() == true) {
            if (testOverlap(newValues, prevProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.addBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);

          } else {


          // b2Swap(*bound, *prevEdge);
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

      // Should we move the upper bound up?
      if (deltaUpper > 0) {
        int index = upperIndex;
        while (index < boundCount - 1 && bounds[index + 1].value <= upperValue) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound nextBound = bounds[index + 1];
          int nextProxyId = nextBound.proxyId;
          Proxy nextProxy = m_proxyPool[nextProxyId];


          if (nextBound.isLower() == true) {
            if (testOverlap(newValues, nextProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.addBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);

          } else {

          // b2Swap(*bound, *nextEdge);
          // wasn't actually swapping! bounds[index] and
          // bounds[index+1] need to be swapped by VALUE
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

      // Shrinking removes overlaps

      // Should we move the lower bound up?
      if (deltaLower > 0) {
        int index = lowerIndex;
        while (index < boundCount - 1 && bounds[index + 1].value <= lowerValue) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound nextBound = bounds[index + 1];

          int nextProxyId = nextBound.proxyId;
          Proxy nextProxy = m_proxyPool[nextProxyId];


          if (nextBound.isUpper()) {
            if (testOverlap(oldValues, nextProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.removeBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);

          } else {

          // b2Swap(*bound, *nextEdge);
          // Bound tmp = bound;
          // bound = nextEdge;
          // nextEdge = tmp;
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

      // Should we move the upper bound down?
      if (deltaUpper < 0) {
        int index = upperIndex;
        while (index > 0 && upperValue < bounds[index - 1].value) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound prevBound = bounds[index - 1];

          int prevProxyId = prevBound.proxyId;
          Proxy prevProxy = m_proxyPool[prevProxyId];


          if (prevBound.isLower() == true) {
            if (testOverlap(oldValues, prevProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.removeBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);

          } else {

          // b2Swap(*bound, *prevEdge);
          // Bound tmp = bound;
          // bound = prevEdge;
          // prevEdge = tmp;
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

    if (s_validate) {