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Overall Directory Structure

A high level view of our project structure:


  |- karma/
  |- |- <karma configuration files>
  |- protractor/
  |- |- < protractor configuration files>
  |- src/main/java/
  |- |  |    |     |- < java files>
  |- src/main/resource/
  |  |   |   |        | META-INF/
  |  |   |   |        |   | spring/
  |  |   |   |        |   |- <spring configuration>
  |  |   |   |        | sqlscripts/
  |  |   |   |        |   |- <sql scripts>
  |  |   |   |        |- < log configuration>
  |- src/main/webapp/
  |  |   |   |  - source/
  |  |   |   |      |   |- app/
  |  |   |   |      |   |  |- <app logic>
  |  |   |   |      |   |- assets/
  |  |   |   |      |   |  |- <static files>
  |  |   |   |      |   |- common/
  |  |   |   |      |   |  |- <reusable code>
  |  |   |   |      |   |- less/
  |  |   |   |      |   |  |  - main.less
  |  |   |   |  - vendor/
  |  |   |   |      |   |- angular-bootstrap/
  |  |   |   |      |   |- bootstrap/
  |  |   |   |      |   |- placeholders/
  |  |   |   |  - WEB-INF/
  |  |   |   |      |   - < java class files, properties files etc.>
  |- src/main/test/
  |- |  |   |   |- <java test files>
  |- .bowerrc - < path to store bower libraries>
  |- .jshintrc - <JShint configuration files>
  |- bower.json -< bower configuration file>
  |- build.config.js - < configuration file for the build>
  |- Gruntfile.js - <Grunt file>
  |- settings.gradle - <gradle project configuration files>
  |- - < configuration file for MySql>
  |- - < configuration file for MySql>
  |- package.json - <Nodejs dependencies files>

What follows is a brief description of each entry, but most directories contain their own file with additional documentation, so browse around to learn more.

  • karma/ - karma unit test configuration.
  • protractor/ - protractor e2e test configurations.
  • src/ - our application sources. Java and Angularjs code
  • src/main/java - Java source code
  • src/main/resources - Java recources
  • src/main/webapp/source - Angularjs javascript code. This is the frontend application. This folder will be excluded when generating the war
  • src/main/webapp/vendor - All the bower dependencies will be installed here. This folder will be excluded when generating the war.
  • .bowerrc - the Bower configuration file. This tells Bower to install components into the src/main/webapp/vendor directory.
  • bower.json - this is our project configuration for Bower and it contains the list of Bower dependencies we need. Anything added as dependencies here will need to be manually added to build.config.js to be picked up by the build system.
  • build.config.js - our customizable build settings; see "The Build System" below.
  • Gruntfile.js - our frontend build script; see "The Build System" below.
  • package.json - metadata about the app, used by NPM and our build script. Our NPM dependencies are listed here.

Quick Start

Download, install and configure the following software that will be needed to run the application:

Gradle, MySql, Update the database credential in the file src\main\resources\META-INF\spring\ and Node.js

Run the following commands:

Install grunt-cli karma and bower

npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower

Clone the project from Github

git clone

Change directory into the CDS folder and install the node and bower dependencies

cd cds
npm install
bower install

After updating this file src\main\resources\META-INF\spring\ with the right credentials, changing the Hibernate configuration to generate the database tables by updating the hibernate properties

<property name="" value="validate"/>


<property name="" value="create"/>

And run this gradle task to start the application

gradle tomcatrunwar

After stop the application by entering the following command in the terminal


Copy patients.csv from /cds/src/main/resources/sqlscripts/persona/ to a location specified in /cds/src/main/resources/sqlscripts/persona/bham-persona-data.sql Then populate all the database tables by running this gradle task which gets database credentials from using properties plugin where x could be none (for local), dev, qa or production. When -PenvironmentName is not specified, it will pulled from local. For example, to populate data in dev, run the command:

gradle runSql -PenvironmentName=dev

Don't forget to change the property back to validate and run the application as describe below.

Run the application

The applciatino can be started in three ways:

  • Debug mode: run the following command
gradle debugTomcatRunWar

This will generate the debug project in src/main/webapp/source/target/debug/, copy the generated debug contents into the src/main/webapp/ folder and generate the war file excluding src/main/webapp/source/ and src/main/webapp/vendor/ folders.

  • Dist mode: run the following command:
gradle distTomcatRunWar

This will generate the dist project in src/main/webapp/source/target/dist/, copy the generated dist contents into the src/main/webapp/ folder and generate the war file excluding src/main/webapp/source/ and src/main/webapp/vendor/ folders.

  • CI mode (Continuos integration): run the following command
gradle CITomcatRunWar

This will generate the dist project in src/main/webapp/source/target/dist/, copy the generated dist contents into the src/main/webapp/ folder and generate the war file excluding src/main/webapp/source/ and src/main/webapp/vendor/ folders. The main different between Dist and CI is that CI run karm in CI mode.

Grunt - Gradle tasks

  • webdriverManagerUpdate - ChromeDriver and Selenium Standalone Server
  • protractorInstall - Installs Protractor for e2e test
  • protractorEnd2End - Run integration test with protractor
  • bowerInstall - Installs packages for frontend web project
  • npmInstall - Installs all Node.js dependencies defined in package.json
  • jshintAll - Lint all the JS files
  • grunt - Runs all the default tasks
  • buildAll - This task run all the build
  • buildCI - This run all the task for the CI
  • buildDist - The build task gets your app ready to run for distribution
  • buildDebug - The build task gets your app ready to run for development and testing
  • compile - Runs recess:compile, copy:compile_assets, ngmin, concat:compile_js, uglify, index:compile
  • karmaWatch - Runs karma in watch mode for unit testing
  • karmaUnit - Runs karma for unit testing
  • cleanTarget - Delete the target folder
  • FEJenkins -Test all the frontend tasks for the pipeline
  • debugTomcatRunWar - Generate the angular debug project which is used to create the war and run it on tomcat.
  • distTomcatRunWar - Generate the angular dist project which is used to create the war and run it on tomcat.
  • CITomcatRunWar - Run buildCI task and generate the angular dist project which is used to create the war and run it on tomcat.
  • CIWar - Run buildCI task and generate the angular dist project which is used to create the war/artifact to be deployed/archived.

Other gradle tasks

  • sonarRunner - Analyse root prorject and it subproject with sonar runner.
  • artifactoryPublish - Deploy artifact and generated build-info metadata to artifactory using project configuration.

Unit Test

How to run backend Unit test (JUnit)


How to run frontend Unit test (Karma)


Integration Test


How to run backend integration test (Mokito)


How to run frontend integration test (Protractor)



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