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Bitbucket API Java Client

This project contains a Java client for the Bitbucket API.

Please refer to the API Documentation from Bitbucket for how to use these calls.

All code is licensed under the MIT license because that’s the most yolo you can get. Refer to license.txt for more info.

To build:

  • ensure you have JDK 1.7+ installed

  • ensure you have maven 3.0+ installed

  • run the command: mvn package



This module contains Value Objects and an Interface for the API.

The goal for the project is to only contain as much information as needed in order to invoke a JAX-RS 2.0 client.

There is no code related to networking or JSON serialization/de-serialization. It is assumed that these functions are handled by the client.

All annotations are JAX-RS with the exception of some Jackson annotations for Date serialization. If your client isn’t using Jackson then you will have to use another approach for serializing dates. I am looking into ways to make this module not rely on Jackson.

Unit tests for this module use Arquillian running Wildfly 8.2. It should be possible to run any embedded servlet container for unit tests but I happened to have Wildfly 8.2 config I could copy from another project.

As far as endpoints included I have been adding them as needed. I think this project covers all GET requests available. For POST, PUT, and DELETE I’ve mostly only implemented endpoints related to commenting on pull requests for my sonarqube bitbucket plugin.

If there are any end points you would like added please open a defect/feature request and I’ll get to it.

All unit tests are based on the published responses in the documentation. I have found a few instances where these responses do not reflect the real world. I have updated the .json whenever this is the case. Please let me know if you find any additional.


This is an example web-app for tesitng the API against the live BitBucket endpoint.

The example app has been tested on Tomcat 8.x.

Please refer to the README.adoc within the example module for how to run it.


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