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C5 is a HBase API compatible database. C5 is a simple, scalable open source distributed database. It is an ACID database, of the flavour of Big Table. It supports three types of compatibility. HBase API compatability(HTable/HBaseAdmin), HFile compatibility, and HBase replication.

This project has 2 major modules. C5DB (The Server) and C5DB-CLIENT (The Client). To build this project users can simply mvn install (With optional -DskipTests) to build the c5 daemons, client libraries and optionally run all of our tests.

Users can start the c5server in single node mode, by simply changing into the c5db directory and running ./bin/, after they have built the project. One can think of run_test_server as an example of how to start the server.

-D options of c5db include

regionServerPort=<port#> webServerPort=<port#> cluserName= -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=

EXAMPLES Examples of how to access the server can be found in c5-client-tests. In adddition, a web status console will start on port 31337. Information about the cluster can be found there.

TROUBLESHOOTING On Mac OSX: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8


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