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// Copyright (c) 2014 Jihyeok Park
// KAIST CS420 Project

// NAME         : Jihyeok Park
// STUDENT NO   : 20120484

// This is the parser for mini-c.
// It follows below mini-c grammar.

######################### HOW TO RUN ##########################

environment setting :   make init
build               :   make all
test                :   make run < [filename].c
clean               :   make clean

###################### mini-C GRAMMAR  ########################

//  \(a\)\+ : one or more repetition of a
//  \(a\)\* : zero or more repetition of a
//  \(a\)\? : a optionally exists
//  unop    : -
//  binop   : *, /, +, -, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
//  id      : \[A-Za-z\]\[A-Za-z0-9_\]\*
//  intnum  : \[0-9\]+
//  floatnum: \[0-9\]\+.\[0-9\]+

Program         := \(DeclList\)\? \(FuncList\)\?
DeclList        := \(Declaration\)\+
FuncList        := \(Function\)\+
Declaration     := Type IdentList ;
IdentList       := Identifier\(, Identifier\)*
identifier      := id \| id [ intnum ]
Function        := Type id (\(ParamList\)\?) CompoundStmt
ParamList       := Type Identifier \(, Type Identifier\)\*
Type            := int \| float
CompoundStmt    := { \(DeclList\)? StmtList }
StmtList        := \(Stmt\)\*
Stmt            := OpenStmt \| ClosedStmt
OpenStmt        := IfStmt \| IfOpenElseStmt \| ForOpenStmt \| WhileOpenStmt
ClosedStmt      := AssignStmt \| CallStmt \| RetStmt \| SwitchStmt \| CompStmt \| IfClosedElseStmt \| ForClosedStmt \| WhileClosedStmt \| DoWhileStmt \| ;
AssignStmt      := Assign ;
Assign          := id = Expr \| id [ Expr ] = Expr
CallStmt        := Call ;
Call            := id ( \(ArgList\)\? )
RetStmt         := return \(Expr\)\? ;
WhileOpenStmt   := while ( Expr ) OpenStmt
WhileClosedStmt := whlie ( Expr ) ClosedStmt
ForOpenStmt     := for ( Expr ) OpenStmt
ForOpenStmt     := for ( Expr ) ClosedStmt
IfStmt          := if ( Expr ) Stmt
IfOpenElseStmt  := if ( Expr ) ClosedStmt else OpenStmt
IfClosedElseStmt:= if ( Expr ) ClosedStmt else ClosedStmt
SwitchStmt      := switch ( Identifier ) { CaseList \(default : StmtList \(break ;\)\?\)\? }
CaseList        := \(case intnum : StmtList \(break ;\)\?\)\*
Expr            := unop Expr \| Expr binop Expr \| Call \| intnum \| floatnum \| id \| id [ Expr ] \| ( Expr )
ArgList         := Expr \(, Expr\)\*

*** I modified the condition and loop production rule for removing dangling else problem with loop
*** I modified the switch case rule for representing the default case

########################    SEMANTIC CHECK    #######################

    - Warning (Type Conversion) -

        int to float : __int2float__
        float to int : __float2int__

##########################     RESULT     ###########################

    Production Rule :   prod.txt
    C-style AST     :   tree.txt
    Symbol Table    :   table.txt
    Final result    :   out.T



compiler of mini-c






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