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SIMPLE SETUP GUIDE, as of 9 Oct 2013
For branch:

Setup Eclipse and build
1. Be sure to install Git, Ivy and Ant won your system
   On Debian-based systems: $ apt-get install git ivy ant
2. Open Eclipse and create a new workplace, 
   e.g. at "/home/user/workplace"

3. Checkout Syncany on the command line
   $ cd /home/user/workplace
   $ git clone
   $ mv syncany SyncanyCore                        <<< Important!
4. In Eclipse, go to Help -> Install New Software -> Add ...
5. Install plugin "Apache Ivy library" and "Apache IvyDE" 

6. In Eclipse, go to File -> Import ... -> Existing Projects Into Workplace
   -> Select Root Directory -> Select "/home/user/workplace/SyncanyCore"

7. Add ivy.xml to Ivy Library:
   Right-click on ivy.xml -> Add Ivy Library...

8. Add ivysettings.xml to Ivy settings path:
   Windows -> Preferences -> Ivy -> Settings ... Chose "Workspace..." 
   below "Ivy settings path:" and add the ivysettings.xml within the workspace

9. Run the build.xml as Ant Build

Build on command line
1. Install Ant and Ivy: $ apt-get install ant ivy   
2. Compile: $ ant   

Install/run on your system (Linux only so far)
1. Install in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib/syncany
   $ sudo ant install 
2. Run it
   $ syncany --help
   $ sy --help
Install/run on your system (for the development-time)
Instead of copying the JAR file and libs to /usr/local/lib/syncany, you can
create a symlink to your current working directory using the "fakeinstall"

1. Install it (symlink to workspace)
   $ sudo ant fakeinstall
2. Run it
   $ syncany --help
   $ sy --help

Run in "sandbox"
The 'sandbox' folder contains a tiny script to test the Syncany up and down
operations. The 'sandbox' script can init test folders, run Syncany and
run the 'sync' operation in a loop.

 $ cd sandbox
 $ ./sandbox init A B              Set up two clients "A" and "B" in 'results'
 $ ./sandbox run A up              Push changes for "A"
 $ ./sandbox run B down            Pull changes from repo for "B"
 $ ./sandbox run B status          Show uncommited changes for "B"
 $ ./sandbox run B up              Push uncommited changed for "B"
 $ ./sandbox run A ls-remote       Show new remote changes for "A"
 $ ./sandbox clean                 Remote 'results' folder

or to run down/up every 5 seconds (for test):
 $ ./sandbox loop A
 $ ./sandbox loop B (in another terminal window)


Syncany file sync software






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