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The Makefile included will compile the programs and run the plain java
version, since your cluster setup may varry it will only compile the
MapReduce version.

First open the Makefile and edit the variables based on your Hadoop configuration and the location of your input files

Compile the plain java wordcount application using:

$ make WordCountJ

Run it using:

$ make plain N=1 OUT=out1.txt
4951 total milliseconds
6928 unique words

This will run with one thread and put the results in ./output/out1.txt

To compile the MapReduce version:

$ make WordCountMR

To run the MapReduce version, assuming you have a working Hadoop cluster and all nodes are up and running:

1. create your hdfs if it is not already created ex:
$ /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop namenode -format

2. start Hadoop:
$ /opt/hadoop/bin/

3. add the input files to hdfs
$ /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -put ./input/WC_input input
assuming ./input/WC_input contains the files to wordcount

4. run wordcount
$ /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar bin/WordCountMR.jar org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCountMR input output

5. the total execution time will be printed just before the program finishes

6. move the output back to the host file system
$ /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -get output output/outputMR

7. verify the output matches the plain java run
$ diff output/out1.txt output/outputMR/part-r-00000
you should see no difference.

To get average execution time use the '' script. It works
with both versions i.e. to average 10 runs of the plaint Java version run:

$ ./averager 'make plain N=1 OUT=out1.txt' 10

To get the average for 10 Hadoop runs :

$ ./averager '/opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar bin/WordCountMR.jar org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCountMR input output;/opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -rmr output' 10


hadoop word count vs plain java






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