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Sample program to demonstrate a REST+JSON Server. The client sends a JSON array of strings to the server, who sorts it and sends it back. The client then checks that the returned list is sorted and a permutation of the sent list.


###Oracle Java 7 JDK: Download and install Oracle Java SE here or if you have apt, install it like follows:

sudo apt-get add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

###Apache Tomcat 7: Download and install Apache tomcat 7 here or if you have apt, install it like follows:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tomcat7

###Apache Maven 3: If you wish to alter the source code, you can use maven 3 to recreate the war (server) and jar (client) file. Download and intall Apache maven 3 here or if you have apt, install it like follows:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andrei-pozolotin/maven3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install maven3

##How to run:


Download the file RESTSortServer.war here and copy it into the webapps folder of your tomcat7 installation (usually /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps).

To check if everything is installed properly open a browser window with your tomcat address and the suffix RESTSortServer/verify (e.g. in my installation the address is: http://localhost:8080/RESTSortServer/verify ). If you see the text The service is running properly. then the server is behaving as expected.


Download the file RESTSortClient.jar and optionally the file config.json here.

Run the jar like follows:

java -jar RESTSortClient.jar

If your server listens on another address than the default http://localhost:8080/RESTSortServer, you need to specify this in the config file that contains a JSON object with the attribute "uri" that points to your servers address. If you wish to get another list sorted than the default ["harry", "ron", "hermione"] feel free to change the "array" property in config.json just make sure to specify a JSON array. If you wish to use another locale collator than en_US to sort the list, you can change the "locale" attribute in the config file (more information about supported locales can be found here). Then execute the client jar with the parameter -c <arg> and point to the config.json:

java -jar RESTSortClient.jar -c "config.json"

Alternatively you can specify the uri,array and locale by using the command line options -u <arg>,-a <arg> and -l <arg>:

java -jar RESTSortClient.jar -u "http://localhost:8080/RESTSortServer" -a "[sorting.,This,list,needs]" -l "en_US"

##How to build:

First install all required libraries into your local maven repo by executing mvn install from the root directory of this git repository.

Then in the root directory execute mvn package and maven will build the Helper,Client and Server components (the executables will be stored inside the "target" directory of the corresponding components).

If you have configured the manager app for tomcat, you can also use maven to deploy the sort server by defining a server with the id TomcatServer in your maven settings.xml, that contains the credentials for a tomcat user with the manager-script role (the user must be defined in tomcats tomcat-users.xml file with the role manager-script).

In tomcat-users.xml (usually under /var/lib/tomcat7/conf) add the following:

  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <user username="your username" password="your secret password" roles="manager-script"/>

In your maven settings.xml (usually under /etc/maven or ~/.m2):

			<username>your username</username>
			<password>your secret password</password>

Should your tomcat manager listen on another address than http://localhost:8080/manager/text you will have to add the url tag to the pom.xml in the RESTSortServer directory:

					<url>add your managers url here</url>

For more information about the tomcat manager app, read this. If you seek instructions to configure maven, read this. After you have configured tomcat and maven, you can use the commands mvn tomcat7:deploy,redeploy,undeploy from within the RESTSortServer directory.