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Introduction to Programming Fall 2014

One of the goals for this course is to develop good software engineering skills. We can meet this goal by practicing and adhering good software design principles. Perhaps the most important aspect of writing good software is the notion of modularity and decomposition. Modularity (or component-based) approach is to design software systems whose parts (or components) can be glued together to make a larger system. Decomposition is the idea of separating the system's functionality into smaller (and hopefully) more manageable tasks.

For this class, the homework assignment will be a recipe generator. Each week, we will build homework assignments that will apply the theories we've learned in the classroom and build a sub-system to our larger recipe generator system.

Project (CS202 Section)

Your project is to update Homework 5. For many of you, the current implementation is that the entire recipe is displayed in one text box. While this is Ok (for the homework assignment) it's simply not ready for primetime. To this end, you will need to modify your assignment so that you'll use JLabel along with other Java Gui classes.

In addition to the ingredient listing, your program will also have to list the cooking instruction (more details below).

Finally, your program's data must be object-oriented. You simply cannot simply solve the solution with arrays of data.

In summary your program will have the following features:

  1. Number of people to serve
  2. List of ingredients: each ingredient will have name, quantity, unit and a checkbox object. The checkbox object is to indicate that the item has been purchased. There is no action associated with the checkbox.
  3. List of steps (cooking instruction). Note that he format of the instruction is up to you to design but you must read the instruction from file and cannot be hard-coded.
  4. You will have to have 3 panels: (1) control panel which includes how many people and an update button (2) ingredients panel, and (3) instruction panel
  5. The instruction steps will each have instruction and a radio button. This is to show that the cook is on that step.

Your project must look good. Simply put you cannot simply slap something together to show that you are done with the assignment. I would recommend that you spend at least 10 hours on the assignment to make the project look perfect.

Homework 5 (CS202 Section)

Your program will read in the recipe and display it as a GUI. Your gui will be able to give the user the ability to select how many users to serve. As the number of users to be served is changed the quantity for each ingredient is updated accordingly. Please demo this program in class.

Homework 6 (CS201 Section)

Generate two random arrays (similar to above)

  1. Determine if the arrays have at least one element in common (we did this problem in class)

Do this for homework

  1. Identify all of the common elements between the two arrays

  2. Create a plot of the following random number generator code:

(a) vary your max values from 50 to 200

(b) for each max run 100 times, count up the number of trues.

x = max (50, 51, 52, ... 200) f(x) = count of trues

For example:

  f(50) = # count true
  f(51) = # count true

Homework 5 (CS201 Section)

Consider lab 11 and answer the following questions.

"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

  1. Write a program that finds the shortest word and print it out along with the word's length

    java -jar shortestword.jar < textfile.txt

  2. Write a program that finds all the shortest words and print them out

  3. Write a program that prints out the first two shortest words

  4. Do at home: (a) repeat for longest words (b) print out the shortest words but only once

  5. Write a program that sorts the words of the line and print them out in alphebetical order

  6. Write a program that prints out the words in an array only once (hint: sort it first)

  7. Write a program that prints each word of an array and how many times that word appears!

  8. Do at home: (a) repeat #7 but use nested loops

For homework assignment, only do questions 4b and 8a.

Homework 4 (CS201 Section)

Let us assume the following information:

  1. A string can be splitted into an array of string:
String[] array = "this is a string".split("\\s+");

In the above example, "this is string" is splitted into 4 words (separated by a white space \\s+.

  1. We've learned how to read contents of a for our recipe reading assignment (homework 2).

For this homework assignment given a text file. Read in the content of the text file and printout the total number of words found in your document.

To run the program you'd do the following:

java -jar hw4.jar < textfile.txt

Your program should then print out the total number of words found in textfile.txt

Homework 4 (CS202 Section)

Your homework task is to "redo" homework 2. This time you will design three classes: Recipe, Ingredient, and Instruction. You will now have a main application App this application is the driver for your program (we will cover this more in class).

Obviously the Instruction class is much more complicated so we won't implement it this homework assignment. Instead you can simply create an file as followed:

class Instruction {
  private int step;
  private String task;
  private int nextStep;

So now you will have to consider some relationships:

  1. Recipe has more than one Ingredient
  2. Recipe has more than one Instruction
  3. Recipe can sort Ingredients
  4. Recipe can print Ingredients (print shopping list)
  5. Application has more than one recipe
  6. Each Recipe is built using a text file

Note that you do not need to implement the sort functionality for this assignment.

Your homework is due: 2 November 2014. If you need more time let me know.

Homework 3

It's pretty clear that an unorganized shopping list makes it really hard to shop. Your recipe generator will now need to sort the output by ingredients. So the output would be as followed

Ingredient              1 (person)      2 (persons)     5 (persons)
Bananas (piece)         1               2               5
Greek Yogurt (ounces)   10              20              50
Strawberries (kg)       5               1.0             2.5

You will run program the same way as before:

java -jar hw3.jar < ingredient.txt

Homework 2

For this homework assignment, we will expand on our recipe builder. As you can see that hardcoding the ingredient into a recipe is not a practical way to build your recipe builder. Instead we will feed (no puns intended) the recipe builder with a list of ingredients which can be listed in a file.

# comments line
0.50 kg
1 piece
Greek Yogurt
10 ounces

You will feed the above ingredient list into your recipe program with this command:

java -jar hw2.jar < ingredient.txt

And your program will print a simple shopping table in this format:

Ingredient              1 (person)      2 (persons)     5 (persons)
Strawberries (kg)       5               1.0             2.5
Bananas (piece)         1               2               5
Greek Yogurt (ounces)   10              20              50

A couple of notes: (1) a line is ignored if it begins with a hashtag #, (2) unlike homework 1, you no longer specify the number of people, (3) you should use the System.out.printf(...) method (this will require a little bit of experimentation before you'd get correct.

Finally pay attention to the sentinel key ==end== to denote the end of the ingredient listing.

Homework 1

Let us assume that the ingredients are fixed -- in other words, you've got a receipe in mind. Your program will determine how much for each of the ingredients to include and, of course, you have have to consider how many people you are serving.

Your assignment is to write a Java program that does the following:

  1. For each ingredient item, displays the item and ask the user how much to get for that item
  2. After all the ingredient has been "measured", ask the user how many people are coming to dinner
  3. Base on the information gathered from steps 1 and 2, display a shopping list

The shopping list is simply a listing of items and the amount of the each item.

Here is a simple example of shopping list for making strawberry smoothies:

Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberries.  How many Kg?  0.50
Bananas.  How many bananas?  1
Blueberries.  How many Kg? 0.25

How many people are we serving? 5

Shopping List
2.5 kg strawberries
5 bananas
1.25 kg blueberries

Please submit two files:

  2. hw1.jar

It is recommended that you export your assignment as a jar and validate it from the commandline. The command to run your code from the commandline is:

java -jar hw1.jar


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