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To start the backend, you can download an docker-compose file from here, change ${DOCKERIP} to the address the docker container are exposed to, or you can set the it via an environment variable DOCKERIP (recommended). pybossa contains pybossa and docker-compose is just the minimal configuration to start. The you can run docker-compose up (assuming docker is installed) to start the backend. It is only intended for development, not for production! Please create your own docker-compose file for production with suitable config-files. The pybossa account is: with the password pse.

For remote-debugging: the object-service port is 54567 and the worker-service port is 53333 (the normal port with a 5 added).


How to build the object-service is detailed below.


It is possible to pass -Dobjectservice.config=configLocation to specify the config location, the configuration file is detailed here.



  • Java 8
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Gradle (optional, but recommended)
# Clone repository and change into its directory.
git clone && cd object-service

# Import database schema from ./src/main/resources/db.sql
# Create an appropriate MySQL user.
# Copy ./src/main/resources/config.sample.yml to
# ./src/main/resources/config.yml and adjust all settings to your needs.

# Install all dependencies and compile sources.
# Use gradle instead of ./gradlew if you have Gradle installed.
./gradlew assemble

# Run it.
./gradlew run

# Create a jar archive.
./gradlew fatJar

Run local installation with docker-compose

Just delete the object-service entry and link the - -Dos.url=http://objectservice:4567 to the running instance. The database is exposed at {$DOCKER_IP}:3306.