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A sponge plugin for custom commands that can be created via a configuration file or a command, so that it is easy to use!


Add a Command

You have two ways to add a new command: You can edit the configuration file of the plugin or add a command ingame with the help of the addCommand.

ingame (addcmd)

To add a command ingame you need to use the addCommand (/addcmd <message...>). The first parameter is the name / identifier for the command, that you later need to edit or delete the command. The second parameter is a command that your users use to use the command, the last parameter is the message that is shown if the command is executed. To add a description, extended Description or a permission you need to edit the command with the editCmd.

Example: /addcmd tsCommand ts ts: ts.domain.tld


For adding a command with the help of the config (the ingame methode also writes into the config) you can easy copy the following example code into the config and replace the texts with yours. The example adds the same command as the command of the ingame example after using each of the ingame edit examples.

commands {
    tsCommand {
        description="[{color:blue,text:\"shows the ts ip\"}]"
        extendedDescription="shows you the currned ip of the teamspeak server"
        message="[{color:blue,text:\"TS3:\"},{color:green,text:\" ts3.domain.tld\"}]"

    spectatorCommand {
        description="changes to spectator"
        extendedDescription="changes your gamemode to the spectator mode"
        message="changed PLAYER.DISPLAY_NAME gamemode from PLAYER.GAMEMODE"
        serverCommands="/gamemode @p 3"

Edit a command

ingame (editcmd)

To edit a command ingame you need to use the command /editcmd [key] [commandName] [value].

key value example
command a list of commands seperatet by whitespace /editcmd command tsCommand ts ts3
description a text (can be in the json format) /editcmd description tsCommand [{color:blue,text:\"shows the ts ip\"}]
extendedDescription a text (can be in the json format) /editcmd extendedDescription tsCommand shows you the currnd ip of the teamspeak server
message a text (can be in the json format) /editcmd message tsCommand [{color:blue,text:\"TS3:\"},{color:green,text:\" ts3.domain.tld\"}]
permission a permission node /editcmd permission tsCommand cmd.ts3
playerCommands a command /editcmd playerCommands tsCommand /give @p dirt 3
otherPlayerPermission a permission node /editcmd otherPlayerPermission tsCommand cmd.ts3.outher


You can easy edit the node of the configuration file.

Delete a command

ingame (deletecmd)

You only need to use the command /deletecmd to delete a command.

IMPORTANT: the command can not be restored and will be deleted immediately and permanent!


You can easy delete the node from the configuration file

How to use DataKeys

You can use DataKeys in messages to send changing informations to the player, eg. the name of the player or the current amount of players on the server. To do this you only need to write the corresponding key into the message. If a player key is used in the message the command automatic gets a player parameter, so it can also be used as the console, if you don't want allow players to use this parameter you need to set a permission for this in the otherPlayerPermission setting of the command.

key Data Example
PLAYER.DISPLAY_NAME display name of the player Malte662
PLAYER.EYE_HEIGHT hight of the eye of the player 1.62
PLAYER.FOOD_LEVEL currend food level of the player 20
PLAYER.GAME_MODE currend gamemode of the player survival
PLAYER.HEALTH currend health of the player 20.0
PLAYER.MAX_HEALTH maximum health of the player 20.0
PLAYER.VELOCITY speed + direction of the players movement x:-0,033417 y:-0,020000 z:0,044638
                      |                                                  |

SERVER.DATE | the currend date | 28.08.2015 SERVER.HAS_WHITELIST | if the whitelist is enabled | false SERVER.MINECRAFT_VERSION | the minecraft version the server is using | 1.8 SERVER.MOTD | MotD of the server | a minecraft server SERVER.ONLINE_MODE | if the online mode is active | false SERVER.PLAYER_ONLINE | current amount of online players | 42 SERVER.SLOTS | slots of the server | 100 SERVER.SPONGE_API_VERSION | the version of the spongeApi the server is using | 2.1-SNAPSHOT SERVER.TIME | the currend time | 18:43 SERVER.TYPE | does the server run on a server or a client | SERVER SERVER.VERSION | the version string with all informations | 1.8-1499-2.1DEV-584+unknown-b584.git-unknown

What does each configuration key do

key what it does
command the command that you can enter to see the message
description the short description, that is shown in the help view
extendedDescription the extended description shown in the help view when hovering above the command
message the message that is shown to the player when they use the command
permission the permission that is needed to use the command
otherPlayerPermission permission to use a command with a player key with a other player as input
playerCommands commands that will be executed as a player
serverCommands commands that will be executed as the server


Permission Command
confCmd.add /addcmd
confCmd.edit /editcmd
confCmd.delete /deletecmd


How do I create a multi line message?

You can create a new line by adding \n to the position of the line break. In the JSON-format it must be in the text block.

Can I change the messages of the plugin?

Of course you can! Everything you need to do is copying the file from the resource folder of github to the configuration folder of the plugin and change the texts to whatever you want them to be. If you translate them it would be nice if you would create a pull request with the translated file or send it via mail to so everyone can use it.

How can I help you?

Feel free to create a pull request if you want to add a feature. You can also translate the plugin into another language if you want to!

I found an issue / bug where can I report it?

On the left hand site you can find the issue tracker of github, feel free to add one there. But make sure your using the latest version and that the bug isn't reported already ;)

Can you add feature X?

Maybe. Just create an issue on the issue tracker and we will see :)


a sponge plugin for custom commands via config






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