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This is a package for PhotoColleSDK. PhotoColleSDK is a SDK to use docomo PHOTO COLLECTION services.

This package contains followings:

  • Reference guide and API references in docs directory.
  • PhotoColleSDK source files in photocolle-sdk directory.
  • Test application source files in test-app directory.

Please read README under each directory for details.


You can change access URL by setting file. You can get debug log for PhotoColleSDK by adding logging property. "authorityUrl" is base URL to get authorization code. "tokenUrl" is base URL to get access token. "photocolleUrl" is base URL for PhotoColle class. "logging" enables debug log, if logging is true, PhotoColleSDK output debug log. Otherwise PhotoColleSDK does not output debug log. Debug logs are outputed to logcat. If you create assets/photocolle_sdk_setting.json in application asset directory, the SDK use URLs in file. The path of URL is ignored.


    "authorityUrl" : "",
    "tokenUrl" : "",
    "photocolleUrl" : "",
    "logging" : true

Library used by PhotoColleSDK

PhotoColleSDK uses httpmime-4.2.5.

httpmime-4.2.5 is published under Apache License, Version 2.0

httpmime-4.2.5 was included PhotoColleSDK. So you need nothing to use the library.

To avoid conflict of class name, We modified package name of httpmime-4.2.5. So you can use original httpmime-4.2.5.