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			JastAdd Refactoring Tools (JRRT)

The JastAdd Refactoring Tools are part of the JastAdd project
( The newest version of these tools will
always be available from

The source code of JRRT is covered by the Eclipse Public License
Version 1.0, which is distributed together with this software (in file
EPL.html), and is available online at

Included in the distribution are the JastAddJ Java 1.4 and Java 1.5
frontend (in folders Java1.4Frontend, Java1.5Frontend) and parts of
the JastAddJ control flow package (in folder
ControlFlowGraph). Details on licenses for these tools are available
in their respective folders.

This is the command-line version of the refactoring engine for
JastAddJ.  It comes with a number of test and driver programs, but it
should not be thought of as an end-user tool. Most refactorings from
recent versions of Eclipse are implemented, with the notable exception
of type-based refactorings.

Make sure that projects ControlFlowGraph, Java1.4Frontend and
Java1.5Frontend are unpacked into sibling directories of this one,
then do `ant clean' to be on the safe side. All necessary projects are
included in the web distribution.  The project is built using ant with
build file build.xml

The most commonly used ant goals in build.xml are:
gen        run JastAdd no generate node definitions and the scanner and
           parser; does not compile the resulting Java code
build      first runs gen, then compiles the resulting Java files
cleanGen   deletes all generated Java code and subdirectories

The folder Naming/ contains the source code for the naming component
of JRRT, Flow/ implements flow dependencies. The folder Concurrency/
should contain the implementation of synchronisation dependencies, but
currently only contains stubs due to unresolved licensing issues with
this part of the framework. The folder LanguageExtensions/ contains
the implementations of various language extensions and restrictions.

The folder tests/ contains several test suites and their data, on
which see below. Folder util/ contains utility code. Folder doc/
contains specifications of the refactorings, collected in file
specifications.tex (this is work in progress).

All other folders contain implementations of individual refactorings.

The package tests contains several test cases comprising our own
internal test suite. The package tests.eclipse and its subpackages
contain a copy of the relevant bits of the most recent (as of March
2010) version of Eclipse's own test suite, modified so that it can be
run under our implementation.

In some cases, result files had to be edited lightly; we have
commented out the original version of the code using '///'.

In order to run the tests, it is probably easiest to import
Refactoring/ as an Eclipse project (it is already set up as one). See
instructions on the JastAdd homepage on how to compile JastAdd
projects within Eclipse.

The complete set of tests can then be run through the test suite
tests.AllTests. Note that we have disabled all tests on which our
results are not the same as Eclipse's, with detailed comments in the
individual test suites explaining why the results are different.
However, you will see four failing test cases that test features of
the synchronisation dependency implementation, which cannot be
distributed at the moment.

If you only want to run the Eclipse test cases (without our own
internal tests), use tests.eclipse.EclipseTests instead.

If you have junit.jar on your classpath, you can also run the test
cases from the command line by issuing a command like

  java -classpath .:/path/to/junit.jar junit.awtui.TestRunner tests.AllTests

from the Refactoring/ directory.


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