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MCNSAChat2 is the rebirth of the MCNSAChat plugin that has helped mcnsa manage chat for the last half a year. There were a few problems with the old chat - it used old permissions, the code was horribly sloppy, it was somewhat inefficient, etc. This version seeks to fix all those problems and introduce some new functionality that will keep our server running happily for the foreseeable future.


Here is the default configuration file:

# local-chat-radius: radius of local chat channel (in blocks)
# default-channel: default chat channel that new users will join
# default-colour: default new channel colour
# announce-timeouts: announce timeouts to the entire server?
# chat-format: the format chat will be printed in
# emote-format: the format emotes will be printed in
# 	** for the above 2, use the following substitutions:
#		%channel	the players channel
#		%prefix		the players prefix (from PermissionsEx)
#		%suffix		the players suffix (from PermissionsEx)
#		%player		the players name
#		%message	the message
# spam:
#     limit: number of messages sent
#     period: within the given time period
# hard channels
#	channel name:
#		colour: <colour name>
#		alias: <alias> (for example, alias = "g", type "/g" to switch to channel G
#		local: <true/false> (optional)
#		broadcast: <true/false> (optional)
#		permission: <permission node> permission node to get into the channel (optional)
#						final permission string will be: "<permission node>"
#		listeners: <permission node> permission node to automatically listen in on the channel (optional)
#						final permission string will be: "mcnsachat2.listen.<permission node>"
local-chat-radius: 200
default-channel: G
default-colour: grey
announce-timeouts: true
chat-format: "<%channel&f> [%prefix%suffix&f] %player: &7%message"
emote-format: "<%channel&f> [%prefix%suffix&f] *&7%player %message"
  limit: 5
  period: 3
    colour: grey
    alias: g
    colour: pink
    alias: lo
    local: true
    colour: purple
    alias: bc
    permission: broadcast
    broadcast: true
    colour: purple
    alias: m
    permission: mod
    listeners: mod
    colour: green
    alias: a
    permission: admin
    listeners: admin

Commands & Permissions

Command Permissions

Command Permission Node Description
/chelp Provides a help menu for all chat commands you can use
/me <emote> Emotes your <emote>
/clist mcnsachat2.list Lists all chat channels that you have access to
/c <channel> Changes your channel to <channel> (creating the channel if it does not already exist)
/ccolour mcnsachat2.setcolour Changes the colour of the current channel
/cs mcnsachat2.seeall Allows you to see ALL chat from ALL channels
/ct mcnsachat2.timeout Toggle a player's timeout status
/csearch <player> searches for what channel <player> is in
/cwho mcnsachat2.who list everyone who is in the channel
/cvc toggle VoxelChat chat bubbles on or off
/cverbose <all:some:none> toggle how verbose chat is (hide/show game join/leave notifications, hide/show channel join/leave notifications, etc
/cmute <player> mcnsachat2.mute toggles whether you have personally muted <player>
/clock [player] mcnsachat2.lock toggle whether a player is locked from changing channels (or lists who is currently locked if no arguments are given)
/cpoof mcnsachat2.poof toggles whether you are chat poofed or not
/rtd [# sides] mcnsachat2.rtd rolls an [#]-sided die (default: 6)
/crave mcnsachat2.rave toggles rave mode in your channel
/confusion mcnsachat2.confusion toggles confusion mode in your channel

Verbosity Levels

Level Effect
All Shows game join / leave notifications, shows channel join / leave notifications, shows player timeout broadcasts, shows channel join message, shows who is in channel upon entering it, shows channel colour change notifications, shows per-player mute notifications, shows channel lock notifications, shows channel move notifications
Some Shows game join / leave notifications, shows channel join message, shows per-player mute notifications, shows channel lock notifications, shows channel move notifications
None Shows none of the above

As Of Yet Unimplemented Commands

Command Effect
/cht <player> <time> automatically timed timeouts
/chlisten <channel> toggle listening on a specific channel

General Permissions

Permission Node Effect
mcnsachat2.colour Allows a player to use colour tags in their message (ie: &a, &c, etc)
mcnsachat2.seepoofed Allows a player to see players who are poofed
mcnsachat2.ignorespam Ignore spam checks on players who have this permission


  • Implement '*' player selector
  • Implement auto-timed timeouts
  • Implement per-channel listening
  • Potentially make verbosity levels finer?
  • Add multiple aliases to commands (/c, /ch, do the same thing, etc)
  • Add configuration lines for player joined / left the game messages
  • Add / fix " has joined the channel messages"
  • Colours, names, ranks in chat bubbles?
  • Hard list of players who have VoxelChat bubbles, only allow manual enabling for them?
  • Add fun commands like /rtd, etc


The second generation of MCNSAChat






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