private static IRubyObject interpret( ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRScope scope, Visibility visibility, RubyModule implClass, IRubyObject[] args, Block block, Block.Type blockType) { Instr[] instrs = scope.getInstrsForInterpretation(); // The base IR may not have been processed yet if (instrs == null) instrs = scope.prepareForInterpretation(blockType == Block.Type.LAMBDA); int numTempVars = scope.getTemporaryVariableSize(); Object[] temp = numTempVars > 0 ? new Object[numTempVars] : null; int n = instrs.length; int ipc = 0; Instr instr = null; Object exception = null; int kwArgHashCount = (scope.receivesKeywordArgs() && args[args.length - 1] instanceof RubyHash) ? 1 : 0; DynamicScope currDynScope = context.getCurrentScope(); // Counter tpCount = null; // Init profiling this scope boolean debug = IRRuntimeHelpers.isDebug(); boolean profile = IRRuntimeHelpers.inProfileMode(); Integer scopeVersion = profile ? initProfiling(scope) : 0; // Enter the looooop! while (ipc < n) { instr = instrs[ipc]; ipc++; Operation operation = instr.getOperation(); if (debug) {"I: {}", instr); interpInstrsCount++; } else if (profile) { if (operation.modifiesCode()) codeModificationsCount++; interpInstrsCount++; /* Counter cnt = opStats.get(operation); if (cnt == null) { cnt = new Counter(); opStats.put(operation, cnt); } cnt.count++; */ } try { switch (operation.opClass) { case ARG_OP: { receiveArg( context, instr, operation, args, kwArgHashCount, currDynScope, temp, exception, block); break; } case BRANCH_OP: { if (operation == Operation.JUMP) { ipc = ((JumpInstr) instr).getJumpTarget().getTargetPC(); } else { ipc = instr.interpretAndGetNewIPC(context, currDynScope, self, temp, ipc); } break; } case CALL_OP: { if (profile) updateCallSite(instr, scope, scopeVersion); processCall( context, instr, operation, scope, currDynScope, temp, self, block, blockType); break; } case BOOK_KEEPING_OP: { switch (operation) { case PUSH_FRAME: { context.preMethodFrameAndClass( implClass, scope.getName(), self, block, scope.getStaticScope()); context.setCurrentVisibility(visibility); break; } case PUSH_BINDING: { // SSS NOTE: Method scopes only! // // Blocks are a headache -- so, these instrs. are only added to IRMethods. // Blocks have more complicated logic for pushing a dynamic scope (see // InterpretedIRBlockBody) // Changed by DPR currDynScope = DynamicScope.newDynamicScope( scope.getStaticScope(), context.getCurrentScope().getDepth()); context.pushScope(currDynScope); break; } case CHECK_ARITY: ((CheckArityInstr) instr).checkArity(context.runtime, args.length); break; case POP_FRAME: context.popFrame(); context.popRubyClass(); break; case POP_BINDING: context.popScope(); break; case THREAD_POLL: if (profile) { // SSS: Not being used currently // tpCount.count++; globalThreadPollCount++; // 20K is arbitrary // Every 20K profile counts, spit out profile stats if (globalThreadPollCount % 20000 == 0) { analyzeProfile(); // outputProfileStats(); } } context.callThreadPoll(); break; case LINE_NUM: context.setLine(((LineNumberInstr) instr).lineNumber); break; case RECORD_END_BLOCK: ((RecordEndBlockInstr) instr).interpret(); break; } break; } case OTHER_OP: { Object result = null; switch (operation) { // --------- Return flavored instructions -------- case BREAK: { BreakInstr bi = (BreakInstr) instr; IRubyObject rv = (IRubyObject) bi.getReturnValue().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp); // This also handles breaks in lambdas -- by converting them to a return return IRRuntimeHelpers.initiateBreak( context, scope, bi.getScopeToReturnTo().getScopeId(), rv, blockType); } case RETURN: { return (IRubyObject) retrieveOp( ((ReturnBase) instr).getReturnValue(), context, self, currDynScope, temp); } case NONLOCAL_RETURN: { NonlocalReturnInstr ri = (NonlocalReturnInstr) instr; IRubyObject rv = (IRubyObject) retrieveOp(ri.getReturnValue(), context, self, currDynScope, temp); ipc = n; // If not in a lambda, check if this was a non-local return if (!IRRuntimeHelpers.inLambda(blockType)) { IRRuntimeHelpers.initiateNonLocalReturn( context, scope, ri.methodToReturnFrom, rv); } return rv; } // ---------- Common instruction --------- case COPY: { CopyInstr c = (CopyInstr) instr; result = retrieveOp(c.getSource(), context, self, currDynScope, temp); setResult(temp, currDynScope, c.getResult(), result); break; } case GET_FIELD: { GetFieldInstr gfi = (GetFieldInstr) instr; IRubyObject object = (IRubyObject) gfi.getSource().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp); VariableAccessor a = gfi.getAccessor(object); result = a == null ? null : (IRubyObject) a.get(object); if (result == null) { result = context.nil; } setResult(temp, currDynScope, gfi.getResult(), result); break; } case SEARCH_CONST: { SearchConstInstr sci = (SearchConstInstr) instr; result = sci.getCachedConst(); if (!sci.isCached(context, result)) result = sci.cache(context, currDynScope, self, temp); setResult(temp, currDynScope, sci.getResult(), result); break; } // ---------- All the rest --------- default: result = instr.interpret(context, currDynScope, self, temp, block); setResult(temp, currDynScope, instr, result); break; } break; } } } catch (Throwable t) { // Unrescuable: // IRReturnJump, ThreadKill, RubyContinuation, MainExitException, etc. // These cannot be rescued -- only run ensure blocks // // Others: // IRBreakJump, Ruby exceptions, errors, and other java exceptions. // These can be rescued -- run rescue blocks if (debug) "in scope: " + scope + ", caught Java throwable: " + t + "; excepting instr: " + instr); ipc = (t instanceof Unrescuable) ? scope.getEnsurerPC(instr) : scope.getRescuerPC(instr); if (debug)"ipc for rescuer/ensurer: " + ipc); if (ipc == -1) { Helpers.throwException((Throwable) t); } else { exception = t; } } } // Control should never get here! // SSS FIXME: But looks like BEGIN/END blocks get here -- needs fixing return null; }
public IRubyObject interpret( ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, InterpreterContext interpreterContext, RubyModule implClass, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block, Block.Type blockType) { Instr[] instrs = interpreterContext.getInstructions(); Object[] temp = interpreterContext.allocateTemporaryVariables(); int n = instrs.length; int ipc = 0; Object exception = null; if (interpreterContext.receivesKeywordArguments()) IRRuntimeHelpers.frobnicateKwargsArgument( context, interpreterContext.getRequiredArgsCount(), args); StaticScope currScope = interpreterContext.getStaticScope(); DynamicScope currDynScope = context.getCurrentScope(); boolean acceptsKeywordArgument = interpreterContext.receivesKeywordArguments(); Stack<Integer> rescuePCs = null; // Init profiling this scope boolean debug = IRRuntimeHelpers.isDebug(); boolean profile = IRRuntimeHelpers.inProfileMode(); Integer scopeVersion = profile ? Profiler.initProfiling(interpreterContext.getScope()) : 0; // Enter the looooop! while (ipc < n) { Instr instr = instrs[ipc]; Operation operation = instr.getOperation(); if (debug) {"I: {" + ipc + "} ", instr + "; <#RPCs=" + rescuePCs.size() + ">"); Interpreter.interpInstrsCount++; } else if (profile) { Profiler.instrTick(operation); Interpreter.interpInstrsCount++; } ipc++; try { switch (operation.opClass) { case ARG_OP: receiveArg( context, instr, operation, args, acceptsKeywordArgument, currDynScope, temp, exception, block); break; case CALL_OP: if (profile) Profiler.updateCallSite(instr, interpreterContext.getScope(), scopeVersion); processCall(context, instr, operation, currDynScope, currScope, temp, self); break; case RET_OP: return processReturnOp( context, instr, operation, currDynScope, temp, self, blockType, currScope); case BRANCH_OP: switch (operation) { case JUMP: JumpInstr jump = ((JumpInstr) instr); if (jump.exitsExcRegion()) { rescuePCs.pop(); } ipc = jump.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC(); break; default: ipc = instr.interpretAndGetNewIPC(context, currDynScope, currScope, self, temp, ipc); break; } break; case BOOK_KEEPING_OP: switch (operation) { case PUSH_BINDING: // IMPORTANT: Preserve this update of currDynScope. // This affects execution of all instructions in this scope // which will now use the updated value of currDynScope. currDynScope = interpreterContext.newDynamicScope(context); context.pushScope(currDynScope); case EXC_REGION_START: if (rescuePCs == null) rescuePCs = new Stack<>(); rescuePCs.push( ((ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr) instr) .getFirstRescueBlockLabel() .getTargetPC()); break; case EXC_REGION_END: rescuePCs.pop(); break; default: processBookKeepingOp( context, instr, operation, name, args, self, block, blockType, implClass); } break; case OTHER_OP: processOtherOp( context, instr, operation, currDynScope, currScope, temp, self, blockType); break; } } catch (Throwable t) { if (debug) extractToMethodToAvoidC2Crash(instr, t); if (rescuePCs == null || rescuePCs.empty() || (t instanceof IRBreakJump && instr instanceof BreakInstr) || (t instanceof IRReturnJump && instr instanceof NonlocalReturnInstr)) { ipc = -1; } else { ipc = rescuePCs.pop(); } if (debug) { "in : " + interpreterContext.getScope() + ", caught Java throwable: " + t + "; excepting instr: " + instr);"ipc for rescuer: " + ipc); } if (ipc == -1) { Helpers.throwException(t); } else { exception = t; } } } // Control should never get here! throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError("BUG: interpreter fell through to end unexpectedly"); }