   * Ignored b/c it doesn't assert anything, it just demonstrates the performance (and behavioral)
   * differences between {@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoaches(java.util.Comparator)} and {@link
   * PersonService#getAllCurrentCoachesLite(java.util.Comparator)}. There are (at least) three
   * problems with the former...
   * <ol>
   *   <li>It lazily creates person records it hasn't encountered before, and
   *   <li>It looks up {@link Person}s one-by-one, and
   *   <li>Person lookups are just very expensive
   * </ol>
   * <p>So if the total number of coaches returned from {@link
   * org.jasig.ssp.service.PersonAttributesService#getCoaches()} is large (anywhere into the 100s),
   * {@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoaches(java.util.Comparator)} is unsuitable for invocation
   * in the request cycle, <em>even if all the referenced coaches have already been created as
   * {@link Person} records</em>.
   * <p>{@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoachesLite(java.util.Comparator)} is faster, but partly
   * b/c it doesn't make any attempt to lazily create new {@link Person}s. So it doesn't run the
   * risk of exceptionally long runtimes when first invoked. But it does so at the cost of
   * potentially not returning a completely up-to-date view of all coaches. <a
   * href="https://issues.jasig.org/browse/SSP-470">SSP-470</a> combats this by moving the {@link
   * Person} creation into a background job.
   * <p>This test demonstrates the performance gradient by causing {@link
   * org.jasig.ssp.service.PersonAttributesService#getCoaches()} to return 500 coach usernames the
   * {@link PersonService} hasn't seen before, then making a series of calls to the methods of
   * interest. At this writing (Nov 20, 2012), in an all-local development env, the numbers looked
   * like this (execution time in {@link org.jasig.ssp.service.PersonAttributesService#getCoaches()}
   * is effecively negiligible b/c this test stubs that service):
   * <ol>
   *   <li>{@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoachesLite(java.util.Comparator)} (returns 1 record):
   *       55ms
   *   <li>{@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoaches(java.util.Comparator)} (returns 501 records):
   *       29504ms
   *   <li>{@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoaches(java.util.Comparator)} (returns 501 records):
   *       15428ms
   *   <li>{@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoachesLite(java.util.Comparator)} (returns 501
   *       records): 59ms
   * </ol>
   * <p>Keep in mind again that {@link PersonService#getAllCurrentCoachesLite(java.util.Comparator)}
   * doesn't make any of the lazy-creation promises of {@link
   * PersonService#getAllCurrentCoaches(java.util.Comparator)}, so the comparison isn't completely
   * fair. But the calls to the latter are sufficiently slow that it would be nice to find a way to
   * drop them both down... maybe through a combination of bulk db reads and writes and by
   * simplifying the object graph returned with all {@link Person} lookups.
  public void testLiteCoachLookupMuchFasterButPotentiallyIncomplete() {
    int externalCoachQuota = 500;
    Set<String> addedCoachUsernames =

    long started = new Date().getTime();
    final PagingWrapper<CoachPersonLiteTO> allCoachesLite1 = personService.getAllCoachesLite(null);
    long ended = new Date().getTime();
        "Lite Person lookups, no external Persons created yet: "
            + (ended - started)
            + "ms ("
            + allCoachesLite1.getResults()
            + " total records returned)");

    started = new Date().getTime();
    final SortedSet<Person> lazyCreatedCoaches1 = personService.getAllCurrentCoaches(null);
    ended = new Date().getTime();
        "Full Person lookups, lazy Person record creation: "
            + (ended - started)
            + "ms ("
            + externalCoachQuota
            + " lazy records, "
            + lazyCreatedCoaches1.size()
            + " total records returned)");

    started = new Date().getTime();
    final SortedSet<Person> lazyCreatedCoaches2 = personService.getAllCurrentCoaches(null);
    ended = new Date().getTime();
        "Full Person lookups, all Persons already created: "
            + (ended - started)
            + "ms ("
            + lazyCreatedCoaches2.size()
            + " total records returned)");

    started = new Date().getTime();
    final PagingWrapper<CoachPersonLiteTO> allCoachesLite2 = personService.getAllCoachesLite(null);
    ended = new Date().getTime();
        "Lite Person lookups, all Persons already created: "
            + (ended - started)
            + "ms ("
            + allCoachesLite2.getResults()
            + " total records returned)");