@Override public Collection<ExecutionDegree> getSearchResults( Map<String, String> argsMap, String value, int maxCount) { final String executionYearOid = argsMap.get("executionYearOid"); final ExecutionYear executionYear = FenixFramework.getDomainObject(executionYearOid); final String searchValue = StringNormalizer.normalize(value); final List<ExecutionDegree> result = new ArrayList<ExecutionDegree>(); for (final ExecutionDegree executionDegree : executionYear.getExecutionDegreesSet()) { final DegreeCurricularPlan degreeCurricularPlan = executionDegree.getDegreeCurricularPlan(); final Degree degree = degreeCurricularPlan.getDegree(); if (match(searchValue, degreeCurricularPlan.getName()) || match(searchValue, degree.getNameI18N(executionYear).getContent()) || match(searchValue, degree.getSigla())) { result.add(executionDegree); if (result.size() >= maxCount) { break; } } } return result; }
@Override public Set<User> getMembers() { Set<User> users = new HashSet<>(); if (degreeType != null) { ExecutionYear year = ExecutionYear.readCurrentExecutionYear(); for (final ExecutionDegree executionDegree : year.getExecutionDegreesSet()) { final DegreeCurricularPlan degreeCurricularPlan = executionDegree.getDegreeCurricularPlan(); final Degree degree = degreeCurricularPlan.getDegree(); if (degree.getDegreeType().equals(degreeType)) { for (final Coordinator coordinator : executionDegree.getCoordinatorsListSet()) { User user = coordinator.getPerson().getUser(); if (user != null) { users.add(user); } } } } // for (Degree degree : Degree.readAllByDegreeType(degreeType)) { // users.addAll(getCoordinators(degree)); // } } if (degree != null) { users.addAll(getCoordinators(degree)); } if (degree == null && degreeType == null) { final ExecutionYear executionYear = ExecutionYear.readCurrentExecutionYear(); for (final ExecutionDegree executionDegree : executionYear.getExecutionDegreesSet()) { for (final Coordinator coordinator : executionDegree.getCoordinatorsListSet()) { User user = coordinator.getPerson().getUser(); if (user != null) { users.add(user); } } } } return users; }
public ActionForward warmUpCacheForEnrolmentPeriodStart( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { final ExecutionSemester ces = ExecutionSemester.readActualExecutionSemester(); final ExecutionSemester pes = ces == null ? null : ces.getPreviousExecutionPeriod(); if (ces != null && pes != null) { long s = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (final ExecutionCourse executionCourse : ces.getAssociatedExecutionCoursesSet()) { executionCourse.getName(); for (final CourseLoad courseLoad : executionCourse.getCourseLoadsSet()) { courseLoad.getType(); for (final Shift shift : courseLoad.getShiftsSet()) { shift.getNome(); for (final SchoolClass schoolClass : shift.getAssociatedClassesSet()) { schoolClass.getNome(); final ExecutionDegree executionDegree = schoolClass.getExecutionDegree(); final DegreeCurricularPlan degreeCurricularPlan = executionDegree.getDegreeCurricularPlan(); degreeCurricularPlan.getName(); final Degree degree = degreeCurricularPlan.getDegree(); degree.getDegreeType(); final RootCourseGroup root = degreeCurricularPlan.getRoot(); load(root); } for (final Lesson lesson : shift.getAssociatedLessonsSet()) { lesson.getBeginHourMinuteSecond(); for (OccupationPeriod period = lesson.getPeriod(); period != null; period = period.getNextPeriod()) { period.getStartDate(); } for (final LessonInstance lessonInstance : lesson.getLessonInstancesSet()) { lessonInstance.getBeginDateTime(); } } } } } long e = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info( "Warming up cache for enrolment period. Load of current semester information took {}ms.", e - s); s = System.currentTimeMillis(); // for (final RoomClassification roomClassification : // rootDomainObject.getRoomClassificationSet()) { // for (final RoomInformation roomInformation : // roomClassification.getRoomInformationsSet()) { // roomInformation.getDescription(); // final Room room = roomInformation.getRoom(); // room.getNormalCapacity(); // } // } e = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info("Warming up cache for enrolment period. Load of room listing took {}ms.", e - s); final Set<Student> students = new HashSet<Student>(); s = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (final Enrolment enrolment : pes.getEnrolmentsSet()) { students.add(enrolment.getStudent()); } e = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info("Warming up cache for enrolment period. Search for students took {}ms.", e - s); s = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (final Student student : students) { student.getNumber(); for (final Registration registration : student.getRegistrationsSet()) { registration.getNumber(); for (final StudentCurricularPlan studentCurricularPlan : registration.getStudentCurricularPlansSet()) { final RootCurriculumGroup root = studentCurricularPlan.getRoot(); load(root); } } } e = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.info( "Warming up cache for enrolment period. Load of student curriculum took {}ms.", e - s); } return monitor(mapping, form, request, response); }