 protected void configureDeployedName(IProject project, String deployedFileName) {
   // We need to remove the file extension from deployedFileName
   int extSeparatorPos = deployedFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
   String deployedName =
       extSeparatorPos > -1 ? deployedFileName.substring(0, extSeparatorPos) : deployedFileName;
   // From jerr's patch in MNGECLIPSE-965
   IVirtualComponent projectComponent = ComponentCore.createComponent(project);
   if (projectComponent != null
       && !deployedName.equals(
               .getDeployedName())) { // MNGECLIPSE-2331 : Seems projectComponent.getDeployedName()
     // can be null
     StructureEdit moduleCore = null;
     try {
       moduleCore = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForWrite(project);
       if (moduleCore != null) {
         WorkbenchComponent component = moduleCore.getComponent();
         if (component != null) {
     } finally {
       if (moduleCore != null) {
  public IResource getEclipseResource() {
    synchronized (this) {
      if (resource == null) {

        IProject container = null;
        ComponentResource moduleResource = (ComponentResource) getTarget();
        if (moduleResource != null) {
          IPath sourcePath = moduleResource.getSourcePath();
          if (moduleResource.getOwningProject() != null)
            container = moduleResource.getOwningProject();
          else container = StructureEdit.getContainingProject(moduleResource.getComponent());
          if (container != null) resource = container.findMember(sourcePath);
          if (resource == null)
            resource = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(sourcePath);
    return resource;