/** * Check if the kill switch feature is supported on the given drone * * @param drone * @return true if it's supported, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isKillSwitchSupported(MavLinkDrone drone) { if (drone == null) return false; if (!org.droidplanner.services.android.core.drone.variables.Type.isCopter(drone.getType())) return false; final String firmwareVersion = drone.getFirmwareVersion(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(firmwareVersion)) return false; if (!firmwareVersion.startsWith("APM:Copter V3.3") && !firmwareVersion.startsWith("APM:Copter V3.4") && !firmwareVersion.startsWith("Solo")) { return false; } return true; }
public static Type getType(MavLinkDrone drone) { if (drone == null) return new Type(); return new Type(CommonApiUtils.getDroneProxyType(drone.getType()), drone.getFirmwareVersion()); }