/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { XFactoryBufferedImpl factory = new XFactoryBufferedImpl(); XLog log = factory.createLog(); XTrace trace = factory.createTrace(); XEvent event1 = factory.createEvent(); XEvent event2 = factory.createEvent(); XEvent event3 = (XEvent) event2.clone(); System.out.println("Event 3 and event 2 are equal: " + event3.equals(event2)); trace.add(event1); trace.add(event2); log.add(trace); XLog log2 = (XLog) log.clone(); System.out.println("Log 1 and log 2 are equal: " + log.equals(log2)); trace.remove(event1); System.out.println("This log should start with 1 events"); doTest(log); System.out.println("This log should start with 2 event"); doTest(log2); }
private static void toString(XLog log) { System.out.println("---------------------------------------"); System.out.println("" + log.hashCode()); for (XTrace trace : log) { System.out.println(" |-" + trace.hashCode()); for (XEvent event : trace) { System.out.println(" |-" + event.hashCode()); } } }
private static void doTest(XLog log) { toString(log); for (XTrace trace : log) { Iterator<XEvent> it = trace.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); it.remove(); } } toString(log); }
@Plugin( name = "Add End Artificial Events", parameterLabels = {"Log"}, returnLabels = {"Altered log"}, returnTypes = {XLog.class}, userAccessible = true, help = "Adds an artificial end task to every trace in the log file") @UITopiaVariant( affiliation = "Department of Computer Science University of Pisa", author = "R.Guanciale,G.Spagnolo et al.", email = "*****@*****.**", pack = "PetriNetReplayAnalysis") public XLog addEvents(PluginContext context, XLog oldLog) { context.getFutureResult(0).setLabel(XConceptExtension.instance().extractName(oldLog)); context.getProgress().setMinimum(0); context.getProgress().setMaximum(oldLog.size()); context.getProgress().setIndeterminate(false); context.getProgress().setValue(0); XAttributeMap logattlist = copyAttMap(oldLog.getAttributes()); XLog newLog = new XLogImpl(logattlist); for (int i = 0; i < oldLog.size(); i++) { XTrace oldTrace = oldLog.get(i); XTrace newTrace = new XTraceImpl(copyAttMap(oldTrace.getAttributes())); for (int j = 0; j < oldTrace.size(); j++) { XEvent oldEvent = oldTrace.get(j); XEvent newEvent = new XEventImpl(copyAttMap(oldEvent.getAttributes())); newTrace.add(newEvent); } Date time = new Date(); try { time = ((XAttributeTimestampImpl) oldTrace.get(oldTrace.size() - 1).getAttributes().get("time:timestamp")) .getValue(); time.setTime(time.getTime() + 1); } catch (Exception ex) { } newTrace.add(makeEvent("ArtificialEnd", time)); newLog.add(newTrace); context.getProgress().inc(); } return newLog; }
private void updatePerformance( Petrinet net, Marking initMarking, List<Transition> sequence, PetrinetSemantics semantics, XTrace trace, TotalPerformanceResult totalResult, Map<Transition, XEventClass> map, String tracename) { // if (trace.size() != sequence.size()) // System.exit(1); XAttributeTimestampImpl date = (XAttributeTimestampImpl) (trace.get(0).getAttributes().get("time:timestamp")); long d1 = date.getValue().getTime(); Map<Place, PerformanceData> performance = new HashMap<Place, PerformanceData>(); Map<Arc, Integer> maparc = new HashMap<Arc, Integer>(); Marking marking = new Marking(initMarking); for (Place place : marking) { PerformanceData result = null; if (performance.containsKey(place)) result = performance.get(place); else result = new PerformanceData(); result.addToken(); performance.put(place, result); } int iTrace = -1; for (int iTrans = 0; iTrans < sequence.size(); iTrans++) { Transition transition = sequence.get(iTrans); long d2 = d1; if (map.containsKey(transition)) { iTrace += 1; } if (iTrace >= 0) { XEvent event = trace.get(iTrace); XAttributeTimestampImpl date1 = (XAttributeTimestampImpl) (event.getAttributes().get("time:timestamp")); d2 = date1.getValue().getTime(); } float deltaTime = d2 - d1; d1 = d2; // boolean fittingTransition = true; Collection<PetrinetEdge<? extends PetrinetNode, ? extends PetrinetNode>> preset = net.getInEdges(transition); Set<Place> places = new HashSet<Place>(); places.addAll(marking); List<Transition> futureTrans = sequence.subList(iTrans, sequence.size()); for (Place place : places) { PerformanceData result = null; if (performance.containsKey(place)) result = performance.get(place); else result = new PerformanceData(); int placeMarking = marking.occurrences(place); if (placeMarking == 0) continue; // Transitions denending on the current place int maxMarking = 0; int minTransitionDistanceInFuture = futureTrans.size(); for (PetrinetEdge<? extends PetrinetNode, ? extends PetrinetNode> edge : net.getOutEdges(place)) { if (!(edge instanceof Arc)) continue; Arc arc = (Arc) edge; Transition trs = (Transition) arc.getTarget(); int trsPos = futureTrans.indexOf(trs); if (trsPos < 0) continue; if (trsPos > minTransitionDistanceInFuture) continue; minTransitionDistanceInFuture = trsPos; // Transition preset int minMarking = placeMarking; for (PetrinetEdge<? extends PetrinetNode, ? extends PetrinetNode> edge1 : net.getInEdges(trs)) { if (!(edge1 instanceof Arc)) continue; Arc arc1 = (Arc) edge1; Place p1 = (Place) arc1.getSource(); int tokens = marking.occurrences(p1); minMarking = Math.min(minMarking, tokens); } // maxMarking = Math.max(maxMarking, minMarking); maxMarking = minMarking; } // maxMarking < placeMarking // maxMarking is the consumable tokens // synchTime = (placeMarking - maxMarking) * deltaTime; result.addTime(placeMarking * deltaTime, maxMarking * deltaTime); performance.put(place, result); } // Updates marking according with enabled transition for (PetrinetEdge<? extends PetrinetNode, ? extends PetrinetNode> edge : preset) { if (edge instanceof Arc) { Arc arc = (Arc) edge; // add arc usage addArcUsage(arc, maparc); Place place = (Place) arc.getSource(); int consumed = arc.getWeight(); int missing = 0; if (arc.getWeight() > marking.occurrences(place)) { missing = arc.getWeight() - marking.occurrences(place); } for (int i = missing; i < consumed; i++) { marking.remove(place); } } } Collection<PetrinetEdge<? extends PetrinetNode, ? extends PetrinetNode>> postset = net.getOutEdges(transition); for (PetrinetEdge<? extends PetrinetNode, ? extends PetrinetNode> edge : postset) { if (edge instanceof Arc) { Arc arc = (Arc) edge; // add arc usage addArcUsage(arc, maparc); Place place = (Place) arc.getTarget(); int produced = arc.getWeight(); for (int i = 0; i < produced; i++) { marking.add(place); PerformanceData result = null; if (performance.containsKey(place)) result = performance.get(place); else result = new PerformanceData(); result.addToken(); performance.put(place, result); } } } } PerformanceResult pr = new PerformanceResult(tracename); pr.setList(performance); pr.setMaparc(maparc); totalResult.getListperformance().add(pr); }