public void drawTopLayer(int centerX, int centerY) { for (int as = lowerBound; as < upperBound; as++) { int pX = as; for (int aa = lowerBound; aa < upperBound; aa++) { if (aa * aa + as * as > upperBound * upperBound) { continue; // confine radar to a circle using pythagorean theorem } int pZ = aa; int bX = (int) (mc.thePlayer.posX + pX); // block posX int bZ = (int) (mc.thePlayer.posZ + pZ); // block posZ int bY = mc.theWorld.getHeightValue(bX, bZ) - 1; // formatted block posY (-1 for compensation) int bI = mc.theWorld.getBlockId(bX, bY, bZ); // block id double d = MathHelper.clamp_float( mc.theWorld.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomeGenAt(bX, bY).getFloatTemperature(), 0.0F, 1.0F); // biome info double d1 = MathHelper.clamp_float( mc.theWorld.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomeGenAt(bX, bY).getFloatRainfall(), 0.0F, 1.0F); // biome info int k8 = Block.blocksList[bI].blockIndexInTexture; // block position in texture mc.renderEngine.bindTexture( mc.renderEngine.getTexture("/terrain.png")); // binding terrain texture GL11.glTranslatef( 0.5F, 0.5F, 0F); // compensating for integer restrictions of Minecraft methods if (bI == 2) { // g.drawRect(-pX - 1,-pZ - 1,-pX,-pZ, ColorizerGrass.getGrassColor(d, d1)); colorBasedOnMultiplier(ColorizerGrass.getGrassColor(d, d1)); g.drawTexturedModalRect(-pX - 1, -pZ - 1, k8 % 16 << 4, (k8 >> 4) << 4, 1, 1); } else if (bI == 18) { // g.drawRect(-pX - 1,-pZ - 1,-pX,-pZ, ColorizerFoliage.getFoliageColor(d, d1)); colorBasedOnMultiplier(ColorizerFoliage.getFoliageColor(d, d1)); g.drawTexturedModalRect(-pX - 1, -pZ - 1, k8 % 16 << 4, (k8 >> 4) << 4, 1, 1); } else if (bI == 8 || bI == 9) { // g.drawRect(-pX - 1,-pZ - 1,-pX,-pZ, // mc.theWorld.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomeGenAt(bX, bZ).waterColorMultiplier * // 0xffffffff); // g.drawRect(-pX - 1,-pZ - 1,-pX,-pZ, 0xff000fff); colorBasedOnMultiplier(0xff000fff); g.drawTexturedModalRect(-pX - 1, -pZ - 1, k8 % 16 << 4, (k8 >> 4) << 4, 1, 1); } else { GL11.glColor4f(255, 255, 255, 255); g.drawTexturedModalRect(-pX - 1, -pZ - 1, k8 % 16 << 4, (k8 >> 4) << 4, 1, 1); } GL11.glTranslatef(-0.5F, -0.5F, 0F); } } }
@Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getBiomeFoliageColor() { return ColorizerFoliage.getFoliageColor(1.0F, 1.0F); }