private void getDestination(int id, Player p) { // get the destination sign Sign s = getDestinationSign(id); if (s != null) { String line1 = s.getLine(1); String line2 = s.getLine(2); String line3 = s.getLine(3); if (line1.isEmpty() || line2.isEmpty() || line3.isEmpty()) { TARDISMessage.send(p, "JUNK_LINES"); return; } World w = plugin.getServer().getWorld(line1); int x = TARDISNumberParsers.parseInt(line2); int z = TARDISNumberParsers.parseInt(line3); // load the chunk Chunk chunk = w.getChunkAt(x, z); while (!chunk.isLoaded()) { w.loadChunk(chunk); } int y = w.getHighestBlockYAt(x, z); Location d = new Location(w, x, y, z); // TODO check destination if (plugin.getPluginRespect().getRespect(d, new Parameters(p, FLAG.getNoMessageFlags()))) { while (!chunk.isLoaded()) { chunk.load(); } d.setY(getActualHighestY(d)); plugin.getGeneralKeeper().setJunkDestination(d); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean doRemoteComeHere(Player player, UUID uuid) { Location eyeLocation = player.getTargetBlock(plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getTransparent(), 50).getLocation(); if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("travel.include_default_world") && plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("creation.default_world") && eyeLocation .getWorld() .getName() .equals(plugin.getConfig().getString("creation.default_world_name"))) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_WORLD_TRAVEL"); return true; } if (!plugin .getPluginRespect() .getRespect(eyeLocation, new Parameters(player, FLAG.getDefaultFlags()))) { return true; } if (!plugin.getTardisArea().areaCheckInExisting(eyeLocation)) { TARDISMessage.send( player, "AREA_NO_COMEHERE", ChatColor.AQUA + "/tardisremote [player] travel area [area name]"); return true; } Material m = player.getTargetBlock(plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getTransparent(), 50).getType(); if (m != Material.SNOW) { int yplusone = eyeLocation.getBlockY(); eyeLocation.setY(yplusone + 1); } // check the world is not excluded String world = eyeLocation.getWorld().getName(); if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("worlds." + world)) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_PB_IN_WORLD"); return true; } // check the remote player is a Time Lord HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>(); where.put("uuid", uuid.toString()); ResultSetTardis rs = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, where, "", false, 0); if (!rs.resultSet()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "PLAYER_NO_TARDIS"); return true; } Tardis tardis = rs.getTardis(); final int id = tardis.getTardis_id(); // check they are not in the tardis HashMap<String, Object> wherettrav = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherettrav.put("uuid", player.getUniqueId().toString()); wherettrav.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, wherettrav, false); if (rst.resultSet()) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_PB_IN_TARDIS"); return true; } if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getInVortex().contains(id)) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "NOT_WHILE_MAT"); return true; } boolean chamtmp = false; if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("travel.chameleon")) { chamtmp = tardis.isChamele_on(); } boolean hidden = tardis.isHidden(); // get current police box location HashMap<String, Object> wherecl = new HashMap<String, Object>(); wherecl.put("tardis_id", id); ResultSetCurrentLocation rsc = new ResultSetCurrentLocation(plugin, wherecl); if (!rsc.resultSet()) { hidden = true; } COMPASS d = rsc.getDirection(); COMPASS player_d = COMPASS.valueOf(TARDISStaticUtils.getPlayersDirection(player, false)); Biome biome = rsc.getBiome(); TARDISTimeTravel tt = new TARDISTimeTravel(plugin); int count; boolean sub = false; Block b = eyeLocation.getBlock(); if (b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.WATER) || b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) { count = (tt.isSafeSubmarine(eyeLocation, player_d)) ? 0 : 1; if (count == 0) { sub = true; } } else { int[] start_loc = tt.getStartLocation(eyeLocation, player_d); // safeLocation(int startx, int starty, int startz, int resetx, int resetz, World w, COMPASS // player_d) count = tt.safeLocation( start_loc[0], eyeLocation.getBlockY(), start_loc[2], start_loc[1], start_loc[3], eyeLocation.getWorld(), player_d); } if (plugin.getPM().isPluginEnabled("Lockette")) { Lockette Lockette = (Lockette) plugin.getPM().getPlugin("Lockette"); if (Lockette.isProtected(eyeLocation.getBlock())) { count = 1; } } if (count > 0) { TARDISMessage.send(player, "WOULD_GRIEF_BLOCKS"); return true; } boolean cham = chamtmp; final QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin); Location oldSave = null; HashMap<String, Object> bid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); bid.put("tardis_id", id); HashMap<String, Object> bset = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (rsc.getWorld() != null) { oldSave = new Location(rsc.getWorld(), rsc.getX(), rsc.getY(), rsc.getZ()); // set fast return location bset.put("world", rsc.getWorld().getName()); bset.put("x", rsc.getX()); bset.put("y", rsc.getY()); bset.put("z", rsc.getZ()); bset.put("direction", d.toString()); bset.put("submarine", rsc.isSubmarine()); } else { // set fast return location bset.put("world", eyeLocation.getWorld().getName()); bset.put("x", eyeLocation.getX()); bset.put("y", eyeLocation.getY()); bset.put("z", eyeLocation.getZ()); bset.put("submarine", (sub) ? 1 : 0); } qf.doUpdate("back", bset, bid); HashMap<String, Object> tid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tid.put("tardis_id", id); HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>(); set.put("world", eyeLocation.getWorld().getName()); set.put("x", eyeLocation.getBlockX()); set.put("y", eyeLocation.getBlockY()); set.put("z", eyeLocation.getBlockZ()); set.put("direction", player_d.toString()); set.put("submarine", (sub) ? 1 : 0); if (hidden) { HashMap<String, Object> sett = new HashMap<String, Object>(); sett.put("hidden", 0); HashMap<String, Object> ttid = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ttid.put("tardis_id", id); qf.doUpdate("tardis", sett, ttid); // restore biome plugin.getUtils().restoreBiome(oldSave, biome); } qf.doUpdate("current", set, tid); TARDISMessage.send(player, "TARDIS_COMING"); // boolean mat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("police_box.materialise"); // long delay = (mat) ? 1L : 180L; long delay = 1L; plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getInVortex().add(id); final boolean hid = hidden; if (!plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getDestinationVortex().containsKey(id)) { final DestroyData dd = new DestroyData(plugin, player.getUniqueId().toString()); dd.setChameleon(cham); dd.setDirection(d); dd.setLocation(oldSave); dd.setPlayer(player); dd.setHide(false); dd.setOutside(true); dd.setSubmarine(rsc.isSubmarine()); dd.setTardisID(id); dd.setBiome(biome); plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!hid) { plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getDematerialising().add(id); plugin.getPresetDestroyer().destroyPreset(dd); } else { plugin.getPresetDestroyer().removeBlockProtection(id, qf); } } }, delay); } final BuildData bd = new BuildData(plugin, player.getUniqueId().toString()); bd.setChameleon(cham); bd.setDirection(player_d); bd.setLocation(eyeLocation); bd.setMalfunction(false); bd.setOutside(true); bd.setPlayer(player); bd.setRebuild(false); bd.setSubmarine(sub); bd.setTardisID(id); plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { plugin.getPresetBuilder().buildPreset(bd); } }, delay * 2); plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getHasDestination().remove(id); if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRescue().containsKey(id)) { plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRescue().remove(id); } return true; }