private void multiConnect() { if (jButtonMultiConnect.getText().equals("Multi-Connect")) { String res = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Enter number of connections", "Multi-Connect"); if (res != null) { jButtonMultiConnect.setText("Multi-Disconnect"); jMenuItemTestMulticonnect.setEnabled(false); jMenuItemTestMultidisconnect.setEnabled(true); int count = Integer.parseInt(res); MultiSessions = new Session[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MultiSessions[i] = new Session(); try { MultiSessions[i].connect( this.jTextFieldServer.getText(), this.jTextFieldUser.getText() + String.valueOf(i)); } catch (ConnectionException ex1) { } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < MultiSessions.length; i++) { try { ((Session) MultiSessions[i]).disconnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error disconnectiong from session"); } } jButtonMultiConnect.setText("Multi-Connect"); jMenuItemTestMulticonnect.setEnabled(true); jMenuItemTestMultidisconnect.setEnabled(false); } }
private void messageStresser() throws HeadlessException { String res = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Number of messages to send"); try { int count = Integer.parseInt(res); Thread t = new Thread(new Stresser(count)); t.start(); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } }
void jMenuItemScheduleCommand_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { String result = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter <command>,<interval>"); if (result != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(result, ","); if (st.countTokens() == 2) { String command = st.nextToken(); long interval = Long.parseLong(st.nextToken()); CommandScheduler.create(command, interval * 1000); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
// If this is a new installation, ask the user for a // port for the server; otherwise, return the negative // of the configured port. If the user selects an illegal // port, return zero. private int getPort() { // Note: directory points to the parent of the CTP directory. File ctp = new File(directory, "CTP"); if (suppressFirstPathElement) ctp = ctp.getParentFile(); File config = new File(ctp, "config.xml"); if (!config.exists()) { // No config file - must be a new installation. // Figure out whether this is Windows or something else. String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); int defPort = ((os.contains("windows") && !programName.equals("ISN")) ? 80 : 1080); int userPort = 0; while (userPort == 0) { String port = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "This is a new " + programName + " installation.\n\n" + "Select a port number for the web server.\n\n", Integer.toString(defPort)); try { userPort = Integer.parseInt(port.trim()); } catch (Exception ex) { userPort = -1; } if ((userPort < 80) || (userPort > 32767)) userPort = 0; } return userPort; } else { try { Document doc = getDocument(config); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); Element server = getFirstNamedChild(root, "Server"); String port = server.getAttribute("port"); return -Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (Exception ex) { } } return 0; }
void insertMatchButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String key = (String) matchComboBox.getSelectedItem(); String format = (String) matchesKeys.get(key); if (key.equals(STRING_LITERAL)) { format = escapeReservedChars( (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Enter the string you wish to match", "String Literal Input", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION)); if (StringUtil.isNullString(format)) { return; } } if (selectedPane == 0) { insertText(format, PLAIN_ATTR, editorPane.getSelectionStart()); } else { // add the combobox data value to the edit box int pos = formatTextArea.getCaretPosition(); formatTextArea.insert(format, pos); } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { default_auto_save_path = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "自動儲存路徑:", "Default AutoSave-Path", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); }
void insertButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object selected = paramComboBox.getSelectedItem(); ConfigParamDescr descr; String key; int type = 0; String format = ""; if (selected instanceof ConfigParamDescr) { descr = (ConfigParamDescr) selected; key = descr.getKey(); type = descr.getType(); switch (type) { case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_STRING: case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_URL: case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_BOOLEAN: format = "%s"; break; case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_INT: case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_LONG: case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_POS_INT: NumericPaddingDialog dialog = new NumericPaddingDialog(); Point pos = this.getLocationOnScreen(); dialog.setLocation(pos.x, pos.y); dialog.pack(); dialog.setVisible(true); StringBuilder fbuf = new StringBuilder("%"); int width = dialog.getPaddingSize(); boolean is_zero = dialog.useZero(); if (width > 0) { fbuf.append("."); if (is_zero) { fbuf.append(0); } fbuf.append(width); } if (type == ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_LONG) { fbuf.append("ld"); } else { fbuf.append("d"); } format = fbuf.toString(); break; case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_YEAR: if (key.startsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.PREFIX_AU_SHORT_YEAR)) { format = "%02d"; } else { format = "%d"; } break; case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_RANGE: case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_NUM_RANGE: case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_SET: format = "%s"; break; } if (selectedPane == 0) { insertParameter(descr, format, editorPane.getSelectionStart()); } else if (selectedPane == 1) { // add the combobox data value to the edit box int pos = formatTextArea.getCaretPosition(); formatTextArea.insert(format, pos); pos = parameterTextArea.getCaretPosition(); parameterTextArea.insert(", " + key, pos); } } else { key = selected.toString(); format = escapePrintfChars( (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Enter the string you wish to input", "String Literal Input", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION)); if (StringUtil.isNullString(format)) { return; } if (selectedPane == 0) { insertText(format, PLAIN_ATTR, editorPane.getSelectionStart()); } else if (selectedPane == 1) { // add the combobox data value to the edit box formatTextArea.insert(format, formatTextArea.getCaretPosition()); } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String cmd = ae.getActionCommand().intern(); if (ae.getSource() == butChannel) { String pass = null; String channel = (String) cboChannels.getSelectedItem(); if (channels.containsKey(channel) && ((Boolean) channels.get(channel)).booleanValue()) { String message = "Password for " + channel + "? (blank for no password)"; pass = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( (Component) ae.getSource(), message, "Join Channel", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } server.writeObject(new SD_Channel(false, channel, ("".equals(pass) ? null : pass))); showUserStatus = false; } else if (ae.getSource() == butCreate) { String channel = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( (Component) ae.getSource(), "Enter the name of the channel", "Create Channel", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); if (channel == null) return; String message = "Password for " + channel + "? (blank for no password)"; String pass = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( (Component) ae.getSource(), message, "Join Channel", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); server.writeObject(new SD_Channel(true, channel, ("".equals(pass) ? null : pass))); showUserStatus = false; // ---------- Invite a Specific User } else if (ae.getSource() == butInvite) { String invite = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( (Component) ae.getSource(), "Enter the name of the User to Invite", "Invite User", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); if (invite == null) return; messageText.setText("\\invite " + invite); sendMessage(); } else if (cmd == "whisper") { String user = (String) userList.getSelectedValue(); if (user != null && !messageText.getText().equals("") && !user.equals(username)) { messageText.setText("\\whisper " + user + " " + messageText.getText()); sendMessage(); } else { error( "invalid user or no message, type a message below," + " select a user, and then whisper"); } } else if (cmd == "private message") { String user = (String) userList.getSelectedValue(); if (user != null && !user.equals(username)) { privates.newPrivate(user); } else { error("invalid user"); } } else if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("ignore")) { String user = (String) userList.getSelectedValue(); if (user != null) { ignore(user, false); } else { error("no user selected"); } } else if (cmd == "clear ignore list") { ignores.clear(); updateList(); serverMessage("ignore list cleared"); } else if (cmd == "kick user") { String user = (String) userList.getSelectedValue(); if (user != null) { if (user.equals(username)) { error("cannot kick yourself"); } else { server.writeObject(new SD_Kick(user)); } } else { error("no user selected"); } } }
/** Initializes the graphical components */ public void init() { username = getParameter("username"); if (username == null) { username = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Please enter a username", "Login", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } try { PORT = Integer.valueOf(getParameter("port")).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { PORT = 42412; } URL url = getDocumentBase(); site = url.getHost(); locationURL = "http://" + site + ":" + url.getPort() + "/" + url.getPath(); setSize(615, 362); c = getContentPane(); c.setBackground(new Color(224, 224, 224)); if (site == null || locationURL == null) { c.add(new JLabel("ERROR: did not recieve needed data from page")); } myAction = new MyAction(); myKeyListener = new MyKeyListener(); myMouseListener = new MyMouseListener(); myHyperlinkListener = new MyHyperlinkListener(); c.setLayout(null); cboChannels = new JComboBox(); cboChannels.setBounds(5, 5, 150, 24); butChannel = new JButton("Join"); butChannel.setToolTipText("Join channel"); butChannel.addActionListener(myAction); butChannel.setBounds(160, 5, 60, 24); butCreate = new JButton("Create"); butCreate.setToolTipText("Create new channel"); butCreate.addActionListener(myAction); butCreate.setBounds(230, 5, 100, 24); butCreate.setEnabled(false); butInvite = new JButton("Invite"); butInvite.setToolTipText("Invite Friend"); butInvite.addActionListener(myAction); butInvite.setBounds(340, 5, 80, 24); mainChat = new ChatPane(this); textScroller = new JScrollPane( mainChat, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); textScroller.setBounds(5, 34, 500, 270); userList = new JList(); userList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); userList.setCellRenderer(new MyCellRenderer()); userList.setBackground(new Color(249, 249, 250)); JScrollPane userScroller = new JScrollPane(userList); userScroller.setBounds(510, 34, 100, 297); messageText = new JTextField(); messageText.setBounds(5, 309, 500, 22); messageText.setColumns(10); messageText.setBackground(new Color(249, 249, 250)); JMenuItem item; popup = new JPopupMenu("test"); popup.add("whisper").addActionListener(myAction); popup.add("private message").addActionListener(myAction); popup.add("ignore").addActionListener(myAction); popup.add("clear ignore list").addActionListener(myAction); conNo = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/connect_no.gif")); conYes = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/connect_established.gif")); secNo = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/decrypted.gif")); secYes = new ImageIcon(getURL("images/encrypted.gif")); conIcon = new JLabel(conNo); conIcon.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); secIcon = new JLabel(secNo); secIcon.setBorder(new EtchedBorder()); conIcon.setBounds(563, 334, 22, 22); secIcon.setBounds(588, 334, 22, 22); bottomText = new JLabel( "<html><body><font color=#445577><b>" + "LlamaChat " + VERSION + "</b></font> © " + "<a href=\"" + linkURL + "\">Joseph Monti</a> 2002-2003" + "</body></html>"); bottomText.setBounds(5, 336, 500, 20); c.add(cboChannels); c.add(butChannel); c.add(butCreate); c.add(butInvite); c.add(textScroller); c.add(userScroller); c.add(messageText); c.add(conIcon); c.add(secIcon); c.add(bottomText); userList.addMouseListener(myMouseListener); messageText.addKeyListener(myKeyListener); bottomText.addMouseListener(myMouseListener); users = new ArrayList(); ignores = new ArrayList(5); afks = new ArrayList(5); admins = new ArrayList(5); history = new CommandHistory(10); admin = false; channels = new Hashtable(); privates = new PrivateMsg(this); showUserStatus = false; myColors[0] = new Color(200, 0, 0); myColors[1] = new Color(0, 150, 0); myColors[2] = new Color(0, 0, 200); rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); String opening = "<font color=#333333>" + "==================================<br>" + "Welcome to LlamaChat " + VERSION + "<br>" + "If you need assistance, type \\help<br>" + "Enjoy your stay!<br>" + "Maestria Aplicada en Redes<br>" + "==================================<br></font>"; HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) mainChat.getDocument(); HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit) mainChat.getEditorKit(); try { kit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), opening, 0, 0, HTML.Tag.FONT); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.out); } // validate the name if (!username.matches("[\\w_-]+?")) { error( "username contains invalid characters, changing to " + "'invalid' for now. " + "Type \\rename to chose a new name"); username = "******"; } if (username.length() > 10) { username = username.substring(0, 10); error("username too long, changed to " + username); } connect(); }