protected Locale getLocale(HttpServletRequest request) { String locid = request.getParameter(P_LOCALE_ID); if (locid == null || locid.length() == 0) { return request.getLocale(); } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(locid, "_-"); String language = String.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken()).toLowerCase(); String country = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ? tokenizer.nextToken() : null; if (country != null) { return new Locale(language, country.toUpperCase()); } return new Locale(language); }
public static void initDebugging(ServletContext webapp) { if (isDebugInit) return; isDebugInit = true; String debugOn = webapp.getInitParameter("DebugOn"); if (debugOn != null) { StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(debugOn); while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) Debug.set(toker.nextToken(), true); } }
private String rebuildStringWithException(String stringToRebuild, String exception) { String tempResult = ""; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(stringToRebuild); while (tok.hasMoreElements()) { String tempTok = tok.nextToken(); if (!tempTok.equals(exception)) { tempResult += tempTok; tempResult += " "; } } return tempResult; }
public void download(HttpServletResponse response, String filename) throws IOException { StringTokenizer tokenTO = new StringTokenizer(filename, "\\"); int j = 0; String[] filepath1 = new String[10]; while (tokenTO.hasMoreTokens()) { filepath1[j] = tokenTO.nextToken(); j++; } String filepath = ""; for (int m = 0; m < j - 1; m++) { filepath = filepath + filepath1[m] + "\\"; } filepath = filepath + filepath1[j - 1]; File down_file = new; long l = down_file.length(); // 文件长度 InputStream in = new FileInputStream(down_file); if (in != null) { try { String fs = down_file.getName(); response.reset(); response.setContentType(null); // String s = "attachment; filename=" + fs; // response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", s); // 以上输出文件元信息 OutputStream output = null; FileInputStream fis = null; output = response.getOutputStream(); fis = new FileInputStream(filepath); response.setContentLength((int) l); byte[] b = new byte[2048]; int i = 0; while ((i = > 0) { output.write(b, 0, i); } output.flush(); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public static boolean isJavawsVersion(DownloadRequest dreq, String version) { String javawsAgent = "javaws"; String jwsVer = dreq.getHttpRequest().getHeader("User-Agent"); // check the request is coming from javaws if (!jwsVer.startsWith("javaws-")) { // this is the new style User-Agent string // User-Agent: JNLP/1.0.1 javaws/1.4.2 (b28) J2SE/1.4.2 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(jwsVer); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String verString = st.nextToken(); int index = verString.indexOf(javawsAgent); if (index != -1) { verString = verString.substring(index + javawsAgent.length() + 1); return VersionString.contains(version, verString); } } return false; } // extract the version id from the download request int startIndex = jwsVer.indexOf("-"); if (startIndex == -1) { return false; } int endIndex = jwsVer.indexOf("/"); if (endIndex == -1 || endIndex < startIndex) { return false; } String verId = jwsVer.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex); // check whether the versionString contains the versionId return VersionString.contains(version, verId); }
public StringBuffer construct_lucene_dc(StringBuffer result, SolrDocument d) { for (String field : (d.getFieldNames())) { StringTokenizer dcfields = new StringTokenizer(this.config.getProperty("dcfields", ",")); while (dcfields.hasMoreTokens()) { String dcfield = dcfields.nextToken().trim().replaceAll(",", ""); if (field.equalsIgnoreCase(dcfield)) { Iterator j = d.getFieldValues(field).iterator(); String rename = this.config.getProperty("solr." + field); if (rename != null) { field = rename; } else { field = "dc:" + field; } while (j.hasNext()) { result.append("<" + field + ">"); result.append(helpers.xmlEncode((String); field = field.split(" ")[0]; result.append("</" + field + ">"); } } } } return (result); }
// doGet, doPost delegate to this method @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void doPGU(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String method) { initVelocity(); // parse command and arguments from request path String pathinfo = request.getPathInfo(); if (pathinfo == null) { pathinfo = ""; } System.out.println("REQUEST: " + pathinfo); String cmd = null; StringTokenizer kk = new StringTokenizer(pathinfo, "/"); int i = 0; Vector[] args = {new Vector<String>(), new Vector<String>()}; if (kk.countTokens() != 0) { cmd = kk.nextToken(); while (kk.hasMoreTokens()) { String kkk = URLDecoder.decode(kk.nextToken()); System.out.println("[" + method + "] PATHINFO[" + i + "]: " + kkk); args[i % 2].add(kkk); i++; } } // Default-cmd == index if (cmd == null || cmd.equals("")) { cmd = "index"; } if ("keyinfo".equals(cmd)) { handleKeyInfo(request, response, method, cmd, args); } else if ("keygraph".equals(cmd)) { handleKeyGraph(request, response, method, cmd, args); } else if ("index".equals(cmd)) { RenderVelocityAction action = new RenderVelocityAction(request, response, method, "index.vm"); handleAction(action, cmd, args, request); } else if ("echo".equals(cmd)) { RenderVelocityAction action = new RenderVelocityAction(request, response, method, "echo.vm"); handleAction(action, cmd, args, request); } else if ("ajax_nodes_edges".equals(cmd)) { Element res = new Element("nodes_edges"); // add key String keyid = getValueString("keyid", args); if (keyid != null) { System.out.println("ajax_nodes_edges:: keyid=" + keyid); Vector<String> keyids = new Vector<String>(); // key basics OSDXKey key = getBackend().getKey(keyid); if (key != null) { res.addContent(key.getSimplePubKeyElement()); keyids.add(key.getKeyID()); // add keylogs and fromKeys Vector<KeyLog> logs = getBackend().getKeyLogsToID(key.getKeyID()); if (logs != null && logs.size() > 0) { for (KeyLog l : logs) { if (!keyids.contains(l.getKeyIDFrom())) { OSDXKey fromkey = getBackend().getKey(l.getKeyIDFrom()); if (fromkey != null) { res.addContent(fromkey.getSimplePubKeyElement()); keyids.add(fromkey.getKeyID()); } } res.addContent(l.toElement(false)); } } } } response.setContentType("text/xml"); try { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println(Document.buildDocument(res).toStringCompact()); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public synchronized void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpSession dbSession = request.getSession(); JspFactory _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); PageContext pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, "", true, 8192, true); ServletContext dbApplication = dbSession.getServletContext(); try { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); nseer_db_backup1 stock_db = new nseer_db_backup1(dbApplication); nseer_db_backup1 crm_db = new nseer_db_backup1(dbApplication); if (stock_db.conn((String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name")) && crm_db.conn((String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"))) { FileKind FileKind = new FileKind(); ValidataNumber validata = new ValidataNumber(); ValidataRecord vr = new ValidataRecord(); counter count = new counter(dbApplication); ValidataTag vt = new ValidataTag(); String register_ID = (String) dbSession.getAttribute("human_IDD"); String config_id = request.getParameter("config_id"); String pay_ID = request.getParameter("pay_ID"); String product_amount = request.getParameter("product_amount"); int num = Integer.parseInt(product_amount); String payer_name = request.getParameter("payer_name"); String payer_ID = request.getParameter("payer_ID"); String reason = request.getParameter("reason"); String not_return_tag = request.getParameter("not_return_tag"); String register = request.getParameter("register"); String register_time = request.getParameter("register_time"); String demand_return_time = request.getParameter("demand_return_time"); String sales_name = request.getParameter("sales_name"); String sales_ID = request.getParameter("sales_ID"); String bodyc = new String(request.getParameter("remark").getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); String remark = exchange.toHtml(bodyc); String time = ""; java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); time = formatter.format(now); String[] product_IDn = request.getParameterValues("product_ID"); String[] amountn = request.getParameterValues("amount"); if (num == 0 && product_IDn.length == 1) { response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/credit_ok_a.jsp?pay_ID=" + pay_ID); } else { int p = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { String tem_amount = "amount" + i; String amount = request.getParameter(tem_amount); if (amount.equals("")) amount = "0"; if (!validata.validata(amount)) { p++; } } int n = 0; String product_ID_group = ""; for (int j = 1; j < product_IDn.length; j++) { product_ID_group += product_IDn[j] + ","; if (amountn[j].equals("")) amountn[j] = "0"; if (!validata.validata(amountn[j])) { p++; } } for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { String tem_product_ID = "product_ID" + i; String product_ID = request.getParameter(tem_product_ID); if (product_ID_group.indexOf(product_ID) != -1) n++; } if (vt.validata( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "stock_apply_pay", "pay_ID", pay_ID, "check_tag") .equals("9") || vt.validata( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "stock_apply_pay", "pay_ID", pay_ID, "check_tag") .equals("5")) { if (p == 0) { try { if (n == 0) { boolean flag = false; List rsList = GetWorkflow.getList(crm_db, "crm_config_workflow", "05"); String[] elem = new String[3]; if (rsList.size() == 0) { flag = true; } String sqll = ""; String[] aaa1 = FileKind.getKind( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "crm_file", "customer_ID", payer_ID); String stock_pay_ID = NseerId.getId("stock/pay", (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name")); double demand_amount = 0.0d; double list_price_sum = 0.0d; double cost_price_sum = 0.0d; for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { String tem_product_name = "product_name" + i; String tem_product_ID = "product_ID" + i; String tem_available_amount = "available_amount" + i; String tem_amount = "amount" + i; String tem_list_price = "list_price" + i; String tem_cost_price = "cost_price" + i; String tem_type = "type" + i; String tem_amount_unit = "amount_unit" + i; String product_name = request.getParameter(tem_product_name); String product_ID = request.getParameter(tem_product_ID); String available_amount = request.getParameter(tem_available_amount); String amount = request.getParameter(tem_amount); if (amount.equals("")) amount = "0"; String list_price2 = request.getParameter(tem_list_price); String cost_price = request.getParameter(tem_cost_price); String type = request.getParameter(tem_type); StringTokenizer tokenTO3 = new StringTokenizer(list_price2, ","); String list_price = ""; while (tokenTO3.hasMoreTokens()) { String list_price1 = tokenTO3.nextToken(); list_price += list_price1; } String amount_unit = request.getParameter(tem_amount_unit); double list_price_subtotal = Double.parseDouble(list_price) * Double.parseDouble(amount); list_price_sum += list_price_subtotal; double cost_price_subtotal = Double.parseDouble(cost_price) * Double.parseDouble(amount); cost_price_sum += cost_price_subtotal; demand_amount += Double.parseDouble(amount); String sql1 = "update stock_apply_pay_details set amount='" + amount + "',list_price='" + list_price + "',list_price_subtotal='" + list_price_subtotal + "',cost_price='" + cost_price + "',subtotal='" + cost_price_subtotal + "' where pay_ID='" + pay_ID + "' and details_number='" + i + "'"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql1); if (flag) { if (type.equals("物料") || type.equals("外购商品")) { String sql2 = "insert into stock_pay_details(pay_ID,details_number,product_ID,product_name,type,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,amount,unpay_amount,apply_manufacture_amount,apply_purchase_amount) values('" + stock_pay_ID + "','" + i + "','" + product_ID + "','" + product_name + "','" + type + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_price + "','" + cost_price_subtotal + "','" + amount + "','" + amount + "','0','" + amount + "')"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } else if (type.equals("商品") || type.equals("部件") || type.equals("委外部件")) { String sql2 = "insert into stock_pay_details(pay_ID,details_number,product_ID,product_name,type,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,amount,unpay_amount,apply_manufacture_amount,apply_purchase_amount) values('" + stock_pay_ID + "','" + i + "','" + product_ID + "','" + product_name + "','" + type + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_price + "','" + cost_price_subtotal + "','" + amount + "','" + amount + "','" + amount + "','0')"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } String sql97 = "select * from crm_salecredit_balance_details where crediter_ID='" + payer_ID + "' and product_ID='" + product_ID + "'"; ResultSet rs97 = crm_db.executeQuery(sql97); if ( { double balance_amount = rs97.getDouble("amount") + Double.parseDouble(amount); double balance_cost_price_subtotal = rs97.getDouble("subtotal") + cost_price_subtotal; double balance_list_price_subtotal = rs97.getDouble("list_price_subtotal") + list_price_subtotal; String sql96 = "update crm_salecredit_balance_details set amount='" + balance_amount + "',check_tag='1',subtotal='" + balance_cost_price_subtotal + "',list_price_subtotal='" + balance_list_price_subtotal + "' where crediter_ID='" + payer_ID + "' and product_ID='" + product_ID + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql96); } else { String[] aaa = FileKind.getKind( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "design_file", "product_ID", product_ID); String sql95 = "insert into crm_salecredit_balance_details(chain_ID,chain_name,crediter_chain_ID,crediter_chain_name,product_ID,product_name,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,amount,crediter_ID,crediter_name) values('" + aaa[0] + "','" + aaa[1] + "','" + aaa1[0] + "','" + aaa1[1] + "','" + product_ID + "','" + product_name + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_price + "','" + cost_price_subtotal + "','" + amount + "','" + payer_ID + "','" + payer_name + "')"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql95); } } } String[] cost_pricen = request.getParameterValues("cost_price"); String[] list_pricen = request.getParameterValues("list_price"); String[] product_namen = request.getParameterValues("product_name"); String[] product_describen = request.getParameterValues("product_describe"); String[] amount_unitn = request.getParameterValues("amount_unit"); String[] typen = request.getParameterValues("type"); for (int i = 1; i < product_IDn.length; i++) { StringTokenizer tokenTO3 = new StringTokenizer(list_pricen[i], ","); String list_price = ""; while (tokenTO3.hasMoreTokens()) { String list_price1 = tokenTO3.nextToken(); list_price += list_price1; } if (!amountn[i].equals("") && Double.parseDouble(amountn[i]) != 0) { double list_price_subtotal = Double.parseDouble(list_price) * Double.parseDouble(amountn[i]); list_price_sum += list_price_subtotal; double subtotal = Double.parseDouble(cost_pricen[i]) * Double.parseDouble(amountn[i]); cost_price_sum += subtotal; demand_amount += Double.parseDouble(amountn[i]); num++; String sql1 = "insert into stock_apply_pay_details(payer_chain_ID,payer_chain_name,sales_ID,sales_name,payer_ID,payer_name,payer_type,pay_ID,details_number,product_ID,product_name,product_describe,amount,amount_unit,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,type) values ('" + aaa1[0] + "','" + aaa1[1] + "','" + sales_ID + "','" + sales_name + "','" + payer_ID + "','" + payer_name + "','销售赊货','" + pay_ID + "','" + num + "','" + product_IDn[i] + "','" + product_namen[i] + "','" + product_describen[i] + "','" + amountn[i] + "','" + amount_unitn[i] + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_pricen[i] + "','" + subtotal + "','" + typen[i] + "')"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql1); // ********************** if (rsList.size() == 0) { if (typen[i].equals("物料") || typen[i].equals("外购商品")) { String sql2 = "insert into stock_pay_details(pay_ID,details_number,product_ID,product_name,type,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,amount,unpay_amount,apply_manufacture_amount,apply_purchase_amount) values('" + stock_pay_ID + "','" + num + "','" + product_IDn[i] + "','" + product_namen[i] + "','" + typen[i] + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_pricen[i] + "','" + subtotal + "','" + amountn[i] + "','" + amountn[i] + "','0','" + amountn[i] + "')"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } else if (typen[i].equals("商品") || typen[i].equals("部件") || typen[i].equals("委外部件")) { String sql2 = "insert into stock_pay_details(pay_ID,details_number,product_ID,product_name,type,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,amount,unpay_amount,apply_manufacture_amount,apply_purchase_amount) values('" + stock_pay_ID + "','" + num + "','" + product_IDn[i] + "','" + product_namen[i] + "','" + typen[i] + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_pricen[i] + "','" + subtotal + "','" + amountn[i] + "','" + amountn[i] + "','" + amountn[i] + "','0')"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } String sql97 = "select * from crm_salecredit_balance_details where crediter_ID='" + payer_ID + "' and product_ID='" + product_IDn[i] + "'"; ResultSet rs97 = crm_db.executeQuery(sql97); if ( { double balance_amount = rs97.getDouble("amount") + Double.parseDouble(amountn[i]); double balance_cost_price_subtotal = rs97.getDouble("subtotal") + subtotal; double balance_list_price_subtotal = rs97.getDouble("list_price_subtotal") + list_price_subtotal; String sql96 = "update crm_salecredit_balance_details set amount='" + balance_amount + "',check_tag='1',subtotal='" + balance_cost_price_subtotal + "',list_price_subtotal='" + balance_list_price_subtotal + "' where crediter_ID='" + payer_ID + "' and product_ID='" + product_IDn[i] + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql96); } else { String[] aaa = FileKind.getKind( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "design_file", "product_ID", product_IDn[i]); String sql95 = "insert into crm_salecredit_balance_details(chain_ID,chain_name,crediter_chain_ID,crediter_chain_name,product_ID,product_name,list_price,list_price_subtotal,cost_price,subtotal,amount,crediter_ID,crediter_name) values('" + aaa[0] + "','" + aaa[1] + "','" + aaa1[0] + "','" + aaa1[1] + "','" + product_IDn[i] + "','" + product_namen[i] + "','" + list_price + "','" + list_price_subtotal + "','" + cost_pricen[i] + "','" + subtotal + "','" + amountn[i] + "','" + payer_ID + "','" + payer_name + "')"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql95); } } // *************************** } } String sql = "update stock_apply_pay set reason='" + reason + "',register='" + register + "',register_time='" + register_time + "',demand_return_time='" + demand_return_time + "',register_time='" + register_time + "',register='" + register + "',remark='" + remark + "',demand_amount='" + demand_amount + "',list_price_sum='" + list_price_sum + "',cost_price_sum='" + cost_price_sum + "',not_return_tag='" + not_return_tag + "' where pay_ID='" + pay_ID + "'"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql); if (flag) { sql = "update stock_apply_pay set check_tag='1' where pay_ID='" + pay_ID + "'"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql); if (!vr.validata( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "stock_pay", "reasonexact", pay_ID)) { String sql4 = "insert into stock_pay(pay_ID,reason,reasonexact,reasonexact_details,demand_amount,list_price_sum,cost_price_sum,register,register_time) values('" + stock_pay_ID + "','" + reason + "','" + pay_ID + "','" + payer_name + "','" + demand_amount + "','" + list_price_sum + "','" + cost_price_sum + "','" + register + "','" + register_time + "')"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql4); } String sql98 = "select * from crm_file where customer_ID='" + payer_ID + "'"; ResultSet rs98 = crm_db.executeQuery(sql98); if ( { double salecredit_list_price_sum = rs98.getDouble("salecredit_list_price_sum") + list_price_sum; double salecredit_cost_price_sum = rs98.getDouble("salecredit_cost_price_sum") + cost_price_sum; String sql99 = "update crm_file set credit_yes_or_not_tag='1',salecredit_list_price_sum='" + salecredit_list_price_sum + "',salecredit_cost_price_sum='" + salecredit_cost_price_sum + "' where customer_ID='" + payer_ID + "' "; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql99); } } else { sql = "update stock_apply_pay set check_tag='0' where pay_ID='" + pay_ID + "'"; stock_db.executeUpdate(sql); Iterator ite = rsList.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { elem = (String[]); sql = "insert into crm_workflow(config_id,object_ID,describe1,describe2) values ('" + elem[0] + "','" + pay_ID + "','" + elem[1] + "','" + elem[2] + "')"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql); } } response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/credit_ok.jsp?finished_tag=8"); } else { response.sendRedirect( "draft/crm/credit_ok.jsp?finished_tag=7&pay_ID=" + pay_ID + ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/credit_ok.jsp?finished_tag=6&pay_ID=" + pay_ID + ""); } } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/credit_ok.jsp?finished_tag=9"); } } stock_db.commit(); crm_db.commit(); stock_db.close(); crm_db.close(); } else { response.sendRedirect("error_conn.htm"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public synchronized void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpSession dbSession = request.getSession(); JspFactory _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); PageContext pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, "", true, 8192, true); ServletContext dbApplication = dbSession.getServletContext(); try { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); nseer_db_backup1 fund_db = new nseer_db_backup1(dbApplication); nseer_db_backup1 fund_db1 = new nseer_db_backup1(dbApplication); if (fund_db.conn((String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name")) && fund_db1.conn((String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"))) { counter count = new counter(dbApplication); ValidataRecordNumber vrn = new ValidataRecordNumber(); ValidataTag vt = new ValidataTag(); ValidataNumber validata = new ValidataNumber(); try { String time = ""; java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); time = formatter.format(now); String apply_pay_ID = request.getParameter("apply_pay_ID"); String register_time = request.getParameter("register_time"); String register = request.getParameter("register"); String register_ID = request.getParameter("register_ID"); String bodyc = new String(request.getParameter("remark").getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); String remark = exchange.toHtml(bodyc); String amount = request.getParameter("amount"); String[] file_kind = request.getParameterValues("file_kind"); String[] cost_price_subtotal = request.getParameterValues("cost_price_subtotal"); int p = 0; String file_kinda = ","; for (int j = 1; j < file_kind.length; j++) { file_kinda += file_kind[j] + ","; if (cost_price_subtotal[j].equals("")) cost_price_subtotal[j] = "0"; StringTokenizer tokenTO4 = new StringTokenizer(cost_price_subtotal[j], ","); String cost_price_subtotal1 = ""; while (tokenTO4.hasMoreTokens()) { cost_price_subtotal1 += tokenTO4.nextToken(); } if (!validata.validata(cost_price_subtotal1)) { p++; } } int n = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= Integer.parseInt(amount); i++) { String tem_file_kind = "file_kind" + i; String file_kind2 = request.getParameter(tem_file_kind); if (file_kinda.indexOf(file_kind2) != -1) n++; } if (n == 0) { if (p == 0) { if (vt.validata( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "fund_apply_pay", "apply_pay_ID", apply_pay_ID, "check_tag") .equals("5") || vt.validata( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "fund_apply_pay", "apply_pay_ID", apply_pay_ID, "check_tag") .equals("9")) { String currency_name = ""; String personal_unit = ""; String chain_ID = ""; String chain_name = ""; String funder = ""; String funder_ID = ""; String sql11 = "select * from fund_apply_pay where apply_pay_ID='" + apply_pay_ID + "'"; ResultSet rs11 = fund_db.executeQuery(sql11); while ( { chain_ID = rs11.getString("chain_ID"); chain_name = rs11.getString("chain_name"); funder = rs11.getString("human_name"); funder_ID = rs11.getString("human_ID"); currency_name = rs11.getString("currency_name"); personal_unit = rs11.getString("personal_unit"); } int expenses_amount = 0; String sql6 = "select count(*) from fund_apply_pay_details where apply_pay_ID='" + apply_pay_ID + "'"; ResultSet rs6 = fund_db.executeQuery(sql6); if ( { expenses_amount = rs6.getInt("count(*)"); } double demand_cost_price_sum = 0.0d; for (int i = 1; i <= expenses_amount; i++) { String tem_cost_price_subtotal = "cost_price_subtotal" + i; String cost_price_subtotal2 = request.getParameter(tem_cost_price_subtotal); demand_cost_price_sum += Double.parseDouble(cost_price_subtotal2); sql6 = "update fund_apply_pay_details set cost_price_subtotal='" + cost_price_subtotal2 + "' where apply_pay_ID='" + apply_pay_ID + "' and details_number='" + i + "'"; fund_db.executeUpdate(sql6); } for (int i = 1; i < file_kind.length; i++) { StringTokenizer tokenTO1 = new StringTokenizer(file_kind[i], "/"); String file_chain_ID = ""; String file_chain_name = ""; while (tokenTO1.hasMoreTokens()) { file_chain_ID = tokenTO1.nextToken(); file_chain_name = tokenTO1.nextToken(); } StringTokenizer tokenTO4 = new StringTokenizer(cost_price_subtotal[i], ","); String cost_price_subtotal1 = ""; while (tokenTO4.hasMoreTokens()) { cost_price_subtotal1 += tokenTO4.nextToken(); } demand_cost_price_sum += Double.parseDouble(cost_price_subtotal1); expenses_amount++; String sql1 = "insert into fund_apply_pay_details(apply_pay_ID,details_number,file_chain_ID,file_chain_name,cost_price_subtotal) values ('" + apply_pay_ID + "','" + expenses_amount + "','" + file_chain_ID + "','" + file_chain_name + "','" + cost_price_subtotal1 + "')"; fund_db.executeUpdate(sql1); } String sql = "update fund_apply_pay set demand_cost_price_sum='" + demand_cost_price_sum + "',check_tag='2',register_time='" + register_time + "',register='" + register + "',remark='" + remark + "' where apply_pay_ID='" + apply_pay_ID + "'"; fund_db.executeUpdate(sql); response.sendRedirect("draft/fund/applyPayExpenses_ok.jsp?finished_tag=2"); } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/fund/applyPayExpenses_ok.jsp?finished_tag=3"); } } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/fund/applyPayExpenses_ok.jsp?finished_tag=6"); } } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/fund/applyPayExpenses_ok.jsp?finished_tag=7"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } fund_db.commit(); fund_db1.commit(); fund_db.close(); fund_db1.close(); } else { response.sendRedirect("error_conn.htm"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public synchronized void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpSession dbSession = request.getSession(); JspFactory _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); PageContext pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, "", true, 8192, true); ServletContext dbApplication = dbSession.getServletContext(); try { ValidataNumber validata = new ValidataNumber(); nseer_db_backup1 crm_db = new nseer_db_backup1(dbApplication); if (crm_db.conn((String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"))) { counter count = new counter(dbApplication); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String product_amount = request.getParameter("product_amount"); String reasonexact = request.getParameter("reasonexact"); String which_time = request.getParameter("which_time"); int num = Integer.parseInt(product_amount); String reason = request.getParameter("reason"); String customer_ID = request.getParameter("customer_ID"); String customer_name = request.getParameter("customer_name"); String real_customer_mailing_address = request.getParameter("real_customer_mailing_address"); String real_contact_person = request.getParameter("real_contact_person"); String real_contact_person_tel = request.getParameter("real_contact_person_tel"); String real_contact_person_fax = request.getParameter("real_contact_person_fax"); String real_invoice_time = request.getParameter("real_invoice_time"); String real_invoice_type = request.getParameter("real_invoice_type"); String register = request.getParameter("register"); String register_ID = request.getParameter("register_ID"); String invoice_group = request.getParameter("invoice_group"); String register_time = request.getParameter("register_time"); double invoiced_subtotal_sum = 0.0d; double invoiced_subtotal_sum_all = 0.0d; int p = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { String tem_invoice_sum = "invoice_sum" + i; String invoice_sum2 = request.getParameter(tem_invoice_sum); if (invoice_sum2.equals("")) invoice_sum2 = "0"; StringTokenizer tokenTO2 = new StringTokenizer(invoice_sum2, ","); String invoice_sum = ""; while (tokenTO2.hasMoreTokens()) { String invoice_sum1 = tokenTO2.nextToken(); invoice_sum += invoice_sum1; } if (!validata.validata(invoice_sum)) { p++; } } if (p == 0) { int n = 0; if (n == 0) { String sql8 = "select * from crm_order where order_id='" + reasonexact + "' and (invoice_check_tag='9' or invoice_check_tag='5') and which_time='" + which_time + "'"; ResultSet rs8 = crm_db.executeQuery(sql8); if ( { for (int j = 1; j <= num; j++) { String tem_details_number = "details_number" + j; String tem_id = "id" + j; String id = request.getParameter(tem_id); String details_number = request.getParameter(tem_details_number); } String product_ID_control1 = request.getParameter("product_ID1"); String subtotal_control1 = request.getParameter("invoiced_subtotal1"); double subtotal_control = Double.parseDouble(subtotal_control1); for (int j = 1; j <= num; j++) { invoiced_subtotal_sum = 0; String tem_details_number = "details_number" + j; String tem_product_name = "product_name" + j; String tem_product_ID = "product_ID" + j; String tem_subtotal = "subtotal" + j; String tem_invoice_sum = "invoice_sum" + j; String tem_invoiced_subtotal = "invoiced_subtotal" + j; String tem_remark = "remark" + j; String tem_id = "id" + j; String id = request.getParameter(tem_id); String product_name = request.getParameter(tem_product_name); String product_ID = request.getParameter(tem_product_ID); String details_number = request.getParameter(tem_details_number); String subtotal = request.getParameter(tem_subtotal); String invoiced_subtotal = request.getParameter(tem_invoiced_subtotal); String invoice_sum2 = request.getParameter(tem_invoice_sum); if (invoice_sum2.equals("")) invoice_sum2 = "0"; StringTokenizer tokenTO1 = new StringTokenizer(invoice_sum2, ","); String invoice_sum = ""; while (tokenTO1.hasMoreTokens()) { String invoice_sum1 = tokenTO1.nextToken(); invoice_sum += invoice_sum1; } String remark = request.getParameter(tem_remark); if (product_ID.equals(product_ID_control1)) { if (invoice_sum != null && Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum) != 0) { subtotal_control += Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum); invoiced_subtotal_sum_all += Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum); String sql1 = "update crm_ordering set reason='" + reason + "',customer_ID='" + customer_ID + "',customer_name='" + customer_name + "',real_customer_mailing_address='" + real_customer_mailing_address + "',real_contact_person='" + real_contact_person + "',real_contact_person_tel='" + real_contact_person_tel + "',real_contact_person_fax='" + real_contact_person_fax + "',real_invoice_time='" + real_invoice_time + "',real_invoice_type='" + real_invoice_type + "',register='" + register + "',register_ID='" + register_ID + "',register_time='" + register_time + "',product_ID='" + product_ID + "',product_name='" + product_name + "',invoice_sum='" + invoice_sum + "',remark='" + remark + "',invoice_group='" + invoice_group + "' where id='" + id + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql1); if (subtotal_control == Double.parseDouble(subtotal)) { String sql2 = "update crm_order_details set invoiced_subtotal='" + subtotal_control + "',invoice_tag='1' where order_ID='" + reasonexact + "' and details_number='" + details_number + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } else { String sql3 = "update crm_order_details set invoiced_subtotal='" + subtotal_control + "' where order_ID='" + reasonexact + "' and details_number='" + details_number + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql3); } } else if (Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum) == 0) { String sql7 = "delete from crm_ordering where id='" + id + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql7); } } else { if (invoice_sum != null && Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum) != 0) { product_ID_control1 = product_ID; subtotal_control = Double.parseDouble(invoiced_subtotal) + Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum); invoiced_subtotal_sum_all += Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum); String sql1 = "update crm_ordering set reason='" + reason + "',customer_ID='" + customer_ID + "',customer_name='" + customer_name + "',real_customer_mailing_address='" + real_customer_mailing_address + "',real_contact_person='" + real_contact_person + "',real_contact_person_tel='" + real_contact_person_tel + "',real_contact_person_fax='" + real_contact_person_fax + "',real_invoice_time='" + real_invoice_time + "',real_invoice_type='" + real_invoice_type + "',register='" + register + "',register_ID='" + register_ID + "',register_time='" + register_time + "',product_ID='" + product_ID + "',product_name='" + product_name + "',invoice_sum='" + invoice_sum + "',remark='" + remark + "',invoice_group='" + invoice_group + "' where id='" + id + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql1); if (subtotal_control == Double.parseDouble(subtotal)) { String sql2 = "update crm_order_details set invoiced_subtotal='" + subtotal_control + "',invoice_tag='1' where order_ID='" + reasonexact + "' and details_number='" + details_number + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } else { String sql3 = "update crm_order_details set invoiced_subtotal='" + subtotal_control + "' where order_ID='" + reasonexact + "' and details_number='" + details_number + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql3); } } else if (Double.parseDouble(invoice_sum) == 0) { String sql7 = "delete from crm_ordering where id='" + id + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql7); } } } String sql2 = "update crm_order set invoice_check_tag='2' where order_ID='" + reasonexact + "'"; crm_db.executeUpdate(sql2); response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/invoice_ok.jsp?finished_tag=2"); } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/invoice_ok.jsp?finished_tag=1"); } } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/invoice_ok_a.jsp?order_ID=" + reasonexact + ""); } } else { response.sendRedirect("draft/crm/invoice_ok_b.jsp?order_ID=" + reasonexact + ""); } crm_db.commit(); crm_db.close(); } else { response.sendRedirect("error_conn.htm"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpSession dbSession = request.getSession(); JspFactory _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); PageContext pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, "", true, 8192, true); ServletContext dbApplication = dbSession.getServletContext(); try { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); session = request.getSession(); counter count = new counter(dbApplication); ValidataNumber validata = new ValidataNumber(); ValidataRecord vr = new ValidataRecord(); ValidataTag vt = new ValidataTag(); getNameFromID getNameFromID = new getNameFromID(); getRateFromID getRateFromID = new getRateFromID(); nseer_db_backup1 purchase_db = new nseer_db_backup1(dbApplication); if (purchase_db.conn((String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"))) { String register_ID = (String) session.getAttribute("human_IDD"); String config_id = request.getParameter("config_id"); String discussion_ID = request.getParameter("discussion_ID"); String provider_ID = request.getParameter("provider_ID"); String provider_name = request.getParameter("provider_name"); String demand_contact_person = request.getParameter("demand_contact_person"); String demand_contact_person_tel = request.getParameter("demand_contact_person_tel"); String demand_contact_person_fax = request.getParameter("demand_contact_person_fax"); String demand_pay_time = request.getParameter("demand_pay_time"); String check_time = request.getParameter("check_time"); String checker = request.getParameter("checker"); String checker_ID = request.getParameter("checker_ID"); String bodyc = new String(request.getParameter("remark").getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); String remark = exchange.toHtml(bodyc); String modify_tag = request.getParameter("modify_tag"); String product_amount = request.getParameter("product_amount"); int num = Integer.parseInt(product_amount); int n = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { String tem_amount = "amount" + i; String tem_off_discount = "off_discount" + i; String tem_list_price = "list_price" + i; String amount = request.getParameter(tem_amount); String off_discount = request.getParameter(tem_off_discount); String list_price2 = request.getParameter(tem_list_price); StringTokenizer tokenTO2 = new StringTokenizer(list_price2, ","); String list_price = ""; while (tokenTO2.hasMoreTokens()) { String list_price1 = tokenTO2.nextToken(); list_price += list_price1; } if (!validata.validata(amount) || !validata.validata(off_discount) || !validata.validata(list_price)) { n++; } } String sql6 = "select id from purchase_workflow where object_ID='" + discussion_ID + "' and ((check_tag='0' and config_id<'" + config_id + "') or (check_tag='1' and config_id='" + config_id + "'))"; ResultSet rs6 = purchase_db.executeQuery(sql6); if (! { if (vt.validata( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "purchase_discussion", "discussion_ID", discussion_ID, "check_tag") .equals("0")) { if (n == 0) { String time = ""; java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); time = formatter.format(now); String sql = "update purchase_discussion set discussion_ID='" + discussion_ID + "',provider_ID='" + provider_ID + "',provider_name='" + provider_name + "',demand_contact_person='" + demand_contact_person + "',demand_contact_person_tel='" + demand_contact_person_tel + "',demand_contact_person_fax='" + demand_contact_person_fax + "',check_time='" + check_time + "',checker='" + checker + "',checker_ID='" + checker_ID + "',remark='" + remark + "' where discussion_ID='" + discussion_ID + "'"; purchase_db.executeUpdate(sql); try { int service_count = 0; int stock_number = 0; int pay_amount_sum = 0; double sale_price_sum = 0.0d; double cost_price_sum = 0.0d; double real_cost_price_sum = 0.0d; for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { String tem_product_name = "product_name" + i; String tem_product_ID = "product_ID" + i; String tem_product_describe = "product_describe" + i; String tem_amount = "amount" + i; String tem_off_discount = "off_discount" + i; String tem_list_price = "list_price" + i; String tem_cost_price = "cost_price" + i; String tem_real_cost_price = "real_cost_price" + i; String tem_amount_unit = "amount_unit" + i; String product_name = request.getParameter(tem_product_name); String product_ID = request.getParameter(tem_product_ID); String product_describe = request.getParameter(tem_product_describe); String amount1 = request.getParameter(tem_amount); String off_discount = request.getParameter(tem_off_discount); String list_price2 = request.getParameter(tem_list_price); StringTokenizer tokenTO2 = new StringTokenizer(list_price2, ","); String list_price = ""; while (tokenTO2.hasMoreTokens()) { String list_price1 = tokenTO2.nextToken(); list_price += list_price1; } String cost_price2 = request.getParameter(tem_cost_price); StringTokenizer tokenTO3 = new StringTokenizer(cost_price2, ","); String cost_price = ""; while (tokenTO3.hasMoreTokens()) { String cost_price1 = tokenTO3.nextToken(); cost_price += cost_price1; } String real_cost_price2 = request.getParameter(tem_real_cost_price); StringTokenizer tokenTO4 = new StringTokenizer(real_cost_price2, ","); String real_cost_price = ""; while (tokenTO4.hasMoreTokens()) { String real_cost_price1 = tokenTO4.nextToken(); real_cost_price += real_cost_price1; } String amount_unit = request.getParameter(tem_amount_unit); double amount = 0.0d; double subtotal = Double.parseDouble(list_price) * (1 - Double.parseDouble(off_discount) / 100) * Double.parseDouble(amount1); double cost_price_after_discount_sum = Double.parseDouble(cost_price) * Double.parseDouble(amount1); double real_cost_price_after_discount_sum = Double.parseDouble(real_cost_price) * Double.parseDouble(amount1); sale_price_sum += subtotal; cost_price_sum += cost_price_after_discount_sum; real_cost_price_sum += real_cost_price_after_discount_sum; double order_sale_bonus_subtotal = getRateFromID.getRateFromID( (String) dbSession.getAttribute("unit_db_name"), "design_file", "product_ID", product_ID, "order_sale_bonus_rate") * subtotal / 100; double order_profit_bonus_subtotal = 0.0d; String sql1 = "update purchase_discussion_details set product_ID='" + product_ID + "',product_name='" + product_name + "',product_describe='" + product_describe + "',list_price='" + list_price + "',amount='" + amount1 + "',cost_price='" + cost_price + "',off_discount='" + off_discount + "',subtotal='" + subtotal + "' where discussion_ID='" + discussion_ID + "' and details_number='" + i + "'"; purchase_db.executeUpdate(sql1); String product_type = ""; String sql16 = "select * from design_file where product_ID='" + product_ID + "'"; ResultSet rs16 = purchase_db.executeQuery(sql16); if ( { product_type = rs16.getString("type"); } if (product_type.equals("物料") || product_type.equals("外购商品")) { stock_number += 1; } else if (product_type.equals("商品") || product_type.equals("部件") || product_type.equals("委外部件")) { stock_number += 1; } else if (product_type.equals("服务型产品")) { service_count++; } } String sql2 = "update purchase_workflow set checker='" + checker + "',checker_ID='" + checker_ID + "',check_time='" + check_time + "',check_tag='1' where object_ID='" + discussion_ID + "' and config_id='" + config_id + "'"; purchase_db.executeUpdate(sql2); sql2 = "select id from purchase_workflow where object_ID='" + discussion_ID + "' and check_tag='0'"; ResultSet rset = purchase_db.executeQuery(sql2); if (! { sql2 = "update purchase_discussion set sale_price_sum='" + sale_price_sum + "',cost_price_sum='" + cost_price_sum + "',modify_tag='0',discussion_tag='1',discussion_status='等待',check_tag='1' where discussion_ID='" + discussion_ID + "'"; purchase_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } else { sql2 = "update purchase_discussion set sale_price_sum='" + sale_price_sum + "',cost_price_sum='" + cost_price_sum + "',modify_tag='0' where discussion_ID='" + discussion_ID + "'"; purchase_db.executeUpdate(sql2); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } response.sendRedirect( "purchase/discussion/check_choose_attachment.jsp?discussion_ID=" + discussion_ID + ""); } else { response.sendRedirect("purchase/discussion/check_ok.jsp?finished_tag=0"); } } else { response.sendRedirect("purchase/discussion/check_ok.jsp?finished_tag=1"); } } else { response.sendRedirect("purchase/discussion/check_ok.jsp?finished_tag=2"); } purchase_db.commit(); purchase_db.close(); } else { response.sendRedirect("error_conn.htm"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { response.setContentType("text/html"); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); // ��� �������� ������� ������ ������������� ����� true request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); String phoneToDelete = request.getParameter("phoneToDelete"); String currentName = request.getParameter("name"); // �������� ������ String newPrice = request.getParameter("finPrice"); // �������� ���� ������ String number = request.getParameter("number"); // ���������� ������ String phonesRequestLine = (String) session.getAttribute("phonesRequestLine"); StringTokenizer tok = null; iPhonePageBean[] iPhones = (iPhonePageBean[]) session.getAttribute("iPhones"); int summary = 0; // �������� ���� ������� boolean isNew = true; if (phonesRequestLine != null) { phonesRequestLine = rebuildStringWithException(phonesRequestLine, "null"); tok = new StringTokenizer(phonesRequestLine); } if (currentName != null && newPrice != null && number != null) if (isNumber(Integer.parseInt(number)) && isNumber(Integer.parseInt(newPrice))) { for (int i = 0; i < iPhones.length; ++i) if (iPhones[i].getName().equals(currentName)) { iPhones[i].setNumber(number); iPhones[i].setFinalPrice(newPrice); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < iPhones.length; ++i) if (!iPhones[i].getNumber().equals("0")) { isNew = false; break; } if (isNew) { while (tok.hasMoreElements()) { String temp = tok.nextToken(); for (int i = 0; i < iPhones.length; ++i) if (iPhones[i].getName().equals(temp)) { iPhones[i].setNumber("1"); summary += iPhones[i].getPrice(); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < iPhones.length; ++i) { summary += (Integer.parseInt(iPhones[i].getNumber()) * iPhones[i].getPrice()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (phoneToDelete != null && phonesRequestLine != null) { phonesRequestLine = rebuildStringWithException(phonesRequestLine, phoneToDelete); int tempID = idOfSpecPhone(iPhones, phoneToDelete); if (tempID >= 0) { summary = summary - (iPhones[tempID].getPrice() * Integer.parseInt(iPhones[tempID].getNumber())); } iPhones[tempID].setNumber("0"); session.setAttribute("phonesRequestLine", phonesRequestLine); } session.setAttribute("summary", summary); RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("cart.jsp?lang=" + (String) session.getAttribute("lang")); dispatcher.forward(request, response); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws Exception { LazyValidatorForm frm = (LazyValidatorForm) actionForm; LoginInfo loginInfo = (LoginInfo) httpServletRequest.getSession().getAttribute("loginInfo"); if (formCanceled(frm)) { return actionMapping.findForward(SUCCESS); } resetFocusControl(frm, CANCEL); ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages(); DocInvTransactionInfo inf = new DocInvTransactionInfo(); if (!formSaved(frm)) { setFormMode(frm, ((String) httpServletRequest.getParameter(BROWSE_ACTION))); setFormId(frm, (String) httpServletRequest.getParameter(BROWSE_ID)); try { short officeCode = loginInfo.getOfficeCode(); if (!loginInfo.userHasAccess(getFormId(frm), getFormMode(frm))) { if (isFormInModifyMode(frm) && loginInfo.userHasAccess(getFormId(frm), Constants.ActionType.ENQUERY)) { setFormMode(frm, Constants.ActionType.ENQUERY); } else { throw new Exception(INVALID_ACCESS); } } if (!isFormInAddMode(frm)) { String formKey = (String) httpServletRequest.getParameter(BROWSE_KEY); frm.set("formKey", formKey); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(formKey, Constants.DATA_SEPARATOR); officeCode = Short.parseShort(st.nextToken()); String eventType = st.nextToken(); String docType = st.nextToken(); String docSeri = st.nextToken().trim(); int docStartSrno = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); inf = Inventory.getDetails(officeCode, eventType, docType, docSeri, docStartSrno); frm.set(ASSIGN_DATE, DateUtils.revFormatDate(inf.getEventDate())); frm.set(DOC_SERI, inf.getDocSeri()); frm.set(DOC_START_SRNO, Integer.toString(inf.getDocStartSrno())); frm.set(DOC_END_SRNO, Integer.toString(inf.getDocEndSrno())); } if (isFormInAddMode(frm)) { frm.set(ASSIGN_DATE, DateUtils.fDateRevFormatted()); resetFocusControl(frm, DOC_SERI); } } catch (Exception ex) { addError(msgs, ex.getMessage()); saveErrors(httpServletRequest, msgs); } return actionMapping.findForward(EDIT); } else { String assignDate = ((String) frm.get(ASSIGN_DATE)).trim(); if (Utils.isEmpty(assignDate)) { addError(msgs, FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY, "تاريخ تخصيص"); setFocusControl(frm, ASSIGN_DATE); } else if (!DateUtils.isValidRevFormattedFDate(assignDate) || Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.unformatRevFormattedFdate(assignDate)) > Integer.parseInt(DateUtils.fDate())) { addError(msgs, FIELD_INVALID, "تاريخ تخصيص"); setFocusControl(frm, ASSIGN_DATE); } else { inf.setEventDate(DateUtils.unformatRevFormattedFdate(assignDate)); } inf.setOfficeCode(loginInfo.getOfficeCode()); inf.setEventType(Constants.EventType.ASSIGN); String docSeri = Utils.charVal2((String) frm.get(DOC_SERI)); if (Utils.isEmpty(docSeri)) { addError(msgs, FIELD_INVALID, "سري كارتهاي شناسايي"); setFocusControl(frm, DOC_SERI); } else { inf.setDocSeri(docSeri); frm.set(DOC_SERI, docSeri); } String docStartSrno = ((String) frm.get(DOC_START_SRNO)).trim(); if (Utils.isEmpty(docStartSrno)) { addError(msgs, FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY, "سريال شروع"); setFocusControl(frm, DOC_START_SRNO); } String docEndSrno = ((String) frm.get(DOC_END_SRNO)).trim(); if (Utils.isEmpty(docEndSrno)) { addError(msgs, FIELD_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY, "سريال خاتمه"); setFocusControl(frm, DOC_END_SRNO); } else { if (!Utils.isValidNumber(docStartSrno, 6) || !Utils.isValidNumber(docEndSrno, 6)) { addError(msgs, FIELD_INVALID, "محدوده سريال كارت شناسايي"); setFocusControl(frm, DOC_START_SRNO); } else { if (Integer.parseInt(docStartSrno) > Integer.parseInt(docEndSrno)) { addError(msgs, FIELD_INVALID, "محدوده سريال كارت شناسايي"); setFocusControl(frm, DOC_START_SRNO); } else { inf.setDocStartSrno(Integer.parseInt(docStartSrno)); inf.setDocEndSrno(Integer.parseInt(docEndSrno)); } } } inf.setMamoorId("9991"); inf.setUserId(loginInfo.getUserId()); inf.setDocType(Constants.DocType.ID_CARD_CENTRAL_BANK); if (!msgs.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(httpServletRequest, msgs); return actionMapping.findForward(EDIT); } resetFocusControl(frm, CANCEL); // Save Data try { String eventErrorCode = null; if (isFormInDeleteMode(frm)) { eventErrorCode = Inventory.deleteAssign(inf); } else { eventErrorCode = Inventory.addAssign(inf); } if (!Utils.isEmpty(eventErrorCode)) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(eventErrorCode, Constants.FIELD_SEPARATOR); int countErrorToken = st.countTokens(); for (int countError = 1; countError <= countErrorToken; countError++) { addError(msgs, st.nextToken()); } saveErrors(httpServletRequest, msgs); return actionMapping.findForward(EDIT); } else { httpServletRequest.setAttribute(BROWSE_KEY, inf.getKey()); return actionMapping.findForward(SUCCESS); } } catch (Exception ex) { resetFocusControl(frm, CANCEL); addError(msgs, ex.getMessage()); saveErrors(httpServletRequest, msgs); return actionMapping.findForward(EDIT); } } }
/** * Process an HTML get or post. * * @exception ServletException From inherited class. * @exception IOException From inherited class. */ public void scanOutXML( PrintWriter out, String strDirectory, String strFilename, String[] strPlus, String[] strMinus, boolean bExcludeParams, boolean bAnalyzeParams) throws IOException { File dir = new File(strDirectory + '/' + strFilename); if (dir.isDirectory()) return; try { FileReader is = new FileReader(strDirectory + '/' + strFilename); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(is); String string = null; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); Set setstrExtensions = new HashSet(); int iCount = 0; int iBytes = 0; while ((string = r.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(string, " \"", false); Data data = new Data(); int iTokenCount = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { iTokenCount++; string = st.nextToken(); if (iTokenCount == IP) data.m_IP = string; if (iTokenCount == URL) { if (bExcludeParams) if (string.indexOf('?') != -1) string = string.substring(0, string.indexOf('?')); if (bAnalyzeParams) if (string.indexOf('?') != -1) string = string.substring(string.indexOf('?') + 1); data.m_URL = string; } if (iTokenCount == PROTOCOL) if (!string.startsWith("HTTP")) { data.m_URL += " " + string; iTokenCount--; } if (iTokenCount == BYTES) data.m_iBytes = Integer.parseInt(string); } if (!this.filterURL(data.m_URL, strPlus, strMinus, setstrExtensions)) continue; iCount++; iBytes += data.m_iBytes; if (ht.get(data.m_URL) == null) ht.put(data.m_URL, data); else { int iThisBytes = data.m_iBytes; data = (Data) ht.get(data.m_URL); data.m_iCount++; data.m_iBytes += iThisBytes; } } Comparator comparator = new Test(); TreeMap tm = new TreeMap(comparator); Iterator iterator = ht.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Data data = (Data); tm.put(new Integer(data.m_iCount), data); } out.println("<file>"); this.printXML(out, "directory", strDirectory); this.printXML(out, "name", strFilename); iterator = tm.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { out.println("<data>"); Data data = (Data); this.printXML(out, "url", data.m_URL); this.printXML(out, "count", Integer.toString(data.m_iCount)); out.println("</data>"); } this.printXML(out, "hits", Integer.toString(iCount)); this.printXML(out, "bytes", Integer.toString(iBytes)); this.printXML(out, "unique", Integer.toString(tm.size())); iterator = setstrExtensions.iterator(); out.println("<extensions>"); while (iterator.hasNext()) { this.printXML(out, "extension", (String); } out.println("</extensions>"); out.println("</file>"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }