public void imprimirFactura() { PrinterMatrix printer = new PrinterMatrix(); // Extenso e = new Extenso(); // e.setNumber(101.85); // Definir el tamanho del papel para la impresion aca 25 lineas y 80 columnas printer.setOutSize(60, 80); // Imprimir * de la 2da linea a 25 en la columna 1; // printer.printCharAtLin(2, 25, 1, "*"); // Imprimir * 1ra linea de la columa de 1 a 80 printer.printCharAtCol(1, 1, 80, "="); // Imprimir Encabezado nombre del La EMpresa printer.printTextWrap(1, 2, 30, 80, "FACTURA DE VENTA"); // printer.printTextWrap(linI, linE, colI, colE, null); printer.printTextWrap(2, 3, 1, 22, "Num. Boleta : " + "0001"); printer.printTextWrap(2, 3, 25, 55, "Fecha de Emision: " + "15-02/2015"); printer.printTextWrap(2, 3, 60, 80, "Hora: 12:22:51"); printer.printTextWrap(3, 3, 1, 80, "Vendedor. : " + "VENNDD" + " - " + "DANIEL CAMACHO"); printer.printTextWrap(4, 4, 1, 80, "CLIENTE: " + "jUAN"); printer.printTextWrap(5, 5, 1, 80, "RUC/CI.: " + "12345687"); printer.printTextWrap(6, 6, 1, 80, "DIRECCION: " + ""); printer.printCharAtCol(7, 1, 80, "="); printer.printTextWrap( 7, 8, 1, 80, "Codigo Descripcion Cant. P P.Unit. P.Total"); printer.printCharAtCol(9, 1, 80, "-"); // int filas = tblVentas.getRowCount(); // for (int i = 0; i < filas; i++) { printer.printTextWrap(9 + i, 10, 1, 80, // tblVentas.getValueAt(i,0).toString()+"|"+tblVentas.getValueAt(i,1).toString()+"| // "+tblVentas.getValueAt(i,2).toString()+"| "+tblVentas.getValueAt(i,3).toString()+"|"+ // tblVentas.getValueAt(i,4).toString()); } if(filas > 15){ // printer.printCharAtCol(filas + 1, 1, 80, "="); // printer.printTextWrap(filas + 1, filas + 2, 1, 80, "TOTAL A PAGAR " + // txtVentaTotal.getText()); // printer.printCharAtCol(filas + 2, 1, 80, "="); // printer.printTextWrap(filas + 2, filas + 3, 1, 80, "Esta boleta no tiene valor fiscal, // solo para uso interno.: + Descripciones........"); // }else{ // printer.printCharAtCol(25, 1, 80, "="); // printer.printTextWrap(26, 26, 1, 80, "TOTAL A PAGAR " + txtVentaTotal.getText()); // printer.printCharAtCol(27, 1, 80, "="); // printer.printTextWrap(27, 28, 1, 80, "Esta boleta no tiene valor fiscal, solo para uso // interno.: + Descripciones........"); // // } printer.toFile("impresion.txt"); FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream("impresion.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (inputStream == null) { return; } DocFlavor docFormat = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE; Doc document = new SimpleDoc(inputStream, docFormat, null); PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); PrintService defaultPrintService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); if (defaultPrintService != null) { DocPrintJob printJob = defaultPrintService.createPrintJob(); try { printJob.print(document, attributeSet); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.err.println("No existen impresoras instaladas"); } // inputStream.close(); }
@Override public void print(PrintService prserv, String sFilename, PrintRequestAttributeSet aset) throws PrintException, IOException { InputStream fis = null; try { DocPrintJob pj = prserv.createPrintJob(); fis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sFilename)); pj.print( new SimpleDoc(fis, DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE, null), (PrintRequestAttributeSet) aset); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PrintException(e.getMessage()); } finally { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } } }
public void print(String printer, byte[] bytes, String type) throws ReportException { try { PrintService printService; DocPrintJob job; DocFlavor fl; Doc doc; DocAttributeSet das = new HashDocAttributeSet(); Object printObject; if (type == null || type.length() == 0) { fl = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE; printObject = bytes; } else if (type.equals(DocumentTypes.APPLICATION_PDF.toString())) { fl = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE; printObject = bytes; } else if (type.equals(DocumentTypes.TEXT_XML.toString())) { fl = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE; printObject = bytes; } else {"Unknown type: " + type); fl = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE; printObject = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } if (printer != null && printer.equals(NO_PRINTER)) {"Won't print. Printer: " + printer); return; } if (printer == null || printer.length() == 0 || printer.equals(DEFAULT_PRINTER)) { printService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); } else { try { printService = getNamedPrintService(fl, printer); } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Printer cannot be selected"); } } if (printService == null) {"printer not found: " + printer); throw new ReportException(ReportExceptionKey.PRINT_FAILED, printer); } doc = new SimpleDoc(printObject, fl, das); job = printService.createPrintJob(); PrintJobWatcher watcher = null; if (fl instanceof DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM) { watcher = new PrintJobWatcher(job); } job.print(doc, null); if (watcher != null) { watcher.waitForDone(); ((InputStream) printObject).close(); } } catch (PrintException ex) { log.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new ReportException(ReportExceptionKey.PRINT_FAILED, printer); } catch (Throwable ex) { log.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new ReportException(ReportExceptionKey.PRINT_FAILED, printer); } }
public static void startPrinting( IApplication application, Pageable pageable, PrinterJob a_printerJob, String a_preferredPrinterName, boolean showPrinterSelectDialog, boolean avoidDialogs) { RepaintManager currentManager = RepaintManager.currentManager(application.getPrintingRendererParent().getParent()); boolean isDoubleBufferingEnabled = false; try { if (currentManager != null) { isDoubleBufferingEnabled = currentManager.isDoubleBufferingEnabled(); } if (a_printerJob != null) { // for plugin printing a_printerJob.setPageable(pageable); a_printerJob.setJobName("Servoy Print"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (showPrinterSelectDialog) { if (!a_printerJob.printDialog()) { return; } SwingHelper.dispatchEvents(100); // hide dialog } if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false); } a_printerJob.print(); } else { // by default we use old system for mac, new is not always working boolean useSystemPrintDialog = Utils.getAsBoolean( application .getSettings() .getProperty( "useSystemPrintDialog", "" + Utils.isAppleMacOS())); // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PAGEABLE; PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); if (capablePrintServices == null) { capablePrintServices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, pras); } PrintService service = null; if (capablePrintServices == null || capablePrintServices.length == 0) { if (avoidDialogs) { Debug.warn("Cannot find capable print services. Print aborted."); return; } else { JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( ((ISmartClientApplication) application).getMainApplicationFrame(), application.getI18NMessage("servoy.print.msg.noPrintersFound"), application.getI18NMessage( "servoy.print.printing.title"), //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ JOptionPane.OK_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); capablePrintServices = new PrintService[0]; showPrinterSelectDialog = true; // must show select printer and if none found show this useSystemPrintDialog = true; // we leave to system to show no printers are found, important for apple mac } } else { service = capablePrintServices[0]; // default select } PrintService systemDefaultPrinter = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); if (systemDefaultPrinter != null) { // check if system default printer is in capable list for (PrintService ps : capablePrintServices) { if (ps.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(systemDefaultPrinter.getName())) { service = systemDefaultPrinter; break; } } } boolean didFindPrinter = true; // want custom preferred printer if (a_preferredPrinterName != null) { didFindPrinter = false; for (PrintService ps : capablePrintServices) { if (ps.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(a_preferredPrinterName)) { didFindPrinter = true; service = ps; break; } } } if (!didFindPrinter) { if (avoidDialogs) { Debug.warn( "Cannot find capable printer for preferred form printer name '" + a_preferredPrinterName + "'. Trying to use default/any capable printer."); } else { showPrinterSelectDialog = true; // did not found the prefered , do show } } if (!useSystemPrintDialog) { if (showPrinterSelectDialog) { JFrame frame = ((ISmartClientApplication) application).getMainApplicationFrame(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = frame.getGraphicsConfiguration(); Point loc = frame.getLocation(); service = ServiceUI.printDialog( gc, loc.x + 50, loc.y + 50, capablePrintServices, service, flavor, pras); } if (service != null) { if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false); } DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob(); DocAttributeSet das = new HashDocAttributeSet(); Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(pageable, flavor, das); if (job != null) { job.print(doc, pras); } else { // for example if the print service cancels (e.g. print to pdf and then user cancel // when choosing save location) application.reportWarning( application.getI18NMessage( "servoy.print.error.cannotPrintDocument")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } else { a_printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); a_printerJob.setPageable(pageable); a_printerJob.setJobName("Servoy Print"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (service != null) { a_printerJob.setPrintService(service); } if (showPrinterSelectDialog) { if (!a_printerJob.printDialog()) { return; } SwingHelper.dispatchEvents(100); // hide dialog } if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(false); } a_printerJob.print(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { application.reportError( application.getI18NMessage("servoy.print.error.cannotPrintDocument"), ex); // $NON-NLS-1$ } finally { if (currentManager != null) { currentManager.setDoubleBufferingEnabled(isDoubleBufferingEnabled); } } }
/* * Metodo que imprime directamente en una impresra byte */ public void printExtra(CexAgenda turno) throws IOException { // FileInputStream inputStream = null; InputStream tex = null; SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); String fecha = sf.format(turno.getCagFecha()); SimpleDateFormat sfHora = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); String hora = ""; String te2; if (turno.getCagHora() != null) { hora = sfHora.format(turno.getCagHora()); } String impresora = "SIN IMPRESORA"; PrintService impresora11 = null; try { // inputStream = new FileInputStream("e:/archivo.txt"); String cadena = "************************************* \n\n" + "RESPONSABLE: " + turno.getCagNombreUsuario() + " \n" + "FECHA: " + fecha + " \n" + turno.getCagNombreInstitucion() + "\n" + turno .getCexHorariosDia() .getCexHorario() .getCexEspecialidadMedico() .getCexEspecialidad() .getCesNombre() + "\n" + "NÚMERO CARPETA: " + turno.getHosReferencia() != null ? turno.getHosReferencia().getCexHistoriaInstitucion().getCicNumeroCarpeta() : turno.getCexHistoriaInstitucion().getCicNumeroCarpeta() + "\n" + "CÉDULA: " + turno.getHosReferencia() != null ? turno .getHosReferencia() .getCexHistoriaInstitucion() .getCexHistoriaClinica() .getChcCedula() : turno.getCexHistoriaInstitucion().getCexHistoriaClinica().getChcCedula() + "\n" + "TURNO: " + turno.getCagSecuencia() + "\t HORA: " + hora + " \n" + "MEDICO: " + turno .getCexHorariosDia() .getCexHorario() .getCexEspecialidadMedico() .getAdmMedico() .getAmeNombreFull() + "\n" + "PACIENTE: " + turno.getHosReferencia() != null ? turno .getHosReferencia() .getCexHistoriaInstitucion() .getCexHistoriaClinica() .getChcNombreFull() : turno.getCexHistoriaInstitucion().getCexHistoriaClinica().getChcNombreFull() + "\n" + "******* TURNO EXTRA ********\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "SE RECOMIENDA ESTAR 30 MIN ANTES\n" + " DE LA HORA ESPECIFICADA\n" + "\n"; te2 = converteCaracter(cadena); tex = new ByteArrayInputStream(te2.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.error("printExtra() {} ", e.getMessage()); } if (tex == null) { return; } DocFlavor docFormat = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE; Doc document = new SimpleDoc(tex, docFormat, null); PrintRequestAttributeSet attributeSet = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); for (AdmDatosGlobales datoGlobal : listaImpresorasturnos) { if (user.getIp().equals(datoGlobal.getClave())) { impresora = datoGlobal.getValor(); break; } } // PrintService impresora11 = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(); PrintService[] printService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null); for (PrintService printService1 : printService) { if (printService1.getName().equals(impresora)) { impresora11 = printService1; } } if (impresora11 != null) { DocPrintJob printJob = impresora11.createPrintJob(); try { printJob.print(document, attributeSet); } catch (PrintException e) { log.error("printExtra() {} ", e.getMessage()); } } else { log.error("No existen impresoras instaladas"); } tex.close(); }
public void print_labels(PrintService psZebra, int row, boolean glued) { try { IDColumn column = (IDColumn) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 0); KeyNamePair knp_product = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 3); KeyNamePair knp_att = (KeyNamePair) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 11); MVMRDiscountAppliDetail detail = new MVMRDiscountAppliDetail(Env.getCtx(), column.getRecord_ID(), null); int cantidadEtiquetas = ((Number) xProductTable.getValueAt(row, 6)).intValue(); MProduct producto = new MProduct(Env.getCtx(), knp_product.getKey(), null); String name = producto.getName(); /* * Caracteristica larga * */ X_XX_VMR_LongCharacteristic caracLarga = new X_XX_VMR_LongCharacteristic( Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_LongCharacteristic_ID(), null); X_M_AttributeSet attrSet = new X_M_AttributeSet(Env.getCtx(), producto.getM_AttributeSet_ID(), null); DecimalFormat formato = new DecimalFormat(".##"); // String attr = "AMARILLO T=G "; // "CHEMISE CABALLERO " X_XX_VMR_Department dep = new X_XX_VMR_Department(Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_Department_ID(), null); String departmentCode = dep.getValue(); X_XX_VMR_Line lin = new X_XX_VMR_Line(Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_Line_ID(), null); String lineCode = lin.getValue(); X_XX_VMR_Section sec = new X_XX_VMR_Section(Env.getCtx(), producto.getXX_VMR_Section_ID(), null); String seccionCode = sec.getValue(); String precio = formato.format(detail.getXX_PriceBeforeDiscount()); MVMRDiscountRequest headerDiscount = new MVMRDiscountRequest(Env.getCtx(), detail.getXX_VMR_DiscountRequest_ID(), null); MWarehouse tienda = new MWarehouse(Env.getCtx(), headerDiscount.getM_Warehouse_ID(), null); X_XX_VMR_PriceConsecutive consecutivoViejo = new X_XX_VMR_PriceConsecutive(Env.getCtx(), detail.getXX_VMR_PriceConsecutive_ID(), null); // Debo buscar semana, mes y año de la fecha de creacion del consecutivo Date date = (Date) consecutivoViejo.getCreated(); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(date); int mes = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int año = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int semana = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); BigDecimal impuesto = new BigDecimal(0); if (producto.getC_TaxCategory_ID() != 0) { String sql_rate = " SELECT (RATE) FROM C_TAX " + " WHERE C_TaxCategory_ID= " + producto.getC_TaxCategory_ID() + " AND ValidFrom <= to_date('" + date.toString().substring(0, 10) + "','yyyy-mm-dd')" + " and rownum = 1 " + " order by ValidFrom desc "; try { PreparedStatement prst_tax = DB.prepareStatement(sql_rate, null); ResultSet rs_tax = prst_tax.executeQuery(); if ( { impuesto = rs_tax.getBigDecimal(1).divide(new BigDecimal(100), 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } rs_tax.close(); prst_tax.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("error al calcular el impuesto"); } } String product_plus_correlative = "" + producto.getValue() + consecutivoTostring(consecutivoViejo.getXX_PriceConsecutive()); String s = ""; DocPrintJob job = psZebra.createPrintJob(); if (impuesto.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) > 0) { precio = formato.format( (detail .getXX_PriceBeforeDiscount() .add((detail.getXX_PriceBeforeDiscount()).multiply(impuesto))) .setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)); s = "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH07,02^FS\n" + "^FO10,03^BE,25,N^BY3, 0.5,45^FD" + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,62^AA,15,12^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "-" + product_plus_correlative + " ^FS\n" + "^FO10,82^AA,20,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n"; if (!attrSet.getName().isEmpty() && attrSet.get_ID() != Env.getCtx().getContextAsInt("#XX_L_P_ATTRIBUTESETST_ID")) { s = s + "^FO10,97^AA,20,10^FD" + (attrSet.getName().length() > 30 ? attrSet.getName().substring(0, 29) : attrSet.getName()) + "^FS\n"; } else if (caracLarga != null && caracLarga.getName() != null && !caracLarga.getName().isEmpty()) { s = s + "^FO10,97^AA,20,10^FD" + (caracLarga.getName().length() > 30 ? caracLarga.getName().substring(0, 29) : caracLarga.getName()) + "^FS\n"; } s = s + "^FO10,116^AA,14,10^FDPRECIO BS^FS\n" + "^FO10,170^AB,11,07^FDRIF J-00046517-7 Incluye IVA " + impuesto.multiply(new BigDecimal(100)) + "%^FS\n" + "^FO10,153^AB,11,07^CI10^FD" + semana + " " + mes + " " + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,138^AA,11,09^FDBsF.^FS\n" + "^FO35,136^AB,11,07^CI10^FD " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^PQ" + cantidadEtiquetas + "^FS\n" + "^XZ\n" + // Control label "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH00,15^FS\n" + "^FO2,5^AD,38,10^FD*CONTROL* " + semana + " " + mes + "" + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,45^A0,30,07^FD TDA: " + tienda.getValue() + "^FS\n" + "^FO28,48^A0,15,14^FDCANT: " + cantidadEtiquetas + " PRECIO " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,95^A0,18,10^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "- " + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,120^A0,18,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,140^A0,18,10^FD ^FS\n" + "^PQ1^FS\n" + "^XZ"; } else { s = "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH07,02^FS\n" + "^FO10,03^BE,25,N^BY3, 0.5,45^FD" + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,62^AA,15,12^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "-" + product_plus_correlative + " ^FS\n" + "^FO10,82^AA,20,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,97^AA,20,10^FD ^FS\n" + "^FO10,116^AA,14,10^FDPRECIO BS^FS\n" + "^FO10,170^AB,11,07^FDRIF J-00046517-7 Exento de Iva%^FS\n" + "^FO10,153^AB,11,07^CI10^FD" + semana + " " + mes + " " + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO10,138^AA,11,09^FDBsF.^FS\n" + "^FO35,136^AB,11,07^CI10^FD " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^PQ" + cantidadEtiquetas + "^FS\n" + "^XZ\n" + // Control label "^XA^PRD^XZ\n" + "^XA^JMA^\n" + "^LH00,15^FS\n" + "^FO2,5^AD,38,10^FD*CONTROL* " + semana + " " + mes + "" + año + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,45^A0,30,07^FD TDA: " + tienda.getValue() + "^FS\n" + "^FO28,48^A0,15,14^FDCANT: " + cantidadEtiquetas + " PRECIO " + precio + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,95^A0,18,10^FD" + departmentCode + "-" + lineCode + "-" + seccionCode + "- " + product_plus_correlative + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,120^A0,18,10^FD" + name + "^FS\n" + "^FO05,140^A0,18,10^FD ^FS\n" + "^PQ1^FS\n" + "^XZ"; } byte[] by = s.getBytes(); DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY.AUTOSENSE; Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(by, flavor, null); job.print(doc, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }