   * Delete a term document
   * @param pictureId
   * @param conf
   * @throws IOException
  public static void delete(UUID pictureId, IndexWriterConfig conf) throws IOException {

    /* create term to delete document */
    Term term = new Term(DocumentBuilder.FIELD_NAME_IDENTIFIER, pictureId.toString());

    for (FeatureEnumerate f : FeatureEnumerate.values()) {
      deleteFromFeature(pictureId, term, f.getText(), conf);
   * Search a picture
   * @param imageBytes
   * @param maxHits
   * @param feature
   * @param pictures
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  public static List<LirePictureSortable> search(
      byte[] imageBytes, int maxHits, FeatureEnumerate feature, List<LirePictureSortable> pictures)
      throws IOException {
    File path = getPath(feature.getText());
    log.debug("reading from indexed path " + path.getAbsolutePath());
    List<LirePictureSortable> result = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
      IndexReader ir = DirectoryReader.open(FSDirectory.open(path));
      ImageSearcher searcher = new GenericFastImageSearcher(maxHits, feature.getValueClass());

      // searching with a image file ...
      InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes);

      ImageSearchHits hits = searcher.search(in, ir);

      float score = 0.0F;
      for (int i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) {
        score = hits.score(i);
        LirePictureSortable lp =
            new LirePictureSortable(

        /* check is its a picture was repeated by picture UUID */
        if (pictures.contains(lp)) {
          lp = pictures.get(pictures.indexOf(lp));
          lp.addDescriptor(feature, score);
        } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return result;