public void insertScreenshot( boolean replace, String fileName, String desc, String attachments, String template) { String s = "Screenshot " + fileName; if (desc != null && !desc.trim().equals("")) { s += " " + ScreenshotCommand.PARAM_DESC + "=\"" + Utils.escapeUnescapedDoubleQuotes(desc) + "\""; } if (attachments != null && !attachments.trim().equals("")) { s += " " + ScreenshotCommand.PARAM_ATTACH + "=\"" + Utils.escapeUnescapedDoubleQuotes(attachments) + "\""; } if (template != null && !template.trim().equals("")) { s += " " + ScreenshotCommand.PARAM_TEMPLATE + "=\"" + Utils.escapeUnescapedDoubleQuotes(template) + "\""; } insertLine(s, replace, isEnabled(), false); }
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { if (debug) { System.out.println( "--- RecordingModule: key typed = " + e + "\n > Key char->int = " + (int) e.getKeyChar()); System.out.println(" -- isActionKey() = " + e.isActionKey()); System.out.println(" -- isISOControl() = " + Character.isISOControl(e.getKeyChar())); System.out.println(" -- isWhitespace() = " + Character.isWhitespace(e.getKeyChar())); } if (isKeyReserved(e)) { return; } if (enabled && !readOnly && lastKeyPressEvent != null) { if (enableKeyboard) { boolean replace = false; String text = ""; if (isControl(e)) { if (lastKeyPressEvent.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { // Change the Type cmd prior to Typeline if the delay from the last type key is less // than 1 sec if (useTypeline && e.getModifiers() == 0 && lastElement != null) { String s = DocumentUtils.getElementText(lastElement); if (s.startsWith("Type ") && (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInsertTime) < typelineDelay) { replace = true; text = s.replaceFirst("Type", "Typeline"); } } } if ("".equals(text)) { int count = 1; KeyEvent e2; long lastEventTime = e.getWhen(); // We go through the vector of events and check whether there are events corresponding // to a typed text. for (int i = 0; i < events.size() && events.get(i) instanceof KeyEvent; i++) { e2 = (KeyEvent) events.get(i); if (e.getID() == e2.getID() && e.getKeyChar() == e2.getKeyChar() && e.getKeyCode() == e2.getKeyCode() && e.getModifiers() == e2.getModifiers() && (lastEventTime - e2.getWhen() < keyMutiDelay)) { count++; replace = true; lastEventTime = e2.getWhen(); } else { break; } } text = "Press "; // String modifiers = KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(e.getModifiers()); String modifiers = parser.modifiersToString(e.getModifiers()); if (!"".equals(modifiers)) { text += modifiers + "+"; } String charText = KeyEvent.getKeyText(lastKeyPressEvent.getKeyCode()); if (charText == null) { charText = "<unknown>"; } text += charText; if (count > 1) { text += " " + PressCommand.PARAM_COUNT + "=" + count; } if (debug) { System.out.println("--- RecordingModule: Inserting '" + text + "'"); } } } else { text = "" + e.getKeyChar(); KeyEvent e2; // We go through the vector of events and check whether there are events corresponding to // a typed text. for (int i = 0; i < events.size() && events.get(i) instanceof KeyEvent; i++) { e2 = (KeyEvent) events.get(i); if (!isControl(e2) && !e2.isActionKey()) { text = e2.getKeyChar() + text; replace = true; } else { break; } } text = "Type \"" + Utils.escapeUnescapedDoubleQuotes(text) + "\""; } // Insert the command to the current editor insertLine(text, replace, true, false); } insertEvent(e); } }